Chapter 563 Filling up the vitality!

 The power of creation has a purifying effect on the **** evil spirit. This is what Lin Yuan discovered before entering the land of Shura.

After pouring the power of creation into Xiaoyou's dragon body, the evil spirit around the latter began to dissipate in a trend visible to the naked eye. Even the pair of scarlet dragon eyes began to gradually become... It has calmed down and is no longer as violent and ferocious as before.

 After Xiaoyou regained a certain degree of consciousness, it also began to actively mobilize the power of creation in the body, and together with Lin Yuan, set out to clear out the evil spirit from the body!

 One person and one beast worked together for about the time of a cup of tea, and only then did Xiaoyou's consciousness completely return to clarity.

"This ghost really evil."

Lin Yuan breathed a long sigh of relief, looked around, and said in a deep voice.


Just as he finished speaking, the stone walls on all sides suddenly collapsed, shocking him!

However, Lin Yuan quickly realized that the reason why these stone walls collapsed was mainly because all the blood energy in them had dissipated!

 So, this altar has lost the value of its existence!

 “Just right, I don’t have to do anything.”

Lin Yuan chuckled lightly, and took Xiaoyou to open up the ruins of the stone wall, wanting to take a good look at what kind of world was outside the altar!

However, when he escaped from the ruins, Lin Yuan was stunned on the spot!

 Because...the scene in front of him completely exceeded his expectations!

 As far as he could see, they were all identical altars, at least tens of thousands of them!

If you look down from a high altitude, you will even feel that this is a densely packed Zerg ovary!

However, some of these altars have not collapsed and still show scarlet blood.

There are still some altars that have completely collapsed. These collapsed altars have obviously poured the blood-colored energy in the stone slabs into the bodies of the creatures inside the altars!

You must know that not all monks have the same means as Lin Yuan to eliminate the influence of blood energy.

Since the influence cannot be eliminated, it means that these monks who have been injected with **** energy will become extremely violent and murderous!

Lin Yuan raised his head and looked at the scene in front of him solemnly.

 Above his head, hundreds of monks were engaged in an extremely brutal battle and fight!

 Under the influence of the **** energy, almost all of these monks turned into murderous beasts!

Countless scarlet blood drops fell like a downpour!

 In addition, there are often flesh and blood limbs falling from the air!

This battlefield has become a complete Shura field!

Just when Lin Yuan was stunned, a monk who had already become red-eyed noticed his presence, held a spear in his hand, and rushed towards his direction, the tip of the spear pointed directly at his head!

 “That’s crazy.”

The corners of Lin Yuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

If he sensed it correctly, the monk in front of him only had the strength of a high-level star at best!

If it were in the outside world, there would be no such strong person at the stellar level who would have such courage!

But in front of a black hole-level monk, there is no star-level powerhouse who is not respectful.

 However, in this land of Shura, the gap between levels is completely insignificant in the face of the surging killing intent!

Even a planet-level monk, after noticing Lin Yuan's existence, would probably rush forward without fear of death and fight with him until all his blood is shed!

This place of Shura really has as many evil sects as there are evil sects!

Looking at this stellar monk who had completely lost his mind, Lin Yuan had no intention of holding back, so he took out a long purple knife from the system space with his backhand!

This is the custom-made weapon he purchased from the War Weapon Shop at a cost of 300 million Galaxy coins, the Nine-turn Purple Black Blade!

The material of this weapon is extremely special and extremely tough. Lin Yuan has personally conducted experiments before. Even if he pours all the creation power in his body into it, the blade of this nine-turn purple mysterious blade will There will be no cracks at all, it can be called a peerless magic weapon!

Lin Yuan held the handle of the knife and seized the right moment. The moment the stellar monk rushed in front of him, he swung the knife out boldly!

 His head was cut off with just one blow!

Compared with when he first entered the Star Sea Secret Realm, Lin Yuan's strength has grown a lot now!

Not to mention anything else, now he can easily kill a stellar monk just by relying on the power of Qi and blood!

Just when he successfully killed the stellar monk and was about to leave, something suddenly happened in front of Lin Yuan's eyes!

The blood spurting out from the corpse of this stellar monk was rapidly surging in the direction of Lin Yuan!

  No, to be more precise, it poured into the Shura Token in his arms!

 “This token can actually **** blood?!”

Lin Yuan took out the Shura Token from his arms and murmured to himself with a look of surprise.

After absorbing the blood essence of this stellar monk, the Shura Token also had a trace of blood on it!

It may be that this star-level monk is too weak and his blood essence is not strong enough, so the blood color attached to the Shura Token is also extremely dim. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell it is the same as the original one. What's the difference?

"This is interesting, but I don't know... what kind of reaction will happen if I keep absorbing this Shura Token!"

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but raise his head and look at the melee battlefield above!

 Originally, he did not want to participate in the war. After all, he was not a murderous person. Before he understood the rules of the Shura Field, it was better to do more than to do less.

 But now Lin Yuan had a reason to kill because of the changes in the Shura Token!

 “Xiaoyou, kill!”

Lin Yuan’s voice was low, and his figure was like a sharp sword, piercing into the battlefield in front of him!


After Lin Yuan took the lead to set off, Xiaoyou was not to be outdone, closely keeping up with him and rushing into the crowd in front of him!

“I’m sorry, everyone, you are killing each other too slowly, let me help you!”

Lin Yuan's figure quickly entered a group of stellar monks who were fighting each other!

 The next second, the nine-turn purple mysterious blade in his hand flashed past, and the heads of several stellar monks immediately fell to the ground!

On the other side, Xiaoyou breathed a breath of dragon's breath and froze a total of seven star-level monks into ice sculptures, losing all their vitality!

Scarlet blood energy suddenly pulled out from the corpses of these dozen monks and converged towards the Shura Token in Lin Yuan's hand!

Although the blood energy of the star-level monks is not rich, as the little things add up, the blood on the Shura Token quickly grows!

 “It really works!”

Lin Yuan was overjoyed!

 Subsequently, he targeted another black hole monk!

The black hole-level monk was caught in the siege of more than ten star-level monks, and he looked extremely embarrassed!

Although there is a gap between the black hole level and the star level, even the star level monks can pose a threat to the black hole level monks if the opponent is completely fearless of death!

 After finding the prey, Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all and went in immediately!

 The blade rotates and the thunder roars!

With Lin Yuan using all his means, the dozen or so stellar monks died at the hands of the former before they could even last ten breaths! Suddenly, more than a dozen rays of blood poured into the Shura Token in Lin Yuan's hand!


Before Lin Yuan had time to observe the changes on the Shura Token, the black hole-level monk who had been surrounded by a group of monks roared like a wild beast, holding a sword and slashing in the direction of Lin Yuan. Come!

  "Madeh, I saved you, but you still want to chop me down!"

“Forget it, I was planning to kill you anyway, so I don’t feel guilty anymore!”

Lin Yuan muttered to himself, and the nine-turn purple mysterious blade in his hand instantly turned into an afterimage, slashing towards the black hole-level monk in front of him!


At the moment when the Nine-turn Purple Black Blade was about to hit, the black hole-level monk suddenly turned around!

 In this way, the sword that could have cut off his head only cut off his left arm!

And at the cost of his left arm, he waved the sword in his hand and slashed at Lin Yuan angrily!

 “I’ve underestimated you.”

Facing the blade in front of him, Lin Yuan did not panic at all and instantly opened his Samsara Eye.

 Shinra Tianzheng!

Before the sword in the hands of this black hole-level monk could fall, Lin Yuan had already used the extremely powerful repulsion of Shenluo Tianzheng to fly him away from him!

 Subsequently, with a thought in his mind, Lin Yuan directly used the fire-attribute divine symbol!

As soon as his eyes were focused, the body of the black hole-level monk instantly burned with divine fire that could reach at least tens of thousands of degrees!

Under the burning of the divine fire, the black hole-level monk didn't even have time to utter a cry before he was completely reduced to ashes.

 After his death, another stream of blood energy was integrated into the Shura Token in Lin Yuan's hand.

It’s just that the blood that comes out of a black hole-level monk after death is obviously much stronger than that of a star-level monk!

According to Lin Yuan's rough estimate, the blood energy gained from killing a black hole-level monk is at least equivalent to twenty star-level monks!

“It seems that just killing a lot of people is not enough, the quality must be high!”

Lin Yuan looked at the Shura Token in his hand and couldn't help but sigh.

However, if the massacre continues like this, the efficiency is too slow.

 Furthermore, it is easy for fish to slip through the net.

Lin Yuan looked around and found that there were at least hundreds of monks fighting around him.

 “In that case, I won’t be polite.”

"Your life...I, Lin Yuan, will accept it!"

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and adjusted his condition to the best.

 Subsequently, with the Samsara Eye open, he shouted word by word: "Super Shinra Tenzheng!"

Chao·Shinra Tenzheng, as the name suggests, is the advanced version of Shinra Tianzheng!

You must know that the principle of Shinra Tianzheng is to increase the repulsive force and bounce people or objects away from you!

As for the Super Shinra Sky Sign, it amplifies the power of the Shinra Sky Sign several times or even dozens of times, increasing its repulsion to the extreme!

 In this case, the repulsive force generated by Shinra Tianzheng can even completely level an entire area!

The original Tiandao Pain used this move and completely razed the entire Konoha Village to the ground, causing countless casualties!

 And now...Lin Yuan wants to reproduce this move exactly!

After the Super Shinra Tianzheng was launched, Lin Yuan felt as if his Samsara Eye had turned into two bottomless whirlpools, and began to madly absorb the energy in his body, whether it was the power of blood, spiritual power, or energy. Or thunder energy, all comers are welcome!

The power of the Super Shinra Heavenly March is so powerful that if you want to successfully launch it, you will naturally need countless amounts of energy to support it!

In just a few breaths, all the energy, blood and spiritual power in Lin Yuan's body were completely drained away.

If this is not enough, I am afraid that Lin Yuan will really use the power of creation to fill the energy gap.

And after consuming countless amounts of energy, he also launched the Super Shinra Heavenly Conquest!

 “Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”…

Under the almost terrifying pressure, some monks with low strength could no longer withstand such astonishing oppression. Their bodies were like meteors, falling towards the ground and being crushed into a pool of blood. !

The stronger monks, after barely holding on for a while, were completely crushed by the power of Super Shinra Tianzheng. After being forced to the ground, all the bones in their bodies were crushed by Super Shinra Tianzheng's power. Under the pressure, every inch of it collapsed!

 The whole process lasted less than a hundred breaths!

 After the heavy pressure of Super Shinra Amaterasu was completely dissipated, there was no monk left alive in this large area except Lin Yuan!

 In other words, Lin Yuan used this Super Shenluo Tianzheng move to kill hundreds of monks in just a hundred breaths of time!

 For a moment, extremely turbulent blood energy surged towards the Shura Token in Luo Xiu’s hand!

 Not long after, the side with the word "Shura" engraved on it was completely filled with blood!

On the other side of the Shura Token, the side with the Ghost Face of Shura carved on it is still empty and not affected at all.

Lin Yuan did not believe in evil. He raised his hand to intercept a ray of blood from the black hole monk and poured it into the Shura Token!

Then, he only saw that on the token with the ghost face of Shura, there was an extra wisp of blood that was thinner than a hair...

 (End of this chapter)

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