Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 552: Become stronger in the midst of killing!

 Chapter 552 Become stronger in the killing!

 When Ghost Eye shouted these words, all the monks present were shocked!

This guy... is too valuable, isn't he?

In order to attract him, the four major colleges even offered a divine inscription as a reward? !

If he agrees to this, wouldn't he have two divine symbols? !

A star-level monk, but sitting in possession of two divine symbols, would make anyone jealous!

You must know that even black hole level monks may not be able to obtain two divine symbols!

However, in the eyes of the vast majority of people, Lin indeed worthy of this worth.

A casual cultivator who can suppress the younger generation of geniuses will be equivalent to a golden brand if he joins one of the four major colleges!

 After the ape old man and Ghost Eye set out conditions one after another.

The white-robed old man from Silver Star College finally couldn't hold it any longer and said loudly: "Little brother, our Silver Star College might be more suitable for you. If you have any ideas, you can consider it. !”

"Furthermore, we promise you that the conditions we offer are absolutely generous and will not be under a mere divine inscription!"

After the white-robed old man finished speaking, Jian Daozi lazily said: "Boy, the conditions of our Tianyuan College are the same as those of Silver Star College. You think about it yourself!"

Hearing what Kendaozi said, the old man in white robe was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "No, Kendaozi, you want to imitate me?"

"Who has learned from you? It's just a reference. In the end, it doesn't matter where this kid wants to go."

Ken Daozi smiled cheerfully and said, "In my opinion, such an arrogant boy will not compromise with us easily."

Sure enough, after Ken Daozi finished his prediction, Lin Yuan also smiled and spoke.

"Thank you for your love, seniors. It's a pity...I already have a master. If I transfer to one of your four major colleges, it will be bullying my master and destroying my ancestors."

"I, Lin Yuan, can't do this kind of thing."

Ken Daozi clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "Look, what a unique boy, what a pity... I already have a teacher, if you want to pick up the slack again, you will have no chance!"

The old man in white robe gently stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Nothing is absolute. Who knows if the 'master' in this kid's mouth is an excuse for him to reject us?"

 “That’s right!”

The old ape laughed and said bluntly: "Boy, I advise you not to be too arrogant! Let me tell you the truth, today...if you don't find a backer from one of the four major colleges, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave alive. here!"

"I advise you... think about it for yourself!"

 What the old ape said was very direct and realistic!

If Lin Yuan didn't have any backer, then's really possible that he wouldn't be able to leave here alive!

 “Thank you for your kindness, senior, but...I’m not going to change my mind.”

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant.

  I don’t know how to praise!

 For a moment, this thought came to everyone's mind.

This kid really doesn't know how to behave, he is simply looking for death!

And after Lin Yuan clearly rejected the invitations from the four major academies, the surrounding black hole-level monks began to make moves again!

Since it has been made clear that the monks from the four major colleges will not support Lin Yuan, it means that... they have a chance to compete for the divine text!

 This opportunity is once in a lifetime!

 As for whether the guardians of the four major colleges will take action against them after capturing the divine text.

 At this one thinks about these issues anymore.

 Get the divine text into your hands first and then talk!

With this thought in mind, several black hole-level monks unanimously chose to take action. Their bodies turned into a bolt of lightning and attacked Lin Yuan!

 The proud men of the four major colleges all fell into silence as they looked at the scene in front of them.

Suppose before that, someone told them that several black hole-level monks had taken action just to surround and kill a star-level monk.

Then they will definitely think that the person who said this is crazy!

 But now, this scene actually happened in front of them!

Facing the joint encirclement and suppression by several black hole-level monks, Lin Yuan was calm and calm as water!

 “This boy is truly a dragon among men, with the demeanor of a general!”

Jian Daozi looked at Lin Yuan and couldn't help but admired.

 Afterwards, he sighed slightly and said: "It's a pity that such a talented and talented genius will eventually die here today!"

“Master, I don’t think so.”

At this moment, Feng Chumo, who had been standing beside him, suddenly spoke.

Jian Daozi raised his eyebrows and asked slightly in surprise: "Does it mean that under such circumstances, you still have hope for your so-called friend?"


 Feng Chumo nodded and admitted without hesitation.

Then, he said calmly: "Actually, I also want to see him lose a game, so that I can know that his strength has its limits after all. He is also a human being, not a god. Only in this way can I have Beyond his motivation.”

"It's a pity, I just have a vague feeling, I feel...he won't lose."

“At the very least, he won’t lose before the monks from our four major colleges take action.”


After a group of black hole-level monks approached, the main purpose of encircling Lin Yuan and seizing the divine text finally broke out!

Logically speaking, Lin Yuan is already somewhat powerless even if he can only deal with a black hole-level monk.

Facing such a large number of black hole-level monks, he should have no chance of winning.

It's a pity that these casual cultivators still didn't take Lin Yuan's tricks into account after all!

 From the beginning, Lin Yuan was not prepared to deal with all of them at once.

Since there is a gap in realm, naturally we can only think of some ways to defeat each other!

 “Divine power!”

After the first black hole-level monk approached, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and immediately activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, opening the divine power space, and instantly pulled himself and the opponent into it one after another!

What Lin Yuan has to do is to forcefully pull the opponent into the divine power space and challenge him to a duel!

"Where did this kid go?!" "Damn it...this guy is obviously not strong, but he has endless tricks and is as slippery as a loach!"

"Stop complaining. Those who are capable, seize the time to blast the void around you and see if you can force this kid out!"

At the reminder of one of them, all the black hole-level monks took action and began to bombard the surrounding void!

Unfortunately, Lin Yuan was not hiding in the space crack.

 The divine space he created with the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is an independent space.

In other words, no matter how hard this group of people bombarded the surrounding space, it was to no avail.

 Or, wait until Lin Yuan's own energy is exhausted and automatically release the divine power space.

Otherwise, only a black hole-level monk who is well versed in the way of space can accurately locate Lin Yuan's location, so that he can be forced out of the divine space!

After about forty or fifty breaths passed, Lin Yuan's figure suddenly broke through the void and appeared in front of everyone!

 And in his hand, he was carrying a corpse.

This corpse is the black hole-level monk who was pulled into the divine power space by him earlier!

 In less than a hundred breaths, another person was killed!

 The monks watching the battle all around have even begun to feel slightly numb, and they have the illusion that... black hole-level monks are nothing more than this.

But in fact, any black hole-level monk from this group of people can easily sweep away most of the geniuses from the four major academies.

 The reason why they were defeated so easily by Lin Yuan was simply because...the latter's strength was simply too terrifying.

Although his realm is still at the stellar level, if there are still people who treat him as a stellar-level monk, they will definitely suffer a big loss!

 The two black hole-level monks who died in his hands are the best evidence!

And after killing more than a dozen star-level casual cultivators and two black hole-level powerhouses, the system's vitality and mental power rewards for Lin Yuan have exceeded one million points!

This also makes the aura emanating from Lin Yuan's body improve significantly after every person he kills!

  Although he had deliberately concealed his own aura fluctuations, this abnormality still could not escape the eyes of the academy guardians.

“Have you noticed? Every time this kid kills someone, his strength will increase significantly.”

 The old ape man narrowed his eyes and spoke in a deep voice.

"It seems to be true. I also noticed that this kid... is indeed a little weird."

Ghost Eyes spoke with a cold tone and a slightly hoarse voice.

The old man in white robe smiled and said, "Maybe this kid has some secrets of his own."

“Have you forgotten that before, in our galaxy world, there was a monk who was born to kill the Holy Body? As long as he kept killing, he could keep getting stronger, and finally he fought his way out and reached the cosmic level!”

The old ape man sneered and said: "Yes, but what's the use of this? This guy killed too much and went against the law of heaven. Not long after he broke through to the universe level, he was quickly approached by his enemies. After being beaten by several universe members, Under the joint attack of the super monks, Hanhen died!"

"Old man, why are you so serious? This is just a guess."

Jian Daozi smiled and said: "Furthermore, those who possess the Holy Body of Slaughter have a very strong smell of blood, which can be distinguished at a glance."

“Although this kid has a bit of murderous aura, it is still within the normal range.”

 “What Brother Kendaozi said makes sense.”

Ghost Eyes nodded, and said calmly: "But... regardless of whether this kid is a Saint of Killer or not, there are already signs that he continues to become stronger during the killing."

" opinion is, should we take action as soon as possible to avoid long nights and many dreams?"

After Guiyan said these words, the old ape man immediately burst into laughter: "Guiyan, when did you become so hesitant and timid?"

“Even if we let this kid continue to grow, can he grow to the point where even we can’t deal with him?”

"You have to know... we are black hole monks with peak combat power! Why should we be afraid of this kid!"

The old ape sneered and said: "Besides, to say the least, no matter how evil this kid is, there are four of us here!"

“If the four of us join forces, even a cosmic-level monk may not be able to fight!”

The old man ape had just finished speaking, and Kendaozi quickly left himself out happily: "When you discuss yours, don't count me in. I have already promised my disciple not to take action. Don’t keep your words!”

At this moment, the white-robed old man from Silver Star College also smiled and said: "Okay, Old Man Yuan is right. We really don't need to worry too much. We should just watch the situation develop with peace of mind. Just treat it as such. It’s a big show!”


After Lin Yuan's figure appeared, all the black hole-level experts immediately chose to attack him!

Countless spells with terrifying auras were blasted in the direction of Lin Yuan as if they were free of charge!

Spells and spells collided together, erupting into extremely terrifying energy fluctuations, and tearing open countless space cracks all around!

However, after the aftermath of the energy dissipated, Lin Yuan's figure disappeared from the same place again, as if he had never appeared before.

Where did this guy... go again? !

 Everyone could not help but feel a little doubtful in their hearts.

The only thing they can be sure of is that Lin Yuan was definitely not killed by them!

 After all, no matter how powerful the spell is, it is impossible to achieve such an effect of complete annihilation, leaving not even a trace of flesh and blood residue.

At this moment, a monk finally reacted and shouted loudly: "Is there any monk who is good at investigating and find this kid out?"

It is absolutely impossible for a living person like Lin Yuan to disappear in front of them out of thin air.

 So, the only explanation is that Lin Yuan used some kind of concealment method and disappeared in front of them!

After these words were spoken, a group of black hole-level monks reacted and began to use their own detection spells!

One of the black hole-level monks concentrated all his spiritual power on the center of his eyebrows, and actually condensed a faint purple vertical pupil!

 Then, the monk looked around with his purple vertical pupil, and sure enough, he saw a blurry figure in a corner!

 For a moment, the monk was shocked. He pointed his right hand and shouted loudly: "I found him! That kid is here!"

At this moment, in the eyes of this black hole-level monk, this vague figure was actually killing him at an extremely fast speed!

“Obviously it’s me who found you.”

Suddenly, in front of the black hole-level monk, a pair of blood-colored pupils suddenly appeared!

 (End of this chapter)

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