Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 557: Guess who will chop you to death first?

Chapter 557 Guess who will chop you to death first?

Lin Yuan left with Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin.

 When he left, all the monks automatically separated a path for Lin Yuan.

Even the three academy guardians have stopped, so naturally no one dares to stop them anymore.

Moyo flew hundreds of thousands of meters. After ensuring that there was no danger behind them, Lin Yuan and the others finally stopped.

"Lin Yuan, I said you are really unkind... When did you have such a fierce master? As your principal, why didn't I know about it at all?"

Wang Zhanlin coughed twice and said with a serious face: "Besides, such a beautiful master, how could you not introduce him to me?"

 “Haha, principal...I find that you are really not afraid of death.”

 Lin Yuan glanced at Wang Zhanlin with a smile and said, "Tell me, if I record what you said, who will be the first to chop you to death, Nuwa or Teacher Li Fenyou?"

Lin Longshou smiled and joked at the side: "I guess these two women will negotiate in advance. One will start from the head and the other from the ankle to make sure that no inch is missed."

“…Lin Longshou, I didn’t realize that you are so vicious!”

Wang Zhanlin glared at Lin Longshou angrily, and then looked at Lin Yuan: "By the way, Mr. Lin, is your master...really the creator **** of the earth?"

Lin Yuan nodded with a smile and said, "If it's true, it's the Nuwa who created humans."

"However, she is not the creator **** of the earth. After all, there are many gods in other places, such as those in Western countries. Therefore, if you really want to talk about it, the great goddess Nuwa can barely be regarded as the creator of our China. God of the world."

 “Oh, that’s it.”

Wang Zhanlin nodded with a look of enlightenment, and then asked very curiously: "Then how did you become the disciple of Nuwa? Is there any special opportunity... in this?"

 “Opportunities naturally exist.”

 Lin Yuan smiled and said calmly: "However, if you really want to talk about it, this is the first time that my master and I have met."

 “First meeting?!”

Wang Zhanlin was shocked!

real or fake? !

Lin Yuan had no intention of hiding it, and directly told him about entering the Kunlun Ruins and accepting Nuwa's inheritance. Wang Zhanlin was stunned when he heard it.

“I never thought that there would be such an opportunity in the Kunlun Mountains!”

Wang Zhanlin had a look of envy on his face. If he had visited places like Kunlun Mountain more often, maybe he would be the one to accept Nuwa's inheritance...

It's a pity that everyone has his own destiny. If Lin Yuan didn't say anything, who would have thought of going to a place where birds don't poop!

Now that the chatter box has been opened, Lin Yuan told Wang Zhanlin and Lin Longshou everything that happened after that, including how he killed the Dark Lord, how he left the earth, and finally how he came to the secret realm of the star sea. They said it again.

“Your experience is so bizarre that it’s almost like a legend.”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s experience, Wang Zhanlin was simply amazed.

"Okay, don't just talk about me, let's talk about you. After leaving the earth, you should encounter a lot of things, right?"

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Otherwise, it would not have been possible to break through to the stellar level so quickly."

“What’s the use of being a star? When I met you, I saw that you were also a star. Not to mention how happy I was. I thought I could finally catch up with you!”

Wang Zhanlin said with a look of grief and anger: "Who would have thought that you are so unkind that you can kill even a black hole-level monk in the blink of an eye!"

Lin Longshou smiled at the side and said, "Okay, why are you comparing yourself to Lin Yuan? Is this kid comparable to you? Think about whether you are worthy or not."

Wang Zhanlin: “…”

 It hurts my heart, old man.

“Okay, stop talking about what you have and what you don’t have, just tell me what happened to you.”

Lin Yuan smiled and changed the topic, obviously very curious about the experiences of Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin.

“You may not be able to tell me, but our group of people from the Fire Project encountered interstellar pirates before they even left the solar system after boarding the spaceship!”

Wang Zhanlin looked bitter and said helplessly: "If a person is unlucky, his teeth will be filled with cold water! If you can encounter interstellar pirates in such a remote place in the solar system, it would be really unlucky for him to open the door for him. Unlucky as hell. "

Wang Zhanlin's witticism almost made Lin Yuan amused. He smiled and said, "Okay, don't be poor. What happens next?"

"After that? Of course we will start a war with the other party! I have already said that we come from a barren planet and there are not many resources for you to plunder, but they are still not ready to let us go, saying that they will take us all captives Let’s sell it as a puppet on the black market!”

Wang Zhanlin said angrily: "Then how can we agree to go to war with them directly! But... their number is at least twice as many as ours, and the leader is a star-level monk! "

“Although that stellar monk is not as powerful as the Dark God Lord, it is more than enough to suppress us!”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but frowned.

Although Wang Zhanlin's tone is relaxed now, Lin Yuan can still imagine how dangerous the situation was at that time.

  After all, the opponent has both the advantages in numbers and realm!

“After the war started, we fell into a state of being suppressed instantly. After all, the opponent has a large number of people, and no one can restrain the stellar monk at the head.”

Wang Zhanlin sighed slightly and said in a deep voice: "Fortunately, even under such circumstances, we still have an advantage that they cannot match, and that is blood!"

“Compared to these interstellar pirates, the monks on our spaceship are much more bloody!”

“After all, all of us choose to drift in this starry sky in order to seek opportunities for breakthroughs and find ways to save the earth.”

“It is no exaggeration to say that all of us...are prepared to die!”

 “This kind of belief is something they don’t have.”

"Moreover, the more critical point is that during the battle with these interstellar pirates, Lin Longshou successfully emerged from the desperate situation, broke through to the star level, broke into the enemy's camp, and completed the beheading. Cut off the head of the opponent’s star-level leader!” ˜ ˜ ˜ “After the death of the opponent’s leader, this group of interstellar pirates naturally became stragglers, and they were quickly defeated under our counterattack!”

 Speaking of this, Wang Zhanlin couldn't help but feel a bit proud in his tone, as if he himself had broken through to the star level!

"So... can you win this battle, is it because of Lin Longshou?"

Lin Yuan turned his head and looked at Lin Longshou.

This guy is indeed so reliable.

 Breaking through in a desperate situation sounds easy, but in fact it is extremely dangerous.

Lin Longshou's ability to do this is enough to show his firmness of mind and his high talent!

Even in Lin Yuan's eyes, if Lin Longshou is given the same time and resources to grow, he will definitely not be inferior to any of the top talents from the four major colleges!

After Lin Yuan said these words, Wang Zhanlin immediately became unhappy: "Although the first-class merit belongs to Lin Longshou, you can't ignore me! I was also willing to fight to the end with blood, okay?"

"Furthermore, if it hadn't been for my seven-year-old sword that killed the old immortal Lord of Darkness, how could there have been any trouble with Lin Longshou, that **** star-level leader? I would have killed him directly with my sword. Take it out of its sheath and chop it down with one strike!"

“Yes, yes, the principal is the strongest!”

Lin Yuan did not refute Wang Zhanlin, but praised him cheerfully, making the latter's face become even more rosy.

 With Wang Zhanlin's narration, Lin Yuan quickly learned what happened next.

 After this battle, they directly seized the spacecraft of those interstellar pirates.

 It turns out that when there was only one spaceship, everyone had to get together on the same spaceship.

 Now that they have two spaceships, they naturally have a choice!

Lin Longshou led a group of Chinese warriors and boarded another spaceship!

 The remaining people stayed on the original spaceship.

Although this may seem like parting ways, it is actually just to find more opportunities in this vast universe!

After boarding the spaceship of the interstellar pirates, Lin Longshou and the others found a huge star map directly in the cockpit!

 After having that star map, they finally no longer have to scurry around like headless flies!

 At the same time, they also had their first destination, which was a market similar to the ‘Skeleton Black Market’!

After finally arriving at the market, Lin Longshou did not hesitate at all and directly sold the spaceship and all the valuable things on it, and exchanged them for cultivation suitable for them in the market. resource!

 After all, Lin Longshou knows in his heart that only the cultivation resources in the universe are what they really need now!

The practice resources that can be replaced within the market, just get back to the earth, are all the existence of rare treasures!

 The universe is vast and also full of opportunities!

 If they want to go further, they must leave the earth. Although it is their hometown, it is also their bondage!

After collecting the cultivation resources, Lin Longshou directly concentrated these cultivation resources and prepared to give priority to some people to help them break through to the stellar level.

  After all, only by breaking through to the star level can we have the capital to compete with the Dark Lord!

 It was under this circumstance that Wang Zhanlin became the second being to break through to stellar level after Lin Longshou!

At that time, Lin Longshou and the others finally managed to gain a foothold in that market.

 All of them registered as interstellar mercenaries in the market and earned money by completing tasks.

 Perform tasks and be able to grow in danger.

 The rewards given by tasks can be exchanged for various practice resources.

 So, it is in this state that everyone's strength is growing rapidly, and every once in a while, a qualitative leap will occur!

The universe is indeed a broader stage. All warriors with talents will become rich and powerful after entering the universe!

However, in Lin Longshou’s view, this is not enough!

Although these earth monks are growing very fast, there are still only a few monks who finally succeed in breaking through to the star level.

 The time left for them is running out.

  There may only be a few years before the Dark Lord invades the earth again!

 Furthermore, no one knows what kind of preparations they will make when the Lord of Darkness comes back!

 In front of the Dark Lord, even the most powerful planet-level monks are nothing more than cannon fodder.

 So, this is why, even after Lin Longshou broke through to the star level, he still didn't bring everyone back to the earth.

 Because he is afraid!

 He was afraid that he brought hope to the earth, but in the end it fell into despair!

It is this fear that spurs Lin Longshou to continue to become stronger, forcing himself to become stronger in an almost decisive way!

 Finally, the opportunity has come!

Lin Longshou saved a sum of money and used this money to purchase two places on the black market.

 Two... places to enter the Star Sea Secret Realm!

 According to rumors, all monks who enter the secret realm of the Star Sea can obtain valuable treasures in the secret realm.

 Furthermore, as long as you can come back alive, your strength will be greatly improved!

Lin Longshou thought about it over and over, and finally made up his mind to take Wang Zhanlin with him into this secret realm of the sea of ​​​​stars!

In Lin Longshou’s view, if they can survive from this secret realm of the sea of ​​​​stars, then they should have enough strength to compete with the Dark Lord!

Facts have proved that Lin Longshou’s judgment was not wrong.

After entering the secret realm of the Star Sea, Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin, relying on their own strength and a **** spirit that was not afraid of death, actually made some tricks, not only won many treasures, but also Even the geniuses from the four major colleges were killed!

 Under such circumstances, the strength of Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin naturally increased rapidly!

They are even ready to return to Earth as soon as they leave the secret realm of the Star Sea!

However, no one expected that just when the two were about to fight for the last time and compete for the most precious divine text on the Holy Star, they would bump into Lin Yuan by coincidence...

Furthermore, it was precisely at that time that they realized that the Lord of Darkness had long been eliminated by Lin Yuan alone...

 (End of this chapter)

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