Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 553: I am not a lamb to be slaughtered!

Chapter 553 I... am not a lamb to be slaughtered!

The concealment method used by Lin Yuan is naturally his divine concealment technique.

Although this concealment method can almost perfectly hide Lin Yuan's own aura and body shape, there is no guarantee. If you encounter a monk who is extremely good at detection, you will still be unable to hide from him.

Just like this time, even though Lin Yuan had used the art of divine concealment, his vague figure was still revealed under the opponent's purple vertical pupil.

 So, Lin Yuan simply didn't do anything, and went straight to the monk!

 “Be careful, don’t let this guy pull you into a different space!”

 After Lin Yuan appeared, a monk immediately shouted and reminded him.

Once he is pulled into the different space, it means that Lin Yuan has another chance to kill another black hole monk in a one-on-one situation!

 “Divine power!”

With a low shout from Lin Yuan's mouth, the twisted divine power space once again condensed and formed behind the monk, as if connected to an unknown alien space!

 After the appearance of the divine power space, this black hole-level monk became nervous instantly!

 Because, his previous experience told him that once he was pushed into the divine space, it would be a near-death situation!

Thinking of this, the black hole-level monk did not hesitate and burst out with all his speed, fleeing away from the divine power!

 However, after he made this move, Lin Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

The black hole-level monk was slightly startled, and subconsciously said: "Why are you laughing?!"

“I laughed at you for being too anxious and unable to judge the situation clearly.”

 Lin Yuan chuckled and said, "I advise you... take a closer look at the scene in front of you!"

The black hole-level monk frowned, activated the purple vertical pupils on his forehead, and stared in the direction of the divine power space.

 The next second, the black hole-level monk's mind was shaken, and his eyes were full of horror.

 Because he was extremely horrified to discover that the distorted scene in front of him was not real at all, but an illusion created by Lin Yuan using his Sharingan!

 Because I was too afraid of being pulled into the divine space, I didn't notice this detail at all!

 “ plotted against me!”

Lin Yuan smiled coldly: "Yes, who made you so stupid? In the next more careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan raised his hand and removed the illusion.

At the same time, the real divine power space emerged in front of the black hole-level monk.

It was...right in front of Lin Yuan!

At this moment, the monk was only less than 500 meters away from Lin Yuan!

Lin Yuan raised his hand and directly activated the ability of the Samsara Eye, the All-Seeing Sky Guide!

Even before the black hole-level monk could react, the powerful pulling force of the Vientiane Heavenly Yin quickly attracted him in the direction of Lin Yuan!

 The two of them fell into the divine space at almost the same time!

 The next moment, the twisted divine power space suddenly closed, as if it had never appeared before.

 “Damn it... I got tricked by this kid again!”

"We have to think of a way. If we let this kid continue to defeat each one one by one, no matter how many of us there are, we will never be his opponent!"

"You're right, we have to think of something! Why not prepare a big formation in advance before this kid comes out of the different space!"

"What a great idea! In this way, after this little kid escapes from the different space, he will instantly fall into the big formation we have jointly set up, and there will be no chance of escaping again!"

 After this idea was approved by all the monks, they quickly began to set up the formation!

Since these black hole-level monks are strangers to each other, there is no tacit understanding or cooperation at all, so even the formation they jointly set up is just the simplest evil-killing formation!

This formation is extremely simple. After the formation is formed, you only need to pour your own energy into the formation, and it will automatically be converted into evil-killing power by the formation, killing everything within the formation. enemy!


“I really didn’t expect that it would take so much effort to kill so many black hole-level monks and even a single star-level monk, and they even had to form a formation. It’s so embarrassing that I have to leave it to my grandma’s house!”

Looking at the scene in front of him, the old ape snorted disdainfully.

“Since ancient times, as long as good results can be achieved, no matter what the means, so long as the winner is the king and the loser is the enemy.”

 The old man in white robe smiled slightly, but his attitude was much more relaxed.

After all, after this group of black hole-level monks successfully seize the divine inscription, they will naturally be able to take advantage of the situation and destroy this group of black hole-level monks, so that the divine inscription can finally be "returned to its original owner"!


 Time passes by minute by minute.

The evil-killing formation formed by a group of black hole-level monks has been completely formed!

 Now, what they have to do is to wait quietly for Lin Yuan to appear.

 At this moment, an abnormal fluctuation suddenly occurred in the space in front of him.

 “Everyone, be careful, that guy is about to appear!”

 At the reminder of one of the monks, everyone present tensed up, waiting for Lin Yuan to appear at any time!

 In an instant, a figure appeared in front of everyone!


I don’t know who roared first. These dozen black hole-level people immediately poured their own energy into the evil-killing formation in front of them!

There is only one chance, and they must kill it with one strike!

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

 Incomparably terrifying energy fluctuations struck the figure that appeared out of thin air!

In just one breath, the figure was blasted into countless pieces by this terrifying torrent of energy!

“No, this guy is not Lin Yuan at all!”

 After the figure was blasted to pieces, a monk finally realized that something was not right!

The figure they blasted to pieces with concentrated fire was not Lin Yuan at all, but the black hole-level monk who was previously pulled into the divine power space by Lin Yuan!

This poor black hole-level monk didn't even have any room for explanation, so he was beaten to pieces of flesh and blood by his companions.

How can such a situation be described as miserable?

 “Damn it, I got tricked by this kid again!”

 All the black hole-level monks present had angry expressions on their faces.

However, while they were angry, they couldn't help but feel a little afraid of Lin Yuan in their hearts.                                                            This boy... Where is the monster that appears from nowhere.

Strength, means, and strategies are all there, and it seems that he can’t find any shortcomings at all!

"Don't relax, this kid is coming out soon, don't let him have any chance!"

Just as the black hole-level monk finished speaking, the space in front of him suddenly began to vibrate and fluctuate!

An arm as black as ink, holding a thunder shadow dagger, suddenly stretched out from the twisted space, taking advantage of the black hole-level monk's unpreparedness, and slashed towards his neck to kill him!

Since the black hole-level monk had been observing where Lin Yuan would appear, he never expected that the other party would appear in front of him so blatantly.

During a moment of confusion, the neck of this black hole-level monk was directly cut open by the thunder shadow dagger in the hand of the shadow clone, and blood gushed out like a fountain!

 “Damn it...don’t let him go!”

No one thought that Lin Yuan would be so arrogant, even if he was surrounded, he would dare to take the initiative to kill people!

In an instant, dozens of evil-killing powers transformed from various energies suddenly fell on the black shadow, smashing half of its body into pieces!

However, the black shadow retreated with one blow. After half of its body was shattered, it quickly escaped into the twisted space again.


“These people are really ruthless in their attacks.”

Within the divine power space, Lin Yuan was cursing and rubbing his temples, feeling waves of sharp pain like waves coming from his spiritual sea!

 After the shadow clone was defeated, Lin Yuan's own mental power was naturally affected by the backlash.

After killing so many black hole-level monks in a row, Lin Yuan's mental power has already exceeded the five million point mark, and he has officially entered the threshold of a black hole-level monk!

If he is allowed to continue killing, I am afraid that Lin Yuan's health value will even exceed the five million level!

It is precisely because of this that the shadow clone formed by Lin Yuan using his own spiritual power has a strength that is infinitely close to that of a black hole-level monk.

 Otherwise, Lin Yuan might not be able to succeed in this sneak attack.

"Since you like to target me so much, then let's just... play the big one!"

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, his eyes showing a bit of coldness.

 The next second, his body flashed and he actually chose to escape from the divine power space!

Lin Yuan's move undoubtedly exposed himself completely to the sight of these black hole-level monks.

The moment Lin Yuan appeared, everyone went crazy!


"kill him!"

Suddenly, countless evil-killing powers transformed from various energies once again drew arcs as dark as ink in the sky, strangled in the direction of Lin Yuan!

Looking at the situation in front of them, it seems that these black hole-level monks will not stop until they completely strangle Lin Yuan into pieces of flesh and blood!

Being teased and teased like this by a stellar monk, anyone would have a lot of anger in their heart.

At this moment, everyone vented the anger in their hearts crazily towards Lin Yuan!

"bring it on!"

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with a sharp look.

 He will break through his own limits in this test!

 “All things are led by heaven!”

 “Shenra Tianzheng!”

Lin Yuan opened the Samsara Eye without hesitation, and then launched the two abilities of Wanxiang Tianyin and Shenluo Tianzheng one after another!

 The motivator of all things is the force of gravity.

 Shenra Tianzheng is a repulsive force!

 The perfect combination of the two means...Lin Yuan can freely control the gravity and repulsion within the scope of the Samsara Eye!

Under the influence of the Samsara Eye, the evil-killing power in front of me was deflected in strange ways, colliding with each other, and erupting into extremely terrifying energy fluctuations!

One after another, the evil-killing power was detonated by each other, but Lin Yuan was at the center of the explosion, safe and sound!

Given Lin Yuan's own strength, it is natural that he cannot withstand so many evil-killing forces head-on.

But it was precisely because the cooperation between these monks was not tacit enough and they did not take action at the same time at the same time, which gave Lin Yuan room to operate!

Moreover, simply controlling the gravitational and repulsive forces cannot detonate every evil-killing force so accurately.

Lin Yuan’s Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan perfectly makes up for his lack of accuracy!

Lin Yuan took advantage of the right time, location, and people, and was able to withstand the first round of attacks from this group of black hole monks!

Since he has shouldered the attack, will be Lin Yuan's turn to counterattack!

 “Are you having fun? It’s my turn!”

Lin Yuan showed a ferocious look on his face, and like a sharp arrow that had left the bowstring, he rushed toward the black hole-level monk closest to him!

In the current situation, if you want to break the formation, you must forcefully tear a gap in the midst of the monks!

Facing Lin Yuan who was charging towards him, the black hole level monk looked frightened and turned around to run away!

A black hole-level monk was actually frightened by a star-level monk, and he was so frightened that he lost his wits!

 “Want to escape?!”

 “Come back to me!”

 Lin Yuan's reincarnation eyes suddenly flashed a purple light!

All things and heavenly guidance are suddenly activated!

The majestic pulling force directly sucked the black hole-level monk back to Lin Yuan!


 At the same time, Lin Yuan summoned Susanoo without hesitation!

Susanoo, who was like a giant, raised the katana shining with lightning in his hand high, and swung it towards the neck of the black hole-level monk without hesitation, as if decapitating him!


Since the black hole-level monk was frightened by Lin Yuan, he barely resisted and was beheaded by the blade in Susanoo's hand!

After the two monks died, the evil-killing formation in front of them was torn open by Lin Yuan, and its power was not as powerful as before.

Lin Yuan single-handedly fought against more than a dozen black hole-level monks, but he was still not at a disadvantage. He could even be considered to have the upper hand.

With such a record, no one would believe it.

However, Lin Yuan... actually did it!

"Whoever wants to come forward to die, I will help him!"

Lin Yuan and Susanoo stood side by side, looked around at the monks, and shouted coldly, their voices were like Hong Zhong Da Lu!

The black-haired young man in front of him used his strength to overwhelm everyone. At the same time, he also proved... He, Lin Yuan, is not a lamb to be slaughtered!

 (End of this chapter)

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