Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 547: Kendozi, the old ape

Chapter 547 Kendaozi, the old ape

 “Are you kidding me? I will worry about my apprentice?”

Ken Daozi curled his lips and said angrily: "The one I am least worried about is my apprentice!"

“Even if I’m afraid, it’s because I’m afraid that my apprentice will **** all the geniuses of your colleges, and that the three major colleges of yours will come to settle accounts with me!”

 “Haha, Kendozi, you are really good at blowing!”

The old ape rolled his eyes, and then he smiled and said: "How about this, let's make a bet!"

"If your apprentice wins the treasure, then I will give you 50 million Galaxy coins! If the genius of our Demon God College wins the treasure, then you will give me 50 million Galaxy coins! If it is obtained by the other two colleges, then forget it Let’s make it even! What do you think?”

Jian Daozi sneered: "Monkey, do you really think I'm stupid? Do you think it's fair to make a bet between the genius of your demon seminary and my disciple?"

 “Hahahaha... Kendaozi, it turns out you have so little confidence in my apprentice!”

The old ape grinned, covered his stomach, and laughed.

However, Kendaozi remained unmoved and said calmly: "It's useless for you to provoke me. I will not accept an unfair bet."

The old ape pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "In that case, let's change the betting method! I will only bet with your apprentice!"

 “Are you going to bet your apprentice against me?”

Jian Daozi raised his eyebrows and asked.

“Of course not!” The old ape man chuckled and said, “I’ll bet you on that guy Li Tianran!”

“Li Tianran? Old man Li’s son?”

Jian Daozi frowned and began to hesitate.

As the son of the dean of the Demonic Seminary, he has certainly heard of Li Tianran's name.

Moreover, even if this halo is removed, Li Tianran can definitely be called a genius on an equal footing with Feng Chumo!

 “What? Are you scared?”

The old ape bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Why don't you just admit that you are a coward! Anyway, you are an old boy who doesn't know how to be embarrassed!"

 “Give in? Who said I’m going to give in?”

 Ken Daozi snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "The disciples I trained think they can't lose to anyone of their age! Isn't it just 50 million Galaxy coins? I'll make a bet with you!"

 “Hahaha, then I’ll just wait to collect the money!”

Seeing Ken Daozi agreeing, a scheming smile appeared on the old man's face. He was obviously extremely confident in Li Tianran's strength, and therefore believed that this bet was already a sure thing!


Soon, one after another, the monks were teleported out of the secret realm and appeared outside the Broken Star Ring.

 Among these monks, some may have gained a lot, and some may have gained nothing.

 Most of the casual cultivators left directly after being teleported from the secret realm.

As for the talented students, they are still waiting where they are, waiting for the guards of the academy to count their numbers and bring them back to the school.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared outside the star ring.


The figure that was teleported out was none other than Li Chaoge.

After being teleported out of the secret realm, he first saw Kendaozi standing on the star ring, and immediately flew up, wanting to say hello to his master.

"How is it? Is the harvest from this trip... not big?" Although Li Chaoge was only a named disciple of his, Jian Daozi still smiled and nodded, and asked with concern.

Li Chaoge nodded and said, "This disciple has gained a lot from this trip to the secret realm."

"That's good!"

Jian Daozi stroked his beard lightly and continued to ask: "I wonder who in this secret realm has captured the treasure above the holy star?"

 “The disciples don’t know.”

Li Chaoge shook his head and spoke straightforwardly.

Faced with Jian Daozi's inquiry, he directly concealed the news about Lin Yuan's final acquisition of the divine text.

"Don't know? Didn't you just come out of the secret realm? How could you not know?"

The old ape man came up with a curious look on his face, obviously also very curious about the whereabouts of the divine text.

Li Chaoge spoke softly and explained: "Because there were too many monks competing for the treasured divine inscriptions, the disciples only witnessed the emergence of the treasured divine inscriptions and did not continue to compete!"

 “He is a wise man who protects himself wisely.”

 The old ape man smiled cheerfully and praised Li Chaoge.

 Then, Jian Daozi asked again: "Then have you seen your senior brother Feng Chumo?"


Li Chaoge pondered for a moment, and finally answered: "If nothing else happens, senior brother will be able to come out of the secret realm after a while."

Hearing this, Kendaozi couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

Li Chaoge said that he didn't know who had captured the treasured sacred text, and at the same time said that Feng Chumo would be coming out soon.

 When these two are combined, doesn't it mean that... Feng Chumo still failed to obtain the most precious divine text?

“Hahahaha, old man Jian, it seems that your apprentice still didn’t meet your expectations after all!”

The old ape laughed unceremoniously and said: "I advise you to prepare for the worst in advance and prepare for the 50 million you will lose to me!"


Hearing this, Kendaozi couldn't help but snorted, but in the end he didn't say anything more.

 After all, judging from the current situation, it is indeed the old ape who has the upper hand!

 Feng Chumo has already confirmed that he has not obtained the most precious divine text, but Li Tianran still has some chance!

Li Chaoge on the side was completely confused and had no idea what the two of them were talking about.

If he knew about the bet between Kendozi and the old ape, he would definitely laugh out loud!

It is true that Feng Chumo did not win the sacred treasure, but at least he was not directly beaten and seriously injured like Li Tianran...

Moreover, it seems that this is not the first time Li Tianran has been injured. In the battle with Feng Chumo, he was also seriously injured by the latter's Ten Thousand Swords Guiyuan.

If you insist on speaking, Li Tianran’s trip to the secret realm was either being beaten or on the way to being beaten...

Subsequently, about twenty or thirty breaths later, Feng Chumo's figure finally appeared outside the Broken Star Ring!


After Feng Chumo glanced around and saw Jian Daozi, he hurried over and bowed his hands.

Looking at his disciple who had devoted countless efforts, Ken Daozi wanted to blame him, but he couldn't say it out loud, so he could only sigh slightly in his heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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