Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 562: Black armored guard!

Chapter 562 Black-armored guard!

Soon, Lin Yuan realized that the reason why such a situation occurred was entirely because this group of people were affected by the Land of Shura!

 Let alone them, even Lin Yuan himself was more or less affected as he got closer and closer to the Land of Shura.

The originally peaceful and peaceful heart is now often filled with violent and violent emotions for no reason!

 This had never happened before Lin Yuan.

 It was as if the ferocious nature in my heart had been completely brought out!

 In Lin Yuan's opinion, the reason why such a situation happened could only be due to the influence of Shura Land!

Moreover, the closer you are to the land of Shura, the greater the impact will be.

At the same time, the longer you stay near the Land of Shura, the effects you will receive will gradually accumulate, and finally completely disrupt a person's mind, turning him into a monster who only knows how to kill!

 After realizing this, Lin Yuan even had the idea of ​​leaving this place.

 Fortunately, he found that the impact of Shura Land was not without any solution.

As long as the power of creation is allowed to flow in the spiritual sea for one round, those vicious and violent negative emotions will be eliminated.

Furthermore, after elimination, Lin Yuan's current mental power can be improved to a certain extent, and even his mind will be a bit tougher than before.

The reason why Lin Yuan was able to discover the role of the power of creation was because he got inspiration from Xiaoyou.

After entering the area close to the land of Shura, this little guy seemed not to be affected by anything. He lazed about every day, slept when he was full, and continued to eat when he woke up.

Lin Yuan initially thought that these negative effects of the Shura Land were only aimed at human monks, and did not include strange beasts like Xiaoyou.

However, he soon discovered that this was not the case.

Every night, golden light will appear in Xiaoyou's body, and it looks like it is purifying something!

After Lin Yuan observed Xiaoyou's actions, he immediately imitated his actions and used the power of creation to purify his own spiritual sea. As expected, it also had the same effect of eliminating those negative effects!

At the same time, Lin Yuan became even more interested in the land of Shura.

 Just letting out some breath is enough to disturb the monk's mind. It's definitely not that simple!


 Seven days later.

"finally reached."

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at the **** star ring in the distance, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

 After passing through this **** star ring, he can successfully enter the land of Shura.

Outside this **** star ring, there are countless corpses of monks floating, some of the corpses are even mutilated, and the human form is almost gone.

Even if this is just the entrance to the Land of Shura, it has already given Lin Yuan a great sense of oppression.

"time to go."

Lin Yuan patted Xiaoyou beside him, took the initiative to leave the spaceship, and flew through the sky in the direction of the **** star ring.

When he brought Xiaoyou to the front of the **** star ring, he discovered that the entrance to the Shura Land was not unguarded.

Two tall black-armored giants, six or seven meters tall, were holding Yanyue swords, standing like two sculptures on both sides of the **** star ring.

If these two people were not still exuding auras, and the auras they emitted were extremely terrifying, Lin Yuanzhen would have thought that they were not alive at all.

 “Let me in!”

 “The land of Shura... is my destination!”

 “No one can stop me!”

While Lin Yuan was still carefully observing the two black-armored giants guarding outside the **** star ring, a sharp shout suddenly exploded in his ears!

Lin Yuan frowned and looked back following the discovery coming from the voice.

I saw a monk with eyes as red as blood and a crazy appearance, rushing towards the entrance of the **** star ring at an extremely fast speed and desperately!

 “Is this guy... crazy?”

 Lin Yuan stopped what he was doing, wanting to see what would happen to this madman.

 After this madman appeared, the two black-armored giants guarding the **** star ring remained unmoved.

However, just when the madman rushed toward the **** star ring and was only nearly a thousand meters away from the entrance, one of the black-armored giants finally moved!

 Although he is extremely tall, it does not affect his speed at all!

His figure turned into an afterimage, flying out like a black lightning. In just an instant, he teleported in front of the madman!

 The Yanyue sword in his hand was raised high.

 Then, it fell suddenly!


With a soft sound, the head of the crazy monk in front of him was cut off extremely easily by the black-armored giant!

 The head fell to the ground, the neck was broken, and blood surged out like a fountain!

After killing the crazy monk without hesitation, the black-armored giant didn't even look back and returned to its original position, as if nothing had happened.

Looking at the scene happening in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but swallowed.

He could sense that although the crazy monk was not very conscious, he had black hole level strength at least.

 However, a monk of this level was understood by the black-armored giant with just one blow!

 The strength of this black-armored really unfathomable!

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and walked step by step in the direction of the **** star ring. He remained vigilant the whole time, for fear that the two black-armored monks would suddenly attack him!

Fortunately, perhaps because they realized that Lin Yuan was not prepared to forcefully break through the level, the two black-armored monks did not take action until Lin Yuan came to the **** star ring.

“Two seniors, after this star ring, is the land of Shura?”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and asked tentatively.

 The black-armored giant in front of him glanced at him calmly, and then nodded slightly, acquiescing.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to have any intention of taking action, Lin Yuan became a little bolder and asked, "Excuse me, senior, can I go in?" After Lin Yuan finished asking, the black-armored giant answered in a deep voice. : "Only those who hold the Shura Token can enter."

The voice of the black-armored giant was low and hoarse, without the slightest emotion. It sounded like a programmed robot.

However, Lin Yuan was slightly happy.

 It turns out these two guys can talk!

If these two black-armored giants hadn't spoken, Lin Yuan would have thought they were puppets!

However, some advanced puppets can even have their own thinking and wisdom, let alone speak.

 Subsequently, a new question emerged in Lin Yuan's mind.

That's strong are these two black-armored giants?

Although my own reincarnation eye cannot see through the opponent's realm, judging from the strength of the black-armored giant who just took action, the cultivation level of these two black-armored giants is definitely not low!

Moreover, if the cultivation level of these two black-armored giants is too low, they will not be qualified to guard the entrance to Shura Land!

While Lin Yuan was thinking like this, the system options appeared in front of him again.

【Option 1: Provoke the black-armored guards, try to force their way into the Land of Shura, and force them to fight, and win the fight. Reward: 10 million points of energy and blood, 10 million points of spiritual power! 】

  【Option 2: Give up provoking the black-armored guards and enter the land of Shura with the Shura Token. Reward: 500,000 qi and blood points, 500,000 spiritual power. 】

 Lin Yuan: “…”

Depend on!

At this time, you actually gave me two options!

 Speaking of which, what the **** are these 10 million qi and blood and 10 million kilohertz of spiritual power? !

Although Lin Yuan looked very excited, he was very aware of the urinary properties of the system.

 According to the convention of system release options, usually the more difficult and difficult the choice is to complete, the more generous the reward will be!

Just by provoking the two black-armored guards in front of him, he can gain 10 million blood and 10 million spiritual power. Just thinking about it with his toes, Lin Yuan can imagine how dangerous this thing is!

 The system was warning him from the side that he couldn't afford to offend these two black-armored guards!


Lin Yuan swallowed and silently looked away from the first option.

Although he is also very coveted of the reward of nearly 20 million, what he cares more about is whether he will still have the life to enjoy it after receiving the reward!

Lin Yuan guessed that if he really did it without knowing what he was doing, he would probably end up like that crazy monk, with his head chopped off by the black-armored giant in front of him!

  No, I am stronger than him, maybe I can resist for a while, and then my head will be cut off with a knife...

At the thought of such an ending, Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel a little shuddered.

 Isn’t it good to be alive?

Honestly use the Shura Token to go in and get the 500,000 points of vitality and 500,000 hp for free. Isn’t it delicious?

After a fierce ideological struggle (nothing), Lin Yuan finally made a decision, took out the Shura Token from the system space, and handed it to one of the black-armored giants.

After the other party received the Shura Token, he checked it carefully, then moved out of the way and said in a deep voice: "The verification passed, entry is allowed."

Lin Yuan looked at the two black-armored giants in front of him who were like door gods, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what is professionalism? This is called professionalism!

After retrieving the Shura Token, Lin Yuan took Xiaoyou directly into the entrance of the Shura Land without any hesitation!

 The land of Shura should also be a space independent of the universe.

 At the very least, the way to enter is very similar to the Star Sea Secret Realm.

As the space in front of him trembled, a scarlet blood appeared in front of Lin Yuan's eyes, as if he was in a **** world!

Lin Yuan frowned. To be honest, he didn't know whether he was in the process of teleportation or had been teleported to the land of Shura.

If it’s the latter, then the interior of Shura Land would be too weird.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the scarlet color in Lin Yuan's eyes to gradually fade away.

He looked around and found that he was in the center of an altar.

 Surrounded by blood-colored stone walls carved with patterns, it looks like an ancient ritual is being performed!

What Lin Yuan didn't expect was that after he was teleported to the Land of Shura, he didn't appear in the starry sky.


In such a completely unfamiliar environment, Xiaoyou was quite excited, jumping up and down, and even studied the patterns on the stone wall.

 “You have to look for an exit first.”

 Lin Yuan stood up and began to explore around.

This altar is not too big, it is about the size of an ordinary room. Lin Yuan explored the entire room after about six or seven minutes.

However, we still couldn’t find any exit, not even the hidden compartment.

"Is it possible that I have to use brute force to get out?"

Lin Yuan really couldn't think of a clue. Just when he was about to use brute force to break open the stone wall in front of him, there was a sudden change on Xiaoyou's side!

 I saw Xiaoyou as if he was possessed, facing one of the blood-colored stone slabs engraved with strange patterns, a pair of dragon eyes, revealing a violent red color!

Subsequently, Lin Yuan clearly saw wisps of blood condensing from the stone slab in front of him, and like a snake, it penetrated into Xiaoyou's body!

With the injection of **** aura, Xiaoyou's face became more ferocious and violent, and there was even a substantial murderous intention and evil aura condensed around him!

Then, the blood-colored stone slab in front of him began to gradually dim, no longer as scarlet as blood before.

Lin Yuan's face was slightly stern. He finally understood the function of this altar!

 Its most important function is to use the blood on the stone slab to forcibly baptize the creatures that enter the land of Shura, turning them into murderous Shura!

"Xiaoyou, don't be affected by the blood on the stone slab, quickly use the power of creation in your body!"

Lin Yuan stared at Xiaoyou and said in a deep voice.

It's a pity that Xiaoyou now seems to have a murderous intention controlling his brain, and he can no longer hear what Lin Yuan is saying.

If it weren't for its bond with Lin Yuan, it would have penetrated deep into the soul. I'm afraid Xiaoyou, who is now so murderous, would have taken action against Lin Yuan!

Seeing that Xiaoyou didn't respond, Lin Yuan gritted his teeth, walked directly to Xiaoyou, and placed his hands on its dragon body.

 Since you rely on your own strength and can't wake up, let me help you!

Lin Yuan took a deep breath, and without hesitation poured the power of creation into Xiaoyou's body. It was like a long golden river, rushing and surging, washing away the **** evil spirit in Xiaoyou's body...

 (End of this chapter)

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