Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 559: Black Mist Demon Lord!

Chapter 559 Black Mist Demon Lord!


Lin Yuan, who was traveling among the stars, suddenly felt a sensation.

 Subsequently, he immediately opened the pet space and summoned Xiaoyou!

 After sleeping for a long time, Xiaoyou finally woke up!

"Choo Choo Choo!"

 After waking up, Xiaoyou's body shape still hasn't changed much.

However, its dragon body is covered with red-gold lines, which look extremely complicated, and seem to contain a hint of the true meaning of the law!

 “Not bad, the evolution is quite complete.”

 Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Come on, try attacking me."


Xiaoyou murmured twice, seeming a little hesitant.

Lin Yuan laughed dumbly and said: "What? Are you still afraid of hurting me? I'm not as weak as you think, just attack me!"

 Under Lin Yuan’s insistence, Xiaoyou finally moved.

I saw its body turned into a golden afterimage, piercing the starry sky like a sharp arrow, and headed towards the direction of Lin Yuan!

 Almost in just one breath, Xiaoyou came to Lin Yuan, swung the dragon claw heavily, and drew a golden claw shadow!

Lin Yuan did not take Xiaoyou's attack seriously at first, but when the claw shadow containing a trace of law power was swung out, the former's expression changed instantly!

 He actually felt a dangerous aura from the golden claw shadow in front of him!

 “Thunder Shield!”

Lin Yuan did not hesitate, the power of thunder in his body surged out as if in a direction, forming a huge shield of thunder in front of him!


However, the moment the thunder shield he condensed came into contact with the golden claw shadow swung by Xiaoyou, it suddenly shattered and exploded into thunder fragments all over the sky!

But the offensive of the golden claw shadow has not diminished at all, and it is still like a tarsal maggot, attacking and killing Lin Yuan!

 “Shenra Tianzheng!”

 As a last resort, Lin Yuan activated the power of the Samsara Eye without hesitation!

 For a moment, an extremely powerful repulsive force was repulsed in the direction of the golden claw shadow. Although it could not completely bounce it away, it also caused great resistance to it!

 “Divine power!”

 The next moment, Lin Yuan activated the Mangekyō Sharingan again.

 The power of divine power suddenly distorted the space in front of him, swallowing the golden claw shadow into the divine space.

 After resolving Xiaoyou's offensive, Lin Yuan's eyes completely changed when he looked at it.

I really didn’t expect that this little guy would become so strong after waking up!

It’s really unbelievable.

“I didn’t expect it. He has evolved quite well. He has the strength to fight with me a few times.”

Lin Yuan stepped forward, rubbed Xiaoyou's head, smiled softly and said.

This is the first time since Xiaoyou hatched that he has a tendency to catch up with him in terms of combat effectiveness.

If Xiaoyou had always existed as an auxiliary pet in the original battle, the next battle, it could serve as the main combat force and fight alongside Lin Yuan.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Under Lin Yuan's praise, Xiaoyou also let out several dragon roars in excitement.

 It's like saying, let you look down on me before!

 Look, it’s hard work!

 “I complimented you a few times, but I didn’t expect you to be out of breath.”

Lin Yuan smiled and rubbed Xiaoyou's head with a look of doting on his face.

 All along, he has regarded Xiaoyou as his own child. Lin Yuan will naturally be happier if it can become stronger!

At this moment, a cold voice sounded from Lin Yuan's ears.

"I'm really sorry, it seems to have disturbed the relationship between you and your pet..."

After hearing this voice, Lin Yuan turned his head and found a dark figure behind him, staring straight at him.

This figure was dressed in a black robe. He was so skinny that he could not hold up such a large robe, and his skinny skull-like head was even more intimidating.

“Do you have any advice?”

Lin Yuan crossed his arms across his chest, frowned, looked at the person in front of him, and spoke calmly.

“I don’t take advice seriously. With your master in front of me, my just like a rotten tree in a swamp. It’s not worth mentioning.”

The old man in black robes in front of him laughed and said: "However, if you really want to talk about it, I really have a request, that is, please give me the divine inscriptions in your hands for next reading."

Hearing this, Lin Yuan finally came to his senses and said with a smile: "After talking for so long and going in such a big circle, it turns out that we are here to grab the divine text!"

“What I’m more curious about is, how long have you been following me?”

The old man in black robe said calmly: "I have been following you since you left the star ring."

Lin Yuan laughed: "Then you are really patient enough to follow me all the way."

"Be careful and you won't make a big mistake. I must eliminate all possible dangers."

"If your master is still guarding you secretly, all she can do to annihilate me is to raise her hands and feet."

The old man in black robe said with a smile, but combined with his skull face, his smile was even uglier than crying.

"Even if you still have some self-awareness, if you kill me and take away my divine writings, aren't you afraid that my master will chase you?"

Lin Yuan looked at the other party and asked.

“Pursuit? The universe is so vast, where can’t we go? Even if your master wants to avenge you, you may not be able to find me.”

The old man in black robe stretched out his hand towards Lin Yuan and said in a deep voice: "However, even so, I am not willing to be an enemy of a strong person like your master."

"If you are willing to take the initiative to call out the divine text, I can let you live."

Lin Yuan shook his head and said bluntly: "I reject your proposal."

“Then don’t blame me for being ruthless.”

The old man in black robe took a deep breath, and the broad sleeves of his robe instantly seemed to be stirring up a long wind, and clouds of black mist began to pour out! These black mists, as if possessing spirituality, shrouded down in the direction of Lin Yuan!

 Not long after, within a radius of dozens of miles, the black mist spread by the old man in black robes was completely enveloped!

Lin Yuan was in the black mist. He only felt that his blood and mental strength were obviously suppressed. Even his consciousness and soul felt an unprecedented sense of suppression.

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and condensed a ball of thunderous light in his palm.

Sure enough, under the influence of the black mist, even the condensed thunderballs looked particularly dim!

To this black-robed old man, this black mist is like a realm.

 As long as it is within his domain, everything will be suppressed accordingly!

“I finally know your identity. It turns out you are the famous ‘Black Mist Demon Lord’!”

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked sharply at the old man in black robe in front of him.

During the time he spent with Li Chaoge, Lin Yuan also got to know a lot of the more famous and powerful people in the galaxy.

Although the vast majority of these strong men are affiliated with a certain force, there are also some strong men who do not like to be restrained and travel around as casual cultivators and loners.

This type of casual cultivator will attract more attention from everyone.

And the Black Mist Demon Lord who appeared in front of Lin Yuan was one of them!

Although he is also a black hole level monk, compared with the local chickens and dogs that Lin Yuan has dealt with before, although he is also a black hole level monk, the strength of the Black Mist Demon Lord cannot be compared with them at all.

Due to the existence of the black mist, no matter who the Black Mist Demon Lord fights against, he can easily suppress the opponent's strength.

At the same time, in the black mist, the Black Mist Demon Lord's own combat effectiveness can also be significantly increased.

 Suffering from the ebb and flow of one thing and another, there are few black hole level monks who can be his opponents.

According to Li Chaoge, the strength of the Black Mist Demon Lord should be at the same level as the guardians sent by their four major colleges.

 The most famous thing about the Black Mist Demon Lord is not his strength, but his character!

If you could describe his character in one sentence, it would be timid and reckless, combining stability and adventure!

 The reason why Black Mist Demon Lord is said to be cowardly is because his character is really too cautious. As long as there is a certain danger, he is not willing to get involved.

Just like the battle outside the Shattered Star Ring, with his strength, it was completely possible to **** the Fire Divine Inscription from Lin Yuan and escape from the guardians of the four major colleges.

 But it was because he was afraid of being chased by the guardians and because he didn't know Lin Yuan's full strength that he held off taking action.

 What happened next proved that his approach was correct.

If he had chosen to attack Lin Yuan forcefully under that situation, he would have been killed on the spot by God Nuwa!

In addition to being timid, the Black Mist Demon Lord also has a very radical side!

His radical thing is that as long as the interests reach a high enough level, he will take risks at all costs!

 But taking risks is taking risks, and his extremely cautious character will allow him to minimize the risks before taking them!

Just like this time, he followed Lin Yuan all the way from the Shattered Star Ring to here. Lin Yuan even had an epiphany on the way. He didn't take the opportunity to take action. From this, we can also see what this guy's thoughts are. How meticulous!

 This is almost morbid!

The Black Mist Demon Lord's contradictory character has greatly enhanced his popularity.

Originally, Li Chaoge just thought he was interesting, so he mentioned it to Lin Yuan.

Even Lin Yuan himself did not expect that one day he would actually be able to meet the Black Mist Demon Lord!

 Moreover, once they meet, it will be a battle of life and death!

 “Xiaoyou, try to dispel the black fog.”

Lin Yuan turned his head, glanced at Xiaoyou, and spoke softly.

Although his Samsara Eye can ignore the influence of the black mist that blocks his vision, his combat effectiveness has been significantly reduced under the shroud of the black mist. Once he fights with the Black Mist Demon Lord, he will easily fall into an unfavorable situation. In the situation.


 After Lin Yuan gave the order, Xiaoyou took action!

With a burst of strange energy fluctuations, the golden lines on the body of the little ghost dragon suddenly lit up countless golden lights out of thin air, the color of which was exactly the same as Nuwa's power of creation!

 Obviously, after Xiaoyou absorbed the Power of Creation, he also absorbed some of the abilities of the Power of Creation!

 As the golden light surged, the surrounding black mist was also dispersed.

Under this situation, Lin Yuan suddenly felt that his soul became clear and his body became much lighter, as if a thick layer of shackles had been lifted.

However, it turned out that Lin Yuan was happy too early.

The black mist that had been dispersed seemed to be alive, gathering in the direction of Lin Yuan again!

Although the black fog this time is much dimmer than before, and is constantly being eliminated due to the influence of the golden glow, but even after it is eliminated, the black fog in other areas will replenish it again, as if it is a steady stream. Continuously, endlessly!


Looking at the scene in front of him, Xiaoyou immediately became angry and used all his strength to activate the energy in his body, making the light that burst out from the golden pattern even more dazzling!

Facts have proved that this is indeed useful.

Under the golden light, the surrounding black mist was like a fire extinguished by water. After violent churning, it was completely eliminated.

Unfortunately, the area of ​​​​the black mist is too huge, and the golden brilliance emitted by Xiaoyou is completely a drop in the bucket.

Furthermore, Xiaoyou seemed to be unable to maintain this state for a long time. Not long after he persisted, he began to feel a little weak.

“Okay, you’ve done a good enough job, I just need you to limit the suppressive power of the black mist for me, that’s enough.”

 “Save some energy, we’ll be ready to fight later.”

Lin Yuan turned his head, glanced at Xiaoyou, and spoke softly to persuade.


Xiaoyou nodded, no longer choosing to compete, and withdrew part of the golden glow, causing the black mist to take advantage of it again and become thicker again.

“This ability is so pervasive, it’s really disgusting.”

Lin Yuan smiled and directly chose to sacrifice the divine text from the spiritual sea!

 “Holy Fire!”

 After this fire-attributed divine inscription was sacrificed, Lin Yuan poured his own spiritual power into it without hesitation!

For a moment, a sacred and dazzling fire burst out from this divine inscription, dispersing part of the black mist. The effect was actually even greater than the glow that Xiaoyou had condensed through the golden lines on the dragon's body. A bit more powerful!

 After Lin Yuan summoned the divine inscription, the Black Mist Demon Lord's attention was also firmly attracted by the divine inscription in front of him.

He stared at the divine inscription, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of greed.

  No matter what...he must get this divine inscription in his hands!

 (End of this chapter)

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