Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 556: Fuxi’s explanation

Chapter 556 Fuxi’s explanation

Lin Yuan blinked, obviously a little confused.

 Cosmic level is just cosmic level. What does it mean that it can only be regarded as cosmic level?

Nuwa obviously saw his confusion, and said with a smile: "You should know that the so-called realm division is formulated by the Universal Monk Alliance."

Lin Yuan nodded, of course he knew this.

“Then you should know that under the current level classification system, the universe level... is already the highest level!”

Nuwa smiled and said: "Any monk who has stepped into this threshold can be recognized as a cosmic-level monk."

“However, the universe-level monks are also divided into three, six or nine levels.”

"Those who are qualified to step into this threshold are cosmic-level monks. Those who have practiced at the cosmic-level for thousands of years can also be regarded as cosmic-level monks. Even the masters of the thirty-six realms and the twelve realms The domain lords are only considered to be cosmic-level monks.”

 “Because further up, there is no hierarchical system for you to follow.”

“Take me as an example. Although I am also a cosmic-level monk, I kill ordinary cosmic-level monks just like killing chickens!”

Nuwa's tone was extremely domineering, with an unquestionable confidence.

After Nuwa explained, Lin Yuan was still a little puzzled: "Since the gap between cosmic-level monks is so big, why not divide it into several more realms?"

After Lin Yuan said these words, Fuxi laughed and said, "This is the cleverness of the Universe Monk Alliance."

"You have to know that strong people all have their own tempers. Some strong people like to hide their own strength. Those who don't show off their talents on weekdays will use thunderous means once they take action!"

“There are some strong people who are extremely arrogant and don’t want to be inferior to others. Tell me... if you set a level for strong people with this kind of character that neither goes up nor down, will they still look good on you?”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan finally understood something and couldn't help but smile. This universe-level monk alliance is really a good person!

“Actually, to put it bluntly, this so-called Alliance of Universe-level monks is a giant in the eyes of ordinary monks, but in the eyes of top Universe-level monks like us, it is nothing at all.”

“The truly strong ones are never bound by any rules. Instead, those organizations try their best to please us.”

Hearing what Fu Xi said, Lin Yuan was slightly touched in his heart.

 That’s right... isn’t this what the so-called monks should be?

 Be free and unrestricted by any rules!

“Work hard, you have great potential, and one day... you can reach the same height as me.”

At this point, Fuxi seemed to have remembered something and asked: "By the way, I forgot to ask you, how much time have you spent on practicing so far?"

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment: "Um...about five years? Six years? I forgot about it myself. Anyway, it's not more than ten years."

 Not more than ten years!

Nuwa and Fuxi looked at each other, and they could see shock in each other's eyes.

 My God, this boy’s cultivation time is so short? !

In other words, in less than ten years, Lin Yuan has cultivated from an ordinary person to a realm comparable to a black hole-level monk?

This is really astonishing.

Even those with outstanding vision, like Nuwa and Fuxi, were shocked by it!

“Boy, cherish your talent, maybe one day you will surpass us.”

Fuxi patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and said solemnly.

 “Thank you for your support, senior.”

Lin Yuan smiled humbly, without any hint of pride.

 After all, he himself knows that the reason why he has reached this point is not his so-called talent at all, but the choices given by the system.

What Lin Yuan did was just risk his life again and again to complete the system's selection tasks.

“Well, if you can maintain your current mentality and not be arrogant or impetuous, it’s already very good.”

Fuxi said calmly: "After all, over the years, I have witnessed countless talented monsters who died in the middle of the road. In my eyes, these people have the potential to become invincible strong men. In the end, it didn’t even reach the cosmic level.”

“So, on the road of spiritual practice, the help that others give you is always just a foil.”

 “The only one who can help you is yourself.”

Lin Yuan nodded solemnly: "Thank you, senior, for your guidance. I understand, junior!"

“This time, you are lucky. Just when you were surrounded by others, your master came with me. Did you sense it in advance?”

Fuxi looked at Lin Yuan with a smile and asked.

“Well, I did sense it in advance.”

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "If I hadn't sensed Master's energy fluctuations, I wouldn't have dared to be so arrogant in front of these people. I would have found a suitable opportunity to escape."

 What he cultivates, like Nuwa, is the power of creation.

So, when Nuwa came nearby, Lin Yuan sensed her presence in advance!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yuan dared to be so confident in front of the three college guardians.

“Your shameless character is quite similar to that of Brother Fuxi.”

Nuwa chuckled lightly and said something teasingly.

“You guys, is my image in your heart so unbearable?”

Fuxi looked helpless, but there was nothing he could do about his sister.

 “Hee hee, it’s none of your business! I can look at you however I like!”

Nuwa stuck out her tongue and made a playful face in front of Fuxi.

Although in the eyes of others, she is a powerful female monk and a god-like existence, in front of Fuxi, she will always be the innocent little sister!

 Similarly, Fuxi has always treated and protected her as a younger sister.

“By the way, good disciple, it’s not that Master didn’t come to see you on purpose. It was just that Master was busy making breakthroughs at that time, so he had no time to take care of you.”

After finishing making faces, Nuwa remembered that her apprentice seemed to be still in front of her. She quickly adjusted her expression, assumed a majestic posture like a master, and explained calmly.

"no problem, no problem."

The contrast between Nuwa's before and after was so great that it almost made Lin Yuan laugh out loud! While holding back his laughter, he waved his hands repeatedly: "Cultivation is mainly accomplished by oneself. If you rely too much on your master, you will lose more than you gain."

“This guy’s knowledge is much deeper than yours.”

Fuxi smiled and glanced at Nuwa: "When you were practicing, you thought of giving up when you encountered difficulties, or you would come to me and pester me to help you solve the problem."

Nuwa smiled and held Fuxi's arm, and said delicately: "Brother Fuxi is the best!"

“Stop it, stop it, we have been brothers and sisters for thousands of years, don’t do this to me, it’s useless!”

Fuxi said: "Okay, if you and your apprentice have finished reminiscing about old times, it's time for us to leave."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan could not help but be slightly startled, and subconsciously asked: "Master, Senior Human Emperor, where are you going?"

“Your master has just made a breakthrough, and the foundation is not yet solid, so we must collect some treasures born in the universe to solidify your master’s foundation.”

After Lin Yuan asked, Fuxi did not hide anything and directly told the former his purpose.

“So that’s the case, then I wish Master and Senior Human Emperor good luck.”

Lin Yuan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "If possible, the two seniors can go to the earth to have a look. The earth today is really different from what it used to be."


 Fuxi raised his head, and a distant look flashed across his eyes uncontrollably.

 Yes, how long has it been since they last visited Earth?

 The sea has changed, the sun and the moon have changed, and we don’t know what the earth has changed into now.

Thinking of this, Fuxi couldn't help but said: "Thank you for reminding us. If there is a chance, I will definitely take Nuwa back to the earth for a spin, and at the same time stabilize my Taoist heart."

“After practicing for so many years, if I can’t even find the original Taoist heart, then I would have failed too much!”

After finishing speaking, Fuxi directly took Nuwa's hand, took a step forward, and disappeared into nothingness, leaving only Lin Yuan alone, as if they had never appeared.

After Nuwa and Fuxi left, the monks present, including the three guards from the academy, no longer had the idea of ​​killing Lin Yuan and fighting for the divine text.

Even if they were lucky enough to kill Lin Yuan, who knows whether those two seniors left?

If he had not left, after seeing their actions in front of others and behind their backs, he would have probably raised his hand and killed everyone present, so that his disciples would have no worries at all.

Even if they really leave, as long as they leave some trump cards to Lin Yuan, they can still affect the situation of the battle.

“Okay, Old Man Ape, don’t look at it. With that divine inscription, we are totally out of luck!”

The white-robed old man from Silver Star Academy stood in front of the lost-looking old man and said softly: "You don't need to bear grudges against these two seniors. They are already quite kind-hearted. If they are willing, You won't survive now."

"I know."

The old ape man nodded, and said with a dejected look: "Don't worry, I will definitely not try to find the divine symbols on that kid again."

"This is the first time since I started practicing that I have been crushed so miserably by someone."

At this point, the old ape couldn't help but clenched his eyes and said in a deep voice: "I have decided, I want to know my shame and then be brave!"

“After I go back, I will go into seclusion immediately. When I break through the black hole-level shackles, it won’t be too late for me to come out!”

“If I don’t leave the seclusion, I won’t appear in front of you all. I am like someone... I will do what I say!”

 After the old ape man finished speaking, the old man in white robe was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly laughed.

 It seems that this blow is indeed quite big for this old friend of mine.

 Fortunately, looking at it now, this blow to him does not seem to be a bad thing.

At this moment, Gui Yan spoke in a deep voice, his voice hoarse like iron scraping against each other: "Then we will let this kid take away the divine text?"

“Otherwise? You’re not still thinking about enrolling them in your Demonic Abyss Academy, are you? I think you are really losing your mind and going crazy, that’s why you want to compete with that mysterious female venerable for disciples!”

Jian Daozi flew over with a smile and said calmly: "Besides, those two strong men may not have really left this place. I advise you to be careful what you say, and be careful of the misfortune that comes from your mouth!"

As soon as he heard this, Guiyan immediately closed his mouth.

He saw the strength displayed by those two strong men and remembered it in his heart!

If he really offended those two people, I'm afraid even if the dean of their Demonic Abyss College came today, he wouldn't be able to save him!

Just after these guardians reached a consensus, Lin Yuan seemed to finally remember them, smiled and waved hello: "Seniors, if you don't have any objections, I can use this fire-attributed divine inscription. It was taken!"

 “Take it, take it.”

Although the old man in white robe was a little heartbroken, he had no choice but to say helplessly: "Since everything is in your hands, it naturally belongs to you."

Although the old man in white robe was still polite, in his heart he had already complained about Lin Yuan ten thousand times!

This guy is really too cheap!


 It’s enough for us to call you ancestor!

“Then thank you seniors for your love! If I, Lin Yuan, achieve some success in my cultivation in the future, I will definitely visit your seniors and have a good discussion with you then!”

 The content of Lin Yuan's words is extremely profound.

However, the meaning is already obvious, that is... Anyway, I can't beat you now, but you can't beat my master, so we are barely even now.

 Whenever my strength improves and I grow up, I will come back and take care of you!

  After hearing the implication, the old man in white robe couldn't help but sigh slightly.

This boy is really very vindictive, but if you really want to say it, he can be regarded as a master who knows right from wrong.

If no one takes the initiative to provoke him, he will not kill people casually.

Moreover...if Lin Yuan really becomes an invincible strong man one day, then their faces will also be stained!

 At the very least, when they walk outside, they can all say that they have fought against the invincible emperor Lin Yuan!

Perhaps even the old man in white robe himself did not expect that the random thoughts he had today would actually become a reality in the future...

 (End of this chapter)

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