Chapter 558 Farewell!

To be honest, after learning the news of the death of the Dark God Lord from Lin Yuan, both Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin felt a sense of disillusionment.

 After all, wasn’t it that they left their homeland and traveled from the earth to the universe to solve the scourge of the Dark Lord?

 In the end, Lin Yuan told them that the crisis had been resolved.

 The current earth is stable and peaceful, and there are even stellar-level powerful people sitting there.

However, disillusionment returns to disillusionment, and the ending is good after all.

 Facing the result that the Dark God Lord was dead, Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin both felt a burst of heartfelt relief, as if a huge burden had been lifted off their shoulders!

 Since the crisis on the earth has been resolved, there is no need for them to be so anxious to improve their strength.

 Even if they want, they may not even have to return to Earth for a short time.

"If those people hear the news, they will probably feel a lot more relaxed."

Wang Zhanlin grinned and said with a smile.

You know, during this period of time, those people were working hard to complete tasks in order to improve their strength as quickly as possible!

Sometimes, they will even take on two or three tasks at the same time, in order to exchange for more abundant practice resources.

 Everyone in the mercenary union thinks they are a bunch of lunatics!

 “In fact, there is no need to tell them so early.”

Lin Longshou chuckled and said: "You need to have enough pressure to have enough motivation. Once you relax, it will be difficult to tighten it again!"

Wang Zhanlin was slightly startled at first, and then burst into laughter: "You kid, your thoughts are really bad! But... what you said really makes some sense!"

 Subsequently, Wang Zhanlin turned his head, looked at Lin Yuan, and asked, "By the way, Mr. Lin, do you have any plans next?"

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "I really don't have any specific plans yet. I'll just take a look while traveling, just in case I encounter some opportunity!"

Wang Zhanlin nodded and said, "That's right, your kid's luck has always been good, and you can always encounter good things wherever you go!"

“Seniors, do you want to travel with me?”

Lin Yuan looked at Lin Longshou and Wang Zhanlin, chuckled and said.

 “There is no need to travel.”

Wang Zhanlin waved his hand and refused: "Being with your kid, although there are many opportunities, is too dangerous!"

“Those opponents you met, I can’t deal with them. It’s good if they don’t hold you back.”

"And...I am also planning to return to Earth in a while."

Lin Longshou smiled and joked at the side: "Lin Yuan, please be considerate of him. After all, he is a family man, and he may have to give birth to a baby in a few years!"

I have to say that after hanging out with them for a long time, Lin Longshou also started to become unseemly, and even made such a joke.

 Lin Yuan said cheerfully: "Yes, Principal Wang, you really have to work hard. I'm still waiting to drink your son's full moon wine!"

 “Go, go, go, let’s go! I haven’t even written the Chinese character “horoscope” yet!

Wang Zhanlin waved his hands angrily, then changed the topic and said, "By the way, don't you have anything to tell Chu Yu?"

"I said you are really heartless. You just slapped your **** and left the earth, leaving this little girl alone on the earth. How lonely you are!"

Lin Yuan smiled and said calmly: "Really speaking, I have wronged Chu Yu."

"But...I'm not the kind of person who always gives up. I'm ready. When I return to Earth next time, I'll start preparing for her wedding."

“I would like to trouble Principal Wang to tell Chu Yu about this matter in time when he returns to Earth.”

Wang Zhanlin smiled cheerfully and said: "What? Are you afraid that this little girl won't want you? You can rest assured. Chu Yu's heart and eyes are all about you. No matter how outstanding the other proud men of heaven are, they will be admitted." I can't stand her judgment."

Lin Yuan raised the corners of his lips and chuckled: "Principal Wang, it's your fault for saying this. No matter how outstanding the geniuses on our planet are, can they compare to me?"

Wang Zhanlin almost choked: "Don't say it, it seems that it really can't compare..."

"Don't say I'm competing with you, those people are incomparable to Shen Cang. If I remember correctly, just before our group of heavenly kings left the earth, he ranked first in the school and passed away from our demons. Wu graduated!"

"Let me see...this boy's future is limitless. The worst he can do is become a child of the King of Heaven!"

Listening to Wang Zhanlin's words, Lin Yuan's eyes couldn't help but become a little wandering.

 Once upon a time, those ninth-level heavenly kings were also existences that you needed to look up to!

But now, when Wang Zhanlin mentioned the title of Heavenly King again, Lin Yuan's mentality had turned into looking down.

However, even on the current earth, heavenly king-level warriors are second to none.

 Shen Cang, this companion who was admitted to the Magic City Wuhan University with Lin Yuan, now has a bright future.

 Seriously...times have changed.

Lin Yuan sighed in his heart, but the power of creation in his body was faintly changing!

Wang Zhanlin and Lin Longshou both noticed this anomaly, looked at each other, and saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes!

 This kid Lin Yuan...actually realized it at this time!

 The so-called epiphany is a mysterious and mysterious feeling!

 This situation usually occurs when one reaches a realm of breakthrough!

 Sometimes, you may be stuck in one realm for decades.

 However, once you have an epiphany and understand the mystery, you can easily break through the shackles of your current realm!

Even, there are warriors who have advanced rapidly after their enlightenment, and have broken through several major realms in just a few years!

 Of course, there are very few such precedents.

But Wang Zhanlin and Lin Longshou never expected that Lin Yuan would have an epiphany at this time!

Could it be that their previous conversation had touched Lin Yuan's mood?

If this is really the case, then Lin Yuan's understanding is too good, and he can even have an epiphany!

After Lin Yuan entered the mysterious realm of epiphany, Wang Zhanlin and Lin Longshou looked at each other. They both had a tacit understanding and remained silent, and silently guarded the former.

 In this case, Lin Yuan cannot be interfered by any outside world!

 Otherwise, Lin Yuan’s epiphany will most likely be wasted!

Under the protection of Wang Zhanlin and Lin Longshou, Lin Yuan had a silent epiphany. He closed his eyes tightly, and a mysterious aura lingered around him.

 And this breath... seems to contain the mysterious laws of time and space!

“What this boy has understood must be the laws of the time domain...”

Wang Zhanlin’s eyes flickered, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

You must know that time and space are the two most mysterious fields!

However, despite being shocked, Wang Zhanlin was still a little worried about Lin Yuan in his heart. The more mysterious the law, the more difficult it is to understand, and there may even be a risk of going crazy at any time!


At this moment, Lin Yuan was in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Scenes from the past flashed by in his mind like a revolving lantern.

 From learning to walk...

 From the moment I stepped into the martial arts the first class...the first time I competed with other warriors...

Lin Yuan is like an outsider, watching his life and feeling the passage of time.

Finally, the day came when Lin Yuan obtained the system. From that day on, Lin Yuan's life suddenly became magnificent!

 Just like a wave, it keeps growing and eventually forms a huge wave!

As time went by, Lin Yuan's eyes gradually became more enlightened.

 It turns out...this is time.


 About a quarter of an hour later, Lin Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and there was light flowing in his eyes!

 “Have you finished understanding?”

After Lin Yuan opened his eyes, Wang Zhanlin immediately appeared in front of him with a smile.

 “Well, I’ve realized it.”

Lin Yuan said with a smile.

 “How was it? Did you gain anything?”

Lin Longshou also walked over and asked curiously.

"Of course there are some gains...but they are just prototypes of the rules. It will take some time to apply them in actual combat."

Lin Yuan pondered for a moment and then explained.

Wang Zhanlin blinked and asked tentatively: "If I guessed correctly, it should be a law related to time, right?"

"Well, that's true. If it can be used in actual combat, it should be able to exert unexpected power."

Lin Yuan smiled and explained a few words again.

 “Hahaha, okay!”

"Since you have completed your enlightenment, Lin Longshou and I can leave with peace of mind."

Before leaving, Wang Zhanlin patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and said seriously: "Lin Yuan, you must be careful when traveling alone!"

“If you encounter an unbeatable monk, be sure to remember that the best strategy is to follow the thirty-six strategies!”

 “If you can’t beat me, just run away, there’s absolutely no shame in it!”

 Listening to Wang Zhanlin's instructions, Lin Yuan couldn't help but laugh a little.

 This principal of mine is still treating himself as a student!

“Okay, I’ve remembered it all, and I wish you a safe journey. It’s best to go back to Earth as soon as possible.”

Lin Yuan waved his hand and said goodbye to the two of them briefly, then turned around directly, and his body turned into a ray of lightning and disappeared at the end of the starry sky.

“Well, don’t worry about it anymore. Once the eaglet takes flight, we are not qualified to worry about it.”

Lin Longshou smiled and said: "Besides, you and I both know in our hearts that this kid Lin Yuan will definitely be on a wider stage!"

Wang Zhanlin's eyes were distant and he said in a deep voice: "Yeah... I really don't know where he will go in the end. It's a pity that we are no longer on the same road."

“We are all old and can hardly keep up with them.”


 After parting ways with Wang Zhanlin and Lin Longshou, Lin Yuan once again embarked on a journey alone.

He is not planning to go back to the Skeleton Market.

 After all, Arturo died in his own hands. If Old Bern knew about this, he didn't know how he would retaliate against him.

Although Lin Yuan is extremely confident in his own strength, some underhanded methods are still difficult to guard against.

 If possible, it is better not to cause these troubles.

However, although there is no way back to the Skeleton Market, Lin Yuan still wants to find another market to stay.

 First of all, he needs a spacecraft with excellent performance to support his navigation in the universe.

Although with his current strength, he is fully capable of surviving in space, without a spaceship, Lin Yuan always feels like he is living like a vagabond, sleeping in the open air with no fixed abode.

I am not an ascetic, so there is no need to treat myself so badly.

Secondly, after leaving the Xinghai Secret Realm, Lin Yuan had already accumulated a large amount of money.

 He can make good use of this money and go to a war weapons chain store to customize a high-end customized weapon of his own that can withstand the power of creation!

In Lin Yuan's view, if a weapon could really meet his requirements, the price would be calculated in units of hundreds of millions!

 But even so, Lin Yuan still wants to buy it!

  After all, a handy weapon can play a huge role in improving one's own strength!

 However, although Lin Yuan’s idea was good, in practice, he encountered great setbacks.

The frustration here is not at all whether Lin Yuan has enough money, but because... he is lost!

That's right, in this vast starry sky, Lin Yuan had no sense of direction at all. He was looking for a needle in a haystack. He didn't know that he would have to wait until the year of the monkey to find a market similar to the skeleton black market!

In this way, Lin Yuan wandered in the boundless universe for nearly a month.

During this month, Lin Yuan would occasionally visit other planets to see the customs and customs of other races!

At the same time, he is still working hard, trying to be more consistent with the fire-attribute divine inscription, and he will spend a certain amount of time every day to figure out the laws of time he has understood previously.

 In this kind of life, time passes like this day by day.

During this period of time, Lin Yuan's deepest desire was to have a group of blind interstellar pirates come and rob him!

The reason why Lin Yuan had such an idea was actually very simple.

 Let’s not talk about anything else, at least there is a star map on the spaceship of the interstellar pirates...

 (End of this chapter)

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