Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 560: It’s so comfortable, increase the intensity!

Chapter 560: So comfortable, increase the intensity!

 After dispelling part of the black mist, Lin Yuan's strength also recovered to a certain extent.

Now that the strength has been restored, then... we must have a good discussion with the Black Mist Demon Lord in front of us!

To be honest, Lin Yuan is also very curious about how far his current strength has grown!

 For him now, the Black Mist Demon Lord, who is as powerful as the guardian of the academy, is undoubtedly an excellent training target!

Moreover, not only him, but also Xiaoyou beside him is eagerly waiting for the battle to begin!

 After all, after sleeping for so long, Xiaoyou also wanted to have a hearty battle and move around!

 The first one to take action was Xiaoyou!

I saw its dragon's mouth open, and immediately spit out a massive dragon flame!

 It's just that after it absorbed the roar of creation, the dragon flames it spit out have undergone earth-shaking changes!

There used to be only one dragon flame, but now it has turned into two strands of dragon flames intertwined together!

 A stream of dragon flames were blue in color, revealing the aura of frost and cold!

 The other dragon flame showed a dark yellow color, containing the power of vitality and destruction!

 Obviously, after absorbing the power of creation given by God Nuwa, even the energy structure in Xiaoyou's body has undergone earth-shaking changes!

After the dragon flames spewed out, the Black Mist Demon Lord frowned and his face looked slightly solemn.

He obviously did not expect that even the pet beast next to Lin Yuan could possess such terrifying strength!

 This really surprised him!

However, an accident is an accident, and an attack of this level obviously cannot pose much of a threat to him!

The Black Mist Demon Lord stretched out his right hand and drew an arc in the air, quickly causing waves.

 Under the stirring of his right hand, the black mist in front of him also moved, and quickly formed a vortex that seemed to swallow everything!

The whirlpool of black mist collided directly with the ice-gold dragon flames, seeming to want to forcefully devour the latter!

 It's just that...the energy contained in the Xiaoyoulongyan is extremely violent and cannot be swallowed so easily.

As the two merged, the black mist vortex expanded rapidly, as if it was being stretched by something!

After reaching the extreme, this vortex of black mist completely exploded, and the aftermath of the burst of energy swept away in all directions in an instant!

Under the instigation of the aftermath of this energy, even the Black Mist Demon Lord couldn't help but take a few steps back, and then managed to stabilize his body!

“Boy, this star-devouring beast of yours is really talented! I’m a little reluctant to kill it!”

The Black Mist Demon Lord looked at Xiaoyou in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

 “Want to kill? Then you must have this ability!”

 After Xiaoyou took action, Lin Yuan also boldly chose to take action!

 I saw his body move, and instantly turned into a bolt of lightning, traveling at high speed in the direction of the Black Mist Demon Lord, and almost in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the opponent!

 “Let me take a closer look at what kind of ability you have to say such a thing!”

Lin Yuan opened his pupils, and the magatama as black as ink instantly flowed in the scarlet eyes!


 Divine power!

 The two magical skills of the Sharingan are activated instantly!

Like a tarsal maggot, Amaterasu's black flames clung to the Black Mist Demon Lord's body and began to burn violently!

At the same time, the distorted space formed by the divine power also instantly strangled the abdomen of the Black Mist Demon Lord, forcibly strangulating his body into two pieces!

However, looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yuan did not take it lightly at all.

 Because, he knew in his heart that no black hole-level monk could be killed by him so easily!

As expected, even though his body was broken into two parts and was still being burned by the black flames of Amaterasu, the vitality of the Black Mist Demon Lord had not diminished at all.

He grinned and laughed slightly arrogantly: "It's useless, you can't kill me. What I practice... is the 'Mist Demon Sea Transformation Technique', which can transform into the sea of ​​black mist! In other words, , this whole black mist is my body and part of my life!”

 “If the black mist is immortal, then I will never be extinguished!”

“If the black mist does not perish, then I will not perish!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the Black Mist Demon Lord exploded into black mist that filled the sky with a 'peng' sound!

 The Amaterasu Black Flame, after burning part of the black mist, was extinguished.

Although Amaterasu Black Flame is very strong and domineering, it still has its limitations after all.

Once the opponent actively separates the burning part, the Amaterasu Black Flame will automatically extinguish because it cannot find the burning object.

Facing the Black Mist Demon Lord who can use the entire sea of ​​black mist as his own body, it is not difficult for him to divide his body!

 “In that case...let’s try this again!”

Lin Yuan shouted low, and extremely dazzling lightning surged around him, forming a vast sea of ​​thunder!

The sea of ​​thunder surges crazily in the black mist, and any black mist that comes into contact with it will be instantly annihilated under its violent energy fluctuations!

“That’s are already showing signs of being able to hurt me.”

Black Mist Demon Lord laughed loudly and said: "However, how long can such a large-scale move be sustained with the little energy in your body?"

“My black mist is endless. No matter how large your attack range is, it’s just a drop in the bucket for me.”

 “I advise you to be obedient and hand over that divine inscription!”

“Once your energy is exhausted, you will be a piece of meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered by me!”

 After the Black Mist Demon Lord finished these words, even Lin Yuan couldn't help but his face darkened.

 Because he knew in his heart that the other party was not bluffing.

 My own thunder sea may seem powerful, but the actual damage caused to this guy is indeed limited!

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that in his first battle with the top black hole monk, he would encounter such a difficult opponent!

This guy...doesn't he have any weakness at all?

 Wait, weakness? !

Lin Yuan's mind seemed to have a flash of lightning.

 He seems to be beginning to understand where the weakness of the Black Mist Demon Lord lies!

 In this world, there can be no perfect monks.

But every human being must have his or her weaknesses!

 The weakness of the Black Mist Demon Lord lies in...

Lin Yuan raised his head, smiled and asked: "Black Mist Demon Lord, what I'm curious about is why, after so long, you still haven't meant to attack me, but have been passively defending and waiting. What if I take action?”

 After Lin Yuan said these words, the expression of the Black Mist Demon Lord changed instantly!

However, he quickly covered up his gaffe and said in a deep voice: "Boy, if you have time to think about these issues, you might as well think about how to defeat me!"

Looking at the Black Mist Demon Lord in front of him, Lin Yuan finally understood what he had guessed in his heart. He chuckled and said, "It seems that I guessed right. The reason why you didn't choose to attack me was not for other reasons. But this state, you have no way to attack me!"

“Although you can transform into black mist, you have almost infinite vitality!”

"But in this state, your power is too scattered and you can't make an effective attack at all!"

"And once you gather the energy in the black mist together, you are worried that you will be defeated by me!"

"So, you have been deliberately provoking me, anger me, want to let me shoot you, and want me to exhaust the energy in my body!" "In this way, as you said, it became a treated Lamb to the slaughter!"

After Lin Yuan stated his guess in one breath, the Black Mist Demon Lord immediately fell into silence, with the expression on his face changing.

He obviously didn't expect that Lin Yuan was so smart, almost as smart as a monster!

With just a few words of his own and some of the characteristics displayed by the Mist Demon Sea Transformation Skill, he instantly judged his disadvantages!

 Indeed, Lin Yuan's speculation completely touched his mind!

 After being silent for a long time, the Black Mist Demon Lord spoke again: "Haha... I have to admit, you are very smart."

"But, so what? You still have nothing to do with me. I can slowly drag you here and use the black mist to slowly wear you down. I am different from you. I can afford it. , and you...can you afford it?"

 Since Lin Yuan saw through his intentions, he no longer took the initiative.

Then, he simply continued to drag it on until Lin Yuan couldn't bear it anymore and took the initiative to hand over the divine inscription!

 “Procrastinate? I’m so sorry, I never wanted to procrastinate with you.”

“For me, time is very precious and you can’t afford to waste it!”

Lin Yuan grinned and summoned the Fire Divine Script again.

The next second, Lin Yuan poured all the creation power and spiritual power in his body into the divine inscription in front of him without hesitation!


 In an instant, a cluster of dazzling golden flames suddenly rose from the top of the divine text!

Black Mist Demon Lord frowned slightly and asked in a deep voice: "What on earth do you want to do?!"

 “What do I want to do?”

 Lin Yuan grinned and said calmly: "What I want to do, of course, is to deal with you in my own way!"

 The next second, the dazzling golden flames instantly rolled towards the Black Mist Demon Lord!

However, the target of this golden flame is not the black mist that makes up his body, but the mental power and soul of the Black Mist Demon Lord!

 No matter how strong a person is physically, he will still die as long as his mental strength and soul are irreversibly damaged!

And what Lin Yuan grasped was precisely this point!

He wants to use the golden flame of creation in front of him to completely burn away the mental power and soul of the Black Mist Demon Lord!

 “You... are cruel enough!”

The Black Mist Demon Lord dropped these words with great hatred, and began to seal off his own mental power and soul, hoping to protect them from the burning of the Creation Golden Flame!

However, Lin Yuan knew very well the power of the Creation Golden Flame.

You must know that this is a combination of three powers: spiritual power, creation power, and fire divine power!

Being burned by such a flame, the Lord Black Mist will be left half disabled even if he does not die!

 If the soul is damaged and is not repaired in time, the outcome will be extremely miserable.

 Even, it will cause irreversible harm to future practice!

Although Lin Yuan couldn't see clearly what was going on inside the Black Mist Demon Lord, judging from the rolling black mist outside, this guy was definitely not feeling well right now!

Time passed by minute by minute, and nearly a hundred breaths of time passed quickly!

 The black mist all around is no longer as violent as before.

According to Lin Yuan's speculation, the Black Mist Demon Lord's mental power and soul should be almost burned by his creation golden flame.

 However, at this moment, the voice of the Black Mist Demon Lord rang out from the black mist.

“Little brother, the fire is not enough, give me more fire!”

The Black Mist Demon Lord's voice was full of energy. It didn't sound like his soul had been severely damaged at all, but rather like he had taken some kind of Shiquan tonic!

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned and couldn't help but fell into confusion.

What's happening here? !

 This is so different from the script!

 Wait a minute, this guy... isn't he a masochist?

 The more it hurts, the more comfortable it is?

While Lin Yuan was deep in thought, the voice of the Black Mist Demon Lord rang out again.

This time, there was a hint of impatience in his tone.

 “Little friend, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and add fuel to the fire!”

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 Okay, I'll add it to you, see if I can burn you to death!

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed, since you want fire so much, then let's see how I can increase the intensity for you!

Mental strength!

 The power of creation!

 Amaterasu Black Flame!

Lin Yuan gritted his teeth and poured flames and energy into the Fire Divine Inscriptions again!

 After the increase of the fire divine script, the flames born this time are even more powerful than before!

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all and directly threw the flame into the body of the Black Mist Demon Lord!

 One second…Two seconds…

Just when Lin Yuan was wondering whether the flames had directly burned the Black Mist Demon Lord to death, the latter's voice came out from the churning black mist again.


 “So comfortable!”

 “Thank you so much, little friend, I haven’t felt so comfortable for a long time!”

 Lin Yuan: “…”

 He can now conclude that this old guy is a **** through and through!

 Subsequently, the black fog in front of his eyes continued to billow.

The Black Mist Demon Lord will also make a few low whistles from time to time, which sounds extremely ecstatic!

After about a hundred breaths passed, the black mist stopped churning, and the body of the Black Mist Demon Lord once again condensed into shape in front of Lin Yuan.

Furthermore, what surprised Lin Yuan even more was that there was a trace of gratitude on his face...

 (End of this chapter)

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