Chapter 550 Show your power!

 The situation in front of me looks very calm, but in fact, it is full of undercurrents.

 In the darkness, there were countless pairs of eyes, staring at Lin Yuan.

 In other words... what we are eyeing is the divine writing on him!

At this moment, the guardians of the four major colleges did not choose to take action immediately, but watched the development of the situation coldly.

What they hope most now is that a black hole-level monk can take action, kill Lin Yuan, and seize the divine writings from him.

 Then, they will choose to take action and instantly kill the black hole monk in a punishing manner!

 In this way, they not only saved the face of the college and made it look less domineering, but also successfully recovered the divine text into the hands of the college.

“Why are you all staring at me so furtively?”

After walking out of the secret realm of the Star Sea, Lin Yuan looked around without hesitation and said calmly: "If you want this divine inscription, there is no need to hide it, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan directly took out the divine inscription from the system space.

The burning fire-attributed inscriptions were quietly suspended in mid-air, firmly attracting everyone's attention.

“Sure enough, it is a divine inscription cultivated by a cosmic-level monk…”

“Oh my God, this energy is so pure.”

“I am a monk who majors in the fire attribute. If I can seize this divine inscription...”

 After Lin Yuan took out the divine inscription without hesitation, all the monks present couldn't help but swallowed.

At this moment, a black hole-level monk hiding in the dark finally couldn't hold himself back any longer.

However, this black hole-level monk is quite shrewd. He did not choose to do it himself. Instead, he turned his head and said to the group of star-level casual cultivators behind him: "You... go over and try that kid. The depth of it!”


Upon hearing this, the faces of the dozen or so stellar monks immediately turned ugly.

With the storm in front of us, the mountains are full of buildings. If they take action, I am afraid no one will survive!

 “If you don’t go, I will kill you now!”

The black hole-level monk's face turned cold and he spoke in a cold voice.

 He has left a soul imprint on the souls of these dozen casual cultivators. With just one thought from his mind, the dozens of casual cultivators in front of him could be destroyed into ashes and ashes!

 So, no matter what, these people cannot disobey his wishes!

 After he said these words, the dozen or so casual cultivators looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and headed in the direction of Lin Yuan to kill him!

Anyway, it's all death. If you take the divine script from this kid's hand, you might actually be able to get a chance of survival for yourself!


“Oh? Has anyone finally lost their composure?”

Lin Yuan turned his head and looked at the dozens of casual cultivators flying towards him with a calm face, and he couldn't help but curl up with a contemptuous sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It's a pity... they are all the same." Help Xiao Xiami.”

“However, since they are all here for me, then be prepared to stay here!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Lin Yuan's eyes!

 Behind him, hundreds of thunder guns condensed into shape in an instant, emitting extremely violent energy fluctuations!

 For a moment, the monks watching the battle all around had a look of surprise in their eyes.

 It seems...that this casual cultivator was able to win the treasure in the end was not due to luck.

 “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”…

After the thunder spears were condensed and formed, accompanied by several sounds of piercing the air, these dozens of thunder spears shot directly in the direction of the more than ten monks!

Almost instantly, the bodies of several monks were directly blasted into pieces by violent thunder guns!

 These people have also been transformed into Lin Yuan's vitality and mental strength!

Although killing a stellar monk can only bring him 30,000 points of vitality and spiritual power, the amount is still quite considerable when the sum is added up!

After experiencing a round of thunder gun baptism, only a few stronger monks were left and were able to get close to Lin Yuan!

However... what awaits them is a more cruel attack method!

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan suddenly opened in Lin Yuan's eyes, and three black magatama spun like gears!

 The next second, the dark black flames of Amaterasu and the twisted divine power space spread in Lin Yuan's eyes one after another!

With two screams, one of the two star-level monks in front of him was burned to ashes, and the other was strangled into countless pieces of flesh and blood by the twisted space!

The scene in front of me is extremely tragic!

 Subsequently, another black figure quietly lurked behind a stellar monk.

The thunder shadow dagger in his hand just cut through a ray of cold light, and instantly cut off the monk's head!

 The remaining stellar monks quickly realized the crisis of the situation and quickly gathered together instead of spreading out and fighting on their own.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that what they did was exactly in line with Lin Yuan's wishes.

“Are they all gathered together? That would be convenient, and it would save me the trouble of killing them one by one.”

Lin Yuan smiled softly, but in the eyes of those monks, his smile was as terrifying as a demon!

Then, he directly raised his hand, and the thunder energy in his body surged out like a great river of waves, condensing four extremely powerful and terrifying beast thunder shadows in four different directions!

 “Be careful, this guy wants to kill us all!”

 In the group of monks, some people's eyes widened and they spoke urgently, wanting to get out of here quickly before the four evil thunder shadows came down to kill them.

 Unfortunately, what he realized... was too late!

 “Xiaoyou, freeze them!”

Just when this group of casual cultivators wanted to take action, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and summoned Xiaoyou directly from the system space!

After passing the baptism of the secret realm, Xiaoyou's growth rate is extremely fast, and now she has the strength of a high-level star!

Even if compared with the truly top star-level monks, there may still be a slight gap, but if you want to temporarily trap these few star-level casual cultivators in front of you, it is really a piece of cake.

After being summoned by Lin Yuan, Xiaoyou opened the dragon's mouth unceremoniously and spit out a blast of frosty dragon breath!

Suddenly, the temperature around these casual cultivators dropped sharply, and thick ice walls formed one after another out of thin air, trapping them tightly inside!

 (End of this chapter)

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