Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 551: His skills are astounding, and the academy is robbing people!

Chapter 551: Shocking everyone with his skills, the academy is robbing people!

 After the ice wall formed, all the monks were trapped in it.

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

At this moment, the four fierce thunder shadows finally moved in the direction of the group of casual cultivators and suddenly killed them!

 In an instant, the thunder energy that can destroy the world spreads out in all directions like a hurricane!

That dazzling thunder light lasted for dozens of breaths before it dissipated completely!

Under this situation, the few remaining cultivators, without exception, were all reduced to ashes by the power of thunder!

Everyone had to sigh at Lin Yuan's ruthlessness!

This is a team of star-level casual cultivators!

If the cooperation of these people is tacit enough, even if they encounter a black hole-level monk, they will still have the power to fight against them!

 But now, this group of people were like paper in front of Lin Yuan, with no power to fight back at all.

 It seems...this boy really has some abilities.

It’s no wonder that the geniuses of the four major colleges fell into his hands one after another.

It’s a pity that such an amazing and talented person will eventually die here.

Although after this test, no black hole-level monks took action, if Lin Yuan wanted to leave right now, someone would definitely stop him!

 No matter how talented a star-level monk is, he is not qualified to possess a cosmic-level monk's divine inscriptions.

 This point is believed to be what most of the monks present have in mind.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was not in a hurry.

 For this kind of temptation, he just hopes that the more temptations come, the better.

 Once it comes, it cannot consume his strength.

 Secondly, these people who tested him turned out to be monsters who gave him experience, like nutrients, which transformed into his blood and mental strength.

If a few more batches come, it is not impossible for Lin Yuan to even break through to the black hole level on the spot.

 After Lin Yuan killed these stellar monks, Xiaoyou also started to get busy.

 It used its own innate magical power to collect all the energy, blood and spiritual power from the corpses of these monks, and absorbed and swallowed them into its own body.

 “This is...the Star Eater?!”

“I never expected that there would be such a cherished strange beast next to this kid!”

“In other words, if we can kill this kid, we can not only seize the divine text in his hand, but we can even harvest this star-devouring beast!”

 Suddenly, these black hole-level monks began to move around again.

 After all, in their eyes, the value of a Star-devouring Beast is extremely rare!

If it can be cultivated well, a talented star-devouring beast may even break through to the cosmic level!

 In that case, for them, it is definitely a fighting force that cannot be ignored!

Finally, there was a black hole-level monk who couldn't hold himself back any longer and rushed out with a trajectory like a meteor streaking across the sky!

 “Boy, hand over the divine text, otherwise... I’ll kill you!”

The black hole-level monk shouted loudly, and his fists struck out like thunder. The violent fists seemed to tear apart the surrounding space!

"Kill me? Where do you have the right to kill me?"

Lin Yuan snorted disdainfully, the lightning wrapped around his right arm, his energy and blood burst out, and he punched straight in the direction where the opponent came from!

Since the power of creation was forcibly poured into the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword last time, the blade of the sword was covered with fine cracks and could no longer be used as a weapon.

 So, now Lin Yuan can only rely on his own fists!


As his fists intertwined, Lin Yuan felt a huge force coming from his arm, like a mountain trying to crush him, and he was blown away!

After the fist fight, Lin Yuan's body flew backwards for hundreds of meters, and then he was able to stabilize his body.

“How dare you speak harshly with this little strength? Let me teach you how insurmountable the gap between realms is!”

The next second, the black hole-level monk let out a low shout, and his body was like a cannonball again, ejecting in the direction of Lin Yuan. The aura exuded from his whole body was extremely amazing!

Although his attack doesn't have any mysterious skills, with the basic strength of a black hole-level monk alone, he is enough to completely crush Lin Yuan in a head-on battle!

"The gap between realms? I'm so sorry... When I kill people, I always fight across levels!"

The corners of Lin Yuan's mouth curved into a strange arc.

 The next second, in front of him, the fire-attribute divine symbol appeared, burning with blazing flames!


After Lin Yuan rebelled against Amaterasu, Amaterasu's black flames immediately passed through the divine script in front of him and received the blessing of the divine script!

The monstrous black and red flames, like an angry dragon, immediately swept towards the black hole-level monk in front of him, and almost instantly entangled him in it!

Because the black and red flames burned so fast, the black hole-level monk was completely swallowed up by the black and red flames before he could even react!

A shrill scream came out from the black and red flames, making everyone around them frown.

 Subsequently, a figure forcibly broke through the shackles of the black and red flames.

It's just that his whole body was covered in charred black, and he looked extremely embarrassed. He was obviously seriously injured!

 Lin Yuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Although the Amaterasu Black Flame alone was not enough to burn the black hole-level monk in front of him, with the increase of the Fire Divine Inscription, that was not necessarily the case.

 Furthermore, more importantly, the power of Amaterasu Black Flame is linked to spiritual power.

Lin Yuan's current mental strength is far from what it used to be.

Even compared with ordinary black hole-level monks, there is still room for comparison.

However, after Lin Yuan used the power of divine inscriptions to forcibly burn the black hole-level monk, the other party became even more crazy. He endured the pain from his body and attacked the former again!

 In his opinion, the stronger the power of divine writing, the better!

 Because... only the stronger the runes will be, the more valuable they will be when he takes them into his hands!

 “Boy, this divine symbol… belongs to me!”

This black hole-level monk looked like a madman. After approaching Lin Yuan, his fists struck down towards the latter like a violent storm. Every time a punch is fired, an entire void can be torn apart. This shows how terrifying the strength of the black hole-level monk is when he explodes with all his strength!

However, facing the opponent's relentless and pressing attack, Lin Yuan's face showed no trace of panic at all.

 “Really... stubborn.”

Lin Yuan sighed slightly.

 In this case, I can only send you on your way!

 The next second, Lin Yuan suddenly raised his head, and the color of his eyes changed accordingly!

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, which was previously bleeding red, quickly faded away and turned into an extremely mysterious lavender color!

At the same time, the three black magatama began to rotate rapidly, and finally turned into several special lines that rippled like ripples!

 This is Lin Yuan’s latest ability, the ultimate pupil technique...the Samsara Eye!

 Speaking of which, this is the first time that he has used the power of the Samsara Eye in battle!

 “I hope... you don’t disappoint me.”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and assumed a fighting stance again.

 “Pretend to be a ghost!”

After seeing the changes in Lin Yuan's eyes, the black hole-level monk who was facing him didn't take it to heart. Instead, after snorting coldly, he attacked Lin Yuan again. !

 In his opinion, even with the help of the power of divine writings, Lin Yuan would never be his opponent!

However, just as he was about to get closer, Lin Yuan directly raised his right arm and turned his palm towards him.

 “Shenra Tianzheng!”

Following Lin Yuan's low shout, a huge repulsive force actually sent the black hole-level monk flying away!

The moment he was ejected, Lin Yuan's shadow clone had been waiting behind him for a long time, and directly handed out the Thunder Shadow Double Daggers in his hands!

The black hole-level monk was shocked and immediately moved to the right, trying to avoid this extremely sharp killing move!

Fortunately, the speed of the shadow clone's attack was not very fast. After all, he forcibly avoided the fatal injury before the opponent took action, so that the Thunder Shadow's double daggers only left two extremely deep wounds on his back. bloodstains!

However, Lin Yuan was obviously not ready to let him go so easily.


Under Lin Yuan's instructions, Xiaoyou opened the dragon's mouth directly and spit out countless ice shards, almost freezing the entire space!

 In this case, the actions of the black hole-level monk were hindered to a certain extent!

 “Divine power!”

Lin Yuan activated the Sharingan again, distorting the space into a ball again!

The black hole-level monk was shocked at first, but then quickly regained his composure.

 Because, Lin Yuan used the divine power to distort the space, which was still a long way away from him, and it was impossible to threaten him.

"Boy, have you lost your mind? How can you hurt me if your moves are so far away?"

The black hole-level monk raised his head and sneered mercilessly.

"Really? I don't think so."

Lin Yuan smiled, and his body instantly turned into a bolt of lightning, and he flashed in front of the black hole-level monk. He raised his right hand and launched the Shenluo Tianzheng again!

The moment the majestic repulsive force was transmitted, the face of the black hole-level monk finally changed!

 Because...he finally understood what Lin Yuan wanted to do!


The black hole-level monk roared at the top of his lungs and unleashed all his speed, trying to escape from the range of Shinra Tianzheng.

It's a pity that Lin Yuan's speed of performing the Divine Divine Strike was too fast, and the surrounding space was frozen by Xiaoyou.

 So, under this repulsive force, the figure of the black hole-level monk was directly pushed into the twisted divine power space!


Accompanied by a heart-wrenching sound of strangulation, the body of the black hole-level monk was forcibly strangled into countless pieces of flesh and blood by the twisted divine space!

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing a black hole-level monk. The reward is 300,000 points of vitality and 300,000 points of spiritual power!”

Lin Yuan's eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of awe.

He did it!

 This is the first time that he has killed a black hole-level monk with his own strength!

 After the system's rewards were distributed, a majestic energy and blood and a surging mental power were poured into his body one after another, making Lin Yuan's aura rise to a higher level again!

"Choo Choo Choo!"

After the black hole-level monk was strangled to pieces, Xiaoyou immediately became excited and began to collect the flesh and blood energy of the monk.

 For the star-level Xiaoyou, the energy of a black hole-level monk is simply an excellent tonic!

 After the death of this black hole-level monk, there was deathly silence all around.

 Everyone’s hearts were filled with shock.

This guy...can even kill a black hole level monk?

Oh my God, what kind of monster is this?

Such strength is too shocking, right?

On the Broken Star Ring, the four guardians also exchanged glances one after another, and they all read a bit of shock in each other's eyes!

Although I don’t know where this kid comes from, if he can be recruited into the academy, he will definitely become a giant when he grows up!

"Feng Chumo, your friend's strength... is so amazing!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ken Daozi was simply dumbfounded.

Although he has seen many talented people who can defeat black hole-level monks with their stellar-level cultivation.

 But there has never been anyone who can kill so easily and effortlessly like Lin Yuan.

At this moment, the old ape from the Demon God's Academy finally couldn't hold it any longer and spoke: "Little friend, I am the guardian of the Demon God's Academy, and I sincerely invite you to join our Demon God's Academy! If you are willing to agree, , on behalf of the Demon Seminary, I promise to protect your safety and will never break my promise!”

“As long as you are willing to join our Demon Seminary, no one will dare to touch even a finger on you!”

After the old ape man spoke, the ghost eye on the side couldn't sit still anymore. He shouted in his extremely hoarse voice: "Little friend, you must not listen to this old monkey's lies. The real strength of the demon seminary is The powerful ones are all great monsters from the ancient times, and there is no suitable technique for your practice at all!"

 For a moment, the old ape man became anxious: "Guiyan, are you targeting me?"

“Haha, everyone recruits people based on their abilities. Why do you think I’m targeting you?”

Ghost Eyes sneered, then turned around and said loudly: "Boy, if you are willing to join our Demon Abyss Academy, then I can apply to the academy and ask them to give you another divine inscription as a reward!"

 (End of this chapter)

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