Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 548: Collect all the pieces of the Samsara Eye!

Chapter 548 Collect the fragments of the Samsara Eye!

 “It’s okay if it’s okay, it’s okay if it’s okay.”

Jian Daozi patted his apprentice on the shoulder and asked, "How is it? Did you gain anything from this trip to the secret realm?"

Feng Chumo pondered for a moment, and then nodded with great determination: "I have gained a lot! I... competed with many geniuses in it, and I also realized my shortcomings."

"The road to becoming stronger is still very long. From now on, I will always remember that there are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the sky!"

 Hearing what Feng Chumo said, Jian Daozi was slightly surprised.

You must know that my apprentice is notoriously arrogant. How could he suddenly say such a thing?

  Could it be that he was hit by someone else in this secret realm of the sea of ​​stars?

At this moment, the old ape man on the side also came over and said with a smile: "Kendaozi, although you are not very good yourself, the disciple you taught is really a talented person!"

Hearing the compliments of the old ape man, Kendaozi couldn't help but feel a little proud: "Huh, don't even look at who taught you this disciple!"

 “Haha, I just complimented your apprentice a few times, and you really got out of breath!”

Then, the old ape turned his head, looked at Feng Chumo, and asked calmly: "Boy, have you ever met the genius of our Demon God Academy in this secret realm of the sea of ​​stars?"

Feng Chumo nodded and said, "I met a man named Li Tianran."

As soon as he heard Li Tianran's name, the old ape suddenly became interested and quickly asked, "How is Mr. Li?"

“When I met him before, I had a sparring match with him and injured him with Wanjian Guiyuan.”

 Feng Chumo thought for a moment and answered truthfully.

 For a moment, Kendaozi and the old man Ape were both stunned on the spot.

 This boy...has actually competed with Li Tianran, and even defeated him? !

 Hearing these words, the old ape's face suddenly became ugly.

And Ken Daozi almost suppressed his laughter and suffered internal injuries!

This boy really makes himself look good!

Although he failed to obtain the treasured divine text in the end, he still gave Li Tianran a solid beating!

In this way, no matter whether Li Tianran wins the divine oracle in the end, he will definitely be one head shorter than his apprentice!

Now Kendozi doesn't care about the content of the bet at all, and he is very proud in his heart!

 The face of the old ape man on the other side has turned purple, and there is a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

 Li Tianran lost?

How can this be!

You must know that Li Tianran's strength, as the teacher of the academy, is very clear. He is a ruthless person who can sweep the entire Demon God Academy!

 Could it be said that this kid trained by Kendaozi is really that strong?

He is actually so strong that even Li Tianran cannot match him!

"How is it? Old Man Yuan, my disciple...isn't bad?"

Kendozi gently stroked his beard and spoke cheerfully, his face full of contentment.


The old ape man obviously couldn't stand his complacent behavior. He snorted disdainfully and did not respond.

 At this moment, another familiar figure appeared outside the Broken Star Ring!

This figure is none other than the Li Tianran they were talking about earlier!

Li Tianran appeared in front of them, his body covered with bloodstains, his face extremely pale, and even his own energy was quite disordered, giving people the feeling that he might collapse at any time.

 “Ape Master.”

After seeing the old ape man, Li Tianran grinned and stood beside him calmly.

 “ could you be so seriously injured?!”

Looking at the pale and disordered Li Tianran, the old ape frowned and quickly took out a holy healing medicine from his arms and fed it into the former's mouth to help him regulate his energy.

Then, the old ape turned his head and said rather dissatisfied: "Sword Daozi, your apprentice's attack is too ruthless, isn't it? After all, it should be considered because of Old Man Li's thin face. , It’s better to hold back for a while!”

“If Li Tianran is injured this time and damages the foundation of his practice, his future will be ruined!”

The old ape was angry and annoyed, and even his tone couldn't help but become a little irritable.

However, Jian Daozi was dissatisfied and said: "Old man Yuan, what are you yelling at me here? In the secret realm, life and death are determined. If he is not even mentally prepared for this, then why don't you send him in to do it? very!"


 The old ape man was blocked by these words and was speechless for a moment.

However, at this moment, Li Tianran spoke: "Master Ape, Senior Jian is right. Now that I have entered the secret realm, I am ready to fight to the death, no matter whose hands I die in." , it’s not an injustice…”

Jian Daozi smiled and said: "Old man Yuan, look at it, even this young man is much more sensible than you!"

At this time, Li Tianran slowly said the second half of the sentence: "Besides, these injuries on my body were not caused by Feng Chumo."


 After Li Tianran said these words, both Jian Daozi and the old man Ape looked puzzled.

Even the ghost eyes and the old man in white robes on the side looked over, obviously they had been observing the situation here.

Furthermore, they are also quite curious about what kind of opponent has the strength to injure Li Tianran to such a degree.

 After Li Tianran finished speaking, Feng Chumo also added: "It is indeed not me. The discussion between Brother Li and I happened dozens of days ago."

“Furthermore, with my strength, I’m only slightly better than Brother Li at best, and I still can’t injure him to such a severe degree.”

 Ken Daozi and the old ape looked at each other, and both asked in confusion: "Then who were you injured by?"

 “A casual cultivator named Arturo.”

Li Tianran pursed his lips and said in a calm tone: "Although this guy is a casual cultivator, he is extremely powerful. I am no match for him. I was defeated by him in the end. Fortunately, I survived. Only with one life can I survive.”

 After Li Tianran said these words, the four guardians of the four colleges were all shocked!

The person who severely injured Li Tianran was not the genius of the other three colleges, but a mere casual cultivator? ! After learning the news, the four guardians were not only shocked, but also shocked!

In the secret realm of the Star Sea that was opened this time, there are actually such powerful casual cultivators? !

 Subsequently, Feng Chumo nodded and said, "That casual cultivator is indeed very powerful, but... after all, he is still not invincible."

“So, in the process of fighting for the divine text, he was still killed.”

“And the person who killed him was also a casual cultivator!”

Hearing this, the four guardians all took a breath!

 Oh my god...what is going on? !

 When the Star Sea Secret Realm was opened in the past, there had never been so many rogue cultivators with incredible strength!

 Even, in their subconscious, some kind of cognition has been formed.

That is, the only ones qualified to compete for the Holy Star Treasure are the monks from their four major colleges!

No one expected that a situation like this would arise.

Then, Jian Daozi asked eagerly: "So that means that the divine inscription ended up... falling into the hands of that casual cultivator?"

Facing Jian Daozi's question, Feng Chumo nodded unequivocally to show his acquiescence.

Li Tianran on the side said the person's name straightforwardly: "The casual cultivator who finally won the treasure is a cultivator named 'Lin Yuan'. He is very strong, so strong. I am convinced by him, so... in the following time, I will use him as the target to catch up, keep working hard, and keep moving forward.”

 The four academy guardians turned their heads and looked at each other, and they all saw a bit of disbelief in each other's eyes.

What is the background of this casual cultivator named "Lin Yuan", who can actually win over such a proud and arrogant genius like Li Tianran?

And...the thing that worried them the most finally happened.

That is, the treasure purchased by the four major colleges jointly and placed on the Holy Star was eventually taken away by casual cultivators other than the geniuses of the four major colleges!

 For the four major colleges, this is undoubtedly a severe slap in the face!

 “About the treasure…”

 After a long silence, the old ape spoke first, breaking the silence.

After someone spoke, Guiyan quickly picked up the conversation and said indifferently: "The treasure set up by the college is originally for the students of the four major colleges to use for their experience. This achievement...will never be allowed to be stolen by outsiders!"

The old man in silver robe gently stroked his beard, and after pondering for a moment, he said calmly: "If it is other treasures, there is still room for discussion, but this divine treasure is really too precious. If it falls into the hands of this casual cultivator, In hand…”

“So what if he takes it away? Do you think that with a background as a casual cultivator, you can still hold on to this divine inscription?!”

The old ape man was impatient and directly interrupted what the silver-robed old man said: "If you ask me, I will either forcibly recycle this divine inscription. Speaking of which... this is also for the sake of that casual cultivator!"

"If he wanders around outside with the divine inscriptions, I'm afraid he will be killed by the strong men outside in less than an hour!"

“Or…just bring this casual cultivator into one of the four colleges. This is also a good idea!”

The silver-robed old man nodded and said calmly: "What Brother Yuan said is not unreasonable. The fact that this casual cultivator can forcibly obtain the most precious divine text under such fierce competition is enough to prove his amazing talent." Yanyan, it’s really a pity that someone with such talent is not included in the four major colleges.”

 Ghost Eyes said quietly: "What if there are other forces behind this casual cultivator?"

The old ape waved his hand and said disdainfully: "Then destroy that force directly! It's very annoying! Who dares to go against our four major colleges in the galaxy!"

“The seniors have really considered it carefully, but...unless absolutely necessary, I don’t think he would agree to join the four major colleges.”

 While everyone was in the middle of the discussion, Feng Chumo suddenly interjected a sentence.

Jian Daozi glanced at him in surprise, and asked curiously: "Disciple, have you ever interacted with this 'Lin Yuan' in the secret realm of the sea of ​​stars?"

Feng Chumo nodded and said straightforwardly: "Master, he is my friend, so I don't want you to embarrass him too much."

 Ken Daozi frowned. You must know that... those who can be called friends by his disciples are really as rare as a phoenix.

 Furthermore, Feng Chumo would never ask for help, but now it was extremely rare that he took the initiative to beg him not to embarrass Lin Yuan, which showed how much the latter held a high position in his heart.

"Well...since you rarely open your mouth once, I won't embarrass him as a teacher."

Jian Daozi sighed softly, turned his head, looked at the other three guardians, and said calmly: "I, Jian Daozi, are here. On behalf of our Tianyuan College, I voluntarily give up the fight for this sacred text!"

"If you want to take it back, just go ahead and fight for it. All the results have nothing to do with our Tianyuan College!"

After Ken Daozi said these words, the other three people present were slightly stunned. They did not expect that Kendaozi would choose to give up so decisively!

“Disciple, are you satisfied now?”

 Subsequently, Jian Daozi turned his head and glanced at Feng Chumo helplessly.

Feng Chumo's face remained as usual, he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Master."

"However, even if I don't embarrass him, your casual cultivator friend probably won't be able to escape this disaster."

Jian Daozi sighed slightly and said calmly: "It is absolutely impossible for the guardians of the other three major academies to let the divine text be taken away by a so-called casual cultivator."

"No matter how strong your casual cultivator friend is in the secret realm, without the constraints of the secret realm, he will ultimately be nothing more than a stellar cultivator."

“Facing the guardians of the three major colleges, he has no chance of winning.”

"I see."

Feng Chumo nodded, smiled and said, "But... I also believe him."


“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the selection task! Reward: 1 million points of qi and blood, 1 million points of spiritual power! Eight fragments of the Samsara Eye!”

Just when he was about to leave the secret realm, Lin Yuan's ears finally heard the system prompt!

The original system selection requirements were for him to enter the Holy Star, win the treasure, break out of the siege, and win the hearts of the geniuses from the four major colleges!

Now, Lin Yuan has perfectly met all the conditions, and naturally he has completed the selection task!

 After the completion of this mission, Lin Yuan finally fulfilled his long-held wish and successfully collected a total of ten pieces of the Samsara Eye!

 (End of this chapter)

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