Chapter 554 Nuwa appears!

 For a moment, all the black hole level monks were completely shocked by Lin Yuan.

The emotion of fear spread among the monks.

 “This group of people is completely ruined.”

 The old ape man shook his head slightly and said calmly.

"These monks have weak minds. Otherwise, they would still have a chance to kill this kid."

The old man in white robe also shook his head slightly.

 In fact, he actually hoped that these monks could deal with Lin Yuan for them.

 Because in this way, they can legitimately take back the divine inscriptions.

 But the current situation means that they must take action to deal with Lin Yuan.

“These black hole-level monks are really a bunch of rubbish. They can’t do anything well.”

Ghost Eyes sneered and said in a hoarse voice: "But it's okay. Killing such a talented person with your own hands is really a sense of accomplishment."

“The so-called destruction means destroying beautiful things with your own hands.”

The old ape man looked at the ghost with disdain and spat: "What a pervert."

"This kid asked for it. Who told him not to choose to join our four major colleges?"

Ghost Eyes sneered and said: "In this world, whoever has a big fist holds the truth!"

“Okay, stop talking nonsense, things will change if it’s too late, get rid of this kid as soon as possible, don’t cause other troubles!”

The old man in white robe directly interrupted the quarrel between the two, and flew directly into the air, flying towards where Lin Yuan was.

After the white-robed old man appeared, a hint of sadness flashed through the eyes of all the black hole-level monks present.

 Since the monks from the four major academies have already entered the venue, it means...that they have completely lost the qualification to compete for the divine text.

However, after a moment of dejection, a hint of relief flashed through the eyes of these monks.

After all, it was too difficult to **** the divine inscriptions from Lin Yuan’s hands. Even though so many people had died, they didn’t even see the trace of the divine inscriptions.

After the white-robed old man appeared, the ape old man from Demon God College and the ghost eyes from Demon Abyss College appeared in front of Lin Yuan one after another, surrounding him.

"Boy, if you hadn't shown such an amazing talent, maybe we would have let you go after you handed over the divine text."

“However, as of now, if you refuse the invitations from our four major colleges, it is equivalent to pushing yourself into a dead end.”

Ghost Eyes said coldly, with a hint of sullenness in his tone.

You know, he offered a divine inscription as a price, but Lin Yuan still refused without hesitation!

 For a genius of Lin Yuan's level, one must either make friends with him or win over him.

 But once there is an enemy, it must be eradicated. Otherwise, when this genius grows up, the consequences will be disastrous!

“Senior, since we, the casual cultivators, are not allowed to seize the treasure above the Holy Star, why do you pretend to be generous and allow us to enter the secret realm?”

Facing the guards of Moyuan College, Lin Yuan smiled and spoke in a neither humble nor arrogant manner.

“Boy, no matter what you say today, even if your words are brilliant, we will not let you go.”

The old ape man laughed strangely: "Don't tell me what's fair and unfair. This is a time when the weak and the strong prey on each other. You're not strong enough, so naturally you can't protect such a treasure."

 “So that’s it.”

 Lin Yuan nodded, smiled and said: "Indeed, it is impossible to defeat the three seniors with just my own strength."

 The old ape snorted a white breath through his nose and said coldly: "It's good that you know."

Ghost Eyes echoed in a cold voice: "Boy, I advise you not to resist, so that I can let you die more happily."

On the other side, the white-robed old man from Silver Star College, although he has not spoken much, has been exuding his own coercion, oppressing Lin Yuan who was at the center of the storm.

Under the pressure of the power of three peak black hole-level monks, Lin Yuan was like a small boat in the storm, in danger of capsizing at any time.

However, even in this situation, Lin Yuan still maintained a calm attitude and said with a smile: "I'm afraid it is not appropriate for three seniors to make things difficult for a junior like this."

"Haha... stop talking nonsense, since you said we are making things difficult for you, then come and fight with me alone. If you defeat me, then I will not make things difficult for you anymore!"

"On the other hand, if you lose, then hand over the divine text and join our Demon Abyss Academy!"

 Ghost Eye's voice was cold and hoarse, but the logic was very clear.

However, after Ghost Eye finished speaking, before Lin Yuan could speak, the old ape became furious!

 “Ghost Eyes, your little calculation is really making a sound!”

The old ape scolded angrily: "It's a shame you can think of such a bet with no capital and huge profits!"

“Boy, don’t be deceived by him! If you are deceived into Demon Abyss Academy like this, I will be at odds with you!”

The old man in white robes on the side looked helpless. These two people had reached this point, and they had not given up their quarrel yet.

Moreover, neither of these two people gave up on recruiting Lin Yuan into their academy.

Even though the current atmosphere is so tense, once Lin Yuan chooses to join a certain college, the guardians of that college will definitely protect Lin Yuan like a treasure!

 Lin Yuan raised his head, looked at Ghost Eyes calmly, and said calmly: "Senior of Moyuan Academy, if possible, I would like to have a good fight with you."

“It’s a pity that the protagonist on today’s stage is not me.”

 After Lin Yuan said these words, all the monks present were slightly stunned.

 Subsequently, before they had time to react, a majestic pressure suddenly descended on this place!

 The expressions of all the monks suddenly changed.

 Because this pressure was so overwhelming that it made everyone feel frightened.

 This kind of coercion may not even be possible for black hole-level monks at the peak of their strength.

  Could it be said that the monk who appeared here is a genuine cosmic-level monk? !

 For a moment, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath. Even the three college guards who surrounded Lin Yuan clearly showed a bit of solemnity.

Finally, the old ape man with the most impatient temper couldn't help but speak: "Senior, who is he? Can he show up and talk to us?"

 “It is not the demeanor of a superior person to hide one’s head and show one’s tail.”

At this moment, a clear and beautiful female voice came out from the illusory universe. She chuckled and asked, "Then you three are making things difficult for my poor disciple. Is this what you are doing?"

After the female voice came out, Lin Yuan's face immediately revealed a smile, and he bowed and said, "Hello, Master."

Immediately afterwards, the female voice said with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have really treated you as a disciple badly. It has been so long before I even thought of seeing you."

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "As long as Master still remembers that he has a disciple like me, I will be satisfied."

 “Your mouth is quite easy to talk to.”

The female voice laughed again and said lightly: "But now that I'm here, no one can bully you anymore."

“Whoever dares to touch you will be killed by me.”

The tone of this female voice is very calm, but there is a chilling air and an unquestionable majesty in her words.

 All the monks present did not expect that the situation would be reversed so quickly!

Originally, everyone thought that the master Lin Yuan spoke of was just an excuse for them to decline the invitation from the four major colleges.

However, what made everyone feel magical was that the mysterious master Lin Yuan talked about actually appeared!

Moreover, this mysterious master showed an extremely domineering temperament as soon as he appeared on the scene!

 “You are pretending to be a ghost...come out!”

The old ape man obviously had a hot temper. He flipped his right hand and took out a golden stick from his space ring!

The next second, he held the gilded stick tightly in both hands and swept towards the surroundings, trying to force out Lin Yuan's mysterious master!

Although the aura displayed by the mysterious master was very powerful, the old ape man did not believe in evil.

You must know that in such a vast and vast universe, various kinds of exercises emerge in endlessly.

 This also includes some special techniques that can simulate breath.

Sometimes, a star-level monk can even simulate the aura of a cosmic-level powerhouse, and... it is difficult for others to detect flaws.

After the ape old man swung his stick, the gilded long stick in his hand suddenly expanded a hundred times in size!

 As the gilded stick swept across, the void around him instantly shattered!

However, even so, the attack of the old ape still failed to force Lin Yuan's mysterious master out, but accidentally injured many casual cultivators around him.

 After all, as the guardian of the Demon God Academy, the strength of this old ape man is undeniable.

Once he takes action with all his strength, even if it is just the energy aftermath, it will be enough for the surrounding casual cultivators to drink a pot.

 “Get out of here! Get out of here!”

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, the old ape became more and more impatient. The long gilt stick in his hand emitted extremely dazzling golden light, and its power seemed to be even more powerful than before!

If the old ape is allowed to continue sweeping unscrupulously like this, I am afraid that the surrounding space will be completely shattered.

"I think you, little monkey, are a little too impatient."

At this moment, Lin Yuan’s mysterious master finally spoke calmly again.

After she finished speaking, a slender white jade hand stretched out from the void, and gently tapped one of its fingers on the gilded long stick that the old ape swept out.


When this thin white finger pointed on the long gilded stick, the old ape's stick, which had a powerful force, stopped abruptly under this finger, and sent out a golden iron beam. Intertwined trembling sounds!

"How can this be?!"

 After this scene appeared, all the monks present could not help but widen their eyes.

 The most shocking thing is the old ape himself.

Only he knew that he did not hold back at all with this stick and unleashed all his strength.

 However, under such circumstances, the blow that he was proud of was easily caught by the other party with just one finger.

What the old ape felt was like an irresistible force blocking him, preventing the long gilt stick in his hand from advancing even half an inch!

 Such a situation has never happened since he started practicing.

Even if he is a cosmic-level monk, the ape old man is confident that the other party will never be able to take his blow so easily.

 The reason why such a situation occurs can only explain one thing, that is, the strength of the other party far exceeds his imagination.

 Even, there is an insurmountable gap between their strengths!

“Little monkey, since this is your first offender, I won’t pursue too much, so I will give you a warning first so that you can remember it for a long time.”

Just after the clear female voice finished speaking, a strange wave of energy suddenly spread from the fingertips and spread towards the entire long gilt stick!


In the next moment, with a crisp cracking sound, the gilded long stick in the hands of the old ape was unexpectedly shattered into pieces and dust!

Lin Yuan’s mysterious master actually destroyed the old ape’s weapon with just one thought!

 All the monks in the room fell into silence!

Almost everyone is looking at the slender jade hand stretched out from the void with an indescribable look, secretly guessing in their hearts what kind of terrifying power the monk hidden behind it is!


At this moment, in a corner of the battlefield, Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin were also staring blankly at the scene in front of them, with disbelief on their faces.

 None of them have figured out why the situation has changed so drastically.

You know, after Lin Yuan was surrounded by three college guards just now, they were really worried about him.

Moreover... what made them even more curious was where Lin Yuan's master came from.

Since they had already entered the universe through the Fire Project, they had no idea that Lin Yuan had entered the Kunlun Ruins by chance.

They are even less likely to know that Lin Yuan successfully inherited the power of creation in Kunlun Ruins and became Nuwa's disciple.

If they knew that this mysterious master who suddenly appeared was the nominal creator **** of China, their jaws would probably drop in shock!

 (End of this chapter)

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