Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 549: Synthesize the reincarnation eye!

Chapter 549: Synthesizing the Samsara Eye!


 After collecting ten pieces of the Samsara Eye, Lin Yuan made a prompt decision and directly chose to combine them.

 At the same time, his pupils began to change rapidly!

In the systematic introduction, the ability of the Rinnegan Eye even surpasses that of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and it is truly the ultimate pupil technique!

 The owner of the Samsara Eye can control Yin and Yang and has extraordinary abilities. He can be the God of Creation who creates the world, or the God of Destruction who destroys the world!

 So, the eye of samsara is also called the "eye that controls life and death" and the "pupil of creation and destruction"!

 The colors of the samsara eye are usually divided into four types: purple, red, yellow and blue!

Different colors of samsara eyes often correspond to different abilities.

And the samsara eye that Lin Yuan awakened happened to be the purple samsara eye!

 After awakening the Samsara Eye, Lin Yuan's mental power began to improve rapidly!

One hundred thousand khz…two hundred thousand khz…five hundred thousand khz…one million khz!

Even Lin Yuan himself did not expect that after awakening the Samsara Eye, his mental power would increase by a million in one breath!

If you include the rewards given by the system before, Lin Yuan now has more than 4 million kilohertz of mental power!

With such majestic mental power, there is even a faint tendency to forcefully break through the shackles and be promoted to the black hole level!

 It seems that this so-called ultimate pupil is indeed well-deserved!

Furthermore, in addition to his own spiritual power being improved, Lin Yuan can also feel that countless abilities related to the Samsara Eye have also awakened!

“Counting the time, it’s almost time to go out.”

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at the crack in space in front of him.

 A pair of purple reincarnation eyes could not help but flash a dark color.

 Now, he has no time to try to master this pair of samsara eyes.

All Lin Yuan can do is to master the skills of using the Samsara Eye as soon as possible in the next battle, so that he can exert the strongest power of these pupils!

However, compared to before entering the secret realm, Lin Yuan's strength has already made a qualitative leap!

Among them, the most critical improvement is that Lin Yuan has obtained the Fire Divine Inscription and the eyes of reincarnation in his eyes!

Now Lin Yuan has enough confidence even when facing a black hole-level monk!

However, Lin Yuan still retains some fear in his heart towards the four guardians on the Broken Star Ring.

 After all, they are not ordinary black hole level monks, but black hole level powerhouses who have already reached the pinnacle of their realm!

Even if it is described that they are only one step away from the cosmic level, it is not an exaggeration!

Just as Lin Yuan was calculating this in his mind, the system's prompt sounded in his ears again!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully triggering the random selection task!”

                                 一          一    一    一    一    一    一    一   icular: 1. Basic reward: Every time you kill a stellar monk, you will be rewarded with 50,000 blood points and 50,000 spiritual power points. 】

  【Every time you kill a black hole-level monk, you will be rewarded with 300,000 points of vitality and 300,000 points of spiritual power! 】

  【After the selected mission is completed, a special reward will be given again: Destroy the Star Core! 】

   【Option 2: Choose to give up the treasure and deliver it to the four major colleges in order to gain a chance of survival. Reward: 800,000 blood points, 800,000 spiritual power, and a bottle of Star Origin! 】

After seeing the options that appeared in front of him, Lin Yuan made a decision immediately. Although he doesn't know which one is more precious, the 'Destruction Star Core' or the 'Star Origin', he does know that he has got the divine treasure in his hand. Even if the King of Heaven comes, he will never let him Spit it out again!

"If you kill a black hole-level monk, will you be rewarded with 300,000 points of vitality and spiritual power? If you kill ten, wouldn't that be a full three million points of vitality and spiritual power? This reward... is really generous. of."

Lin Yuan licked the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

However, he actually knew that there could not be so many black hole-level monks lining up for him to kill.

 The specific situation will not be known until we leave the secret realm.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan took a deep breath and stepped directly into the space crack in front of him without hesitation!

Following a burst of space fluctuations, Lin Yuan's figure was immediately teleported out of the secret realm and came to the vicinity of the Broken Star Ring!


 After Lin Yuan's figure appeared near the Broken Star Ring.

 All the strong monks around him have sensed the aura of the treasure and divine inscriptions!

 The aura of the divine inscriptions cultivated by cosmic-level monks is very obvious.

 A mere star-level monk cannot hide it at all.

But... Lin Yuan was not prepared to hide it, so he walked out so openly.

“I really didn’t expect that the person who finally captured the treasure this time would be a casual cultivator.”

“Haha, it seems that the geniuses from the four major academies this year are really bad. They can’t even compete with a casual cultivator...”

"However, this kid is also a brainless kid. Do you really think that if the divine inscription falls into his hands, he will die a good death? Secretly... I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him right now!"

“If nothing else, it’s impossible for the four guardians of the four major colleges to let him take away the divine text.”

"That's true, but the guardians of the four major colleges have to protect the face of the college, so they shouldn't make it look too ugly on the surface."

"So, do we still have a chance? If the four guardians of the four major colleges don't choose to take action immediately, maybe... we really have a chance to seize this precious divine text!"

 After these words were spoken, these black hole-level monks who were hiding their secrets all fell into silence.

 Everyone is thinking about the possibility of this happening.

If the four guardians didn't choose to take action immediately, would it really be possible for them to forcibly obtain the most precious divine text from this casual cultivator and escape?

 For a time, all kinds of little thoughts emerged in everyone's heart!

Although the probability of escaping from the guardians of the four major colleges is extremely low, as long as there is even a 10% chance, these black hole-level casual cultivators are willing to take the risk!

 Risk and return are always directly proportional.

 When the benefits reach an alarming enough level, naturally some people will take the risk at the cost of their lives!

 (End of this chapter)

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