Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 565: A bunch of rabble!

Chapter 565 A bunch of rabble!

Although these monks have temporarily calmed down, their desire for the Shura Token in Lin Yuan's hand has not diminished at all!

Therefore, after a moment of stalemate, a monk quickly gave instructions: "Don't get close to him first, use spells to consume his physical strength. This guy just came out of the altar, and he must have experienced a big battle. There should be very little energy left!"

I have to say that this monk was quite smart and was able to guess that Lin Yuan had very little physical strength left after experiencing that round of fighting!

However, what he didn't expect was that Lin Yuan had rested for nearly half an hour and adjusted his state to its peak before leaving the altar and teleporting out through the space channel!

Under the command of that monk, all the monks with long-distance attack methods used their own spells one after another!

 In an instant, all kinds of spells were blasted in the direction of Lin Yuan as if they were free of charge!

“I want to see how you can kill me!”

Lin Yuan snorted coldly, and the thunder energy in his body spread out, instantly forming a four-sided thunder barrier around him, wrapping him tightly in it!

The spell blasted on top of the lightning barrier would only dim the lightning barrier slightly, and would then be replenished by the thunder energy in Lin Yuan's body, without causing any substantial damage to the latter!

 After setting up the lightning barrier, Lin Yuan... also launched his counterattack!


 “Twin Shadows!”

 Without any hesitation, he summoned Susanoo and the Twin Shadows one after another!

In this situation, having one more clone can give you more combat power!

Subsequently, Lin Yuan opened his Samsara Eye again, pointed his palm at one of them, and shouted in a cold voice: "The Ten Thousand Elements of Heaven!"

For a moment, the extremely huge gravitational force dragged the monk instantly and attracted him towards Lin Yuan's palm!

 “No, don’ me!”

The monk had a look of horror on his face and tried desperately to break free, but he couldn't break free from the shackles of gravity!

As for the companions around him, no one took action to save him. They all took this opportunity to frantically blast the lightning barrier around Lin Yuan!

 In a place like Shura Land, everyone is selfish to the extreme.

 It’s already pretty good if it doesn’t kill you.

 Save people? That is simply a fantasy!


After sucking the monk in front of him, Lin Yuan handed out a knife without hesitation, piercing his heart easily!

Blood spurted out, and vitality was quickly annihilated.

 This monk's blood has also become the nourishment for the Shura Token in Lin Yuan's hand!


Just as Lin Yuan was beheading the monk, a water dragon condensed by magic forcefully broke through his lightning barrier!

Then, an extremely sharp arrow penetrated through the cracks in the lightning barrier in an instant, and shot towards Lin Yuan's head at an extremely fast speed, obviously intending to kill him with one arrow!

Moreover, this arrow is not an ordinary arrow.

The arrow head showed a faint turquoise color, and it looked like it was coated with some kind of poison!

If Lin Yuan guessed correctly, if he was scratched by this arrow, even a black hole-level monk would be poisoned and die immediately!

 “The method is not bad, but it’s a pity...that you met me.”

Lin Yuan snorted coldly and immediately used the fire-attributed divine symbol. After pouring his own spiritual power into the divine text, the divine text immediately bloomed with an extremely dazzling light!

 The next second, the sacred fire suddenly burned from the arrow!

Before the arrow could reach Lin Yuan, the arrow body had been completely burned to ashes by the divine fire!

As for the venom on it, it has already been completely evaporated by the burning of the divine fire!


Just when the arrows were burned out by the sacred fire, a shrill scream suddenly came from among the monks in front of them!

I saw that the monk who was hiding behind everyone and firing cold arrows had his throat brutally cut by Lin Yuan's shadow clone!

While he was trying his best to target Lin Yuan, the latter was also paying attention to him.

 Those who kill people will always be killed!

 “Kill this guy’s clone first!”

 After a monk died in front of them, this group of monks immediately woke up!

 Unfortunately, their reaction was a bit slow after all.

 The shadow clone succeeded in one blow and immediately escaped into the shadows, leaving them no chance!

 On the other hand, Susanoo's style is completely different from that of the shadow clone.

The katana in his hand was opened and closed, and he was able to suppress three black hole-level monks by himself!

Looking at the scene in front of them, all the monks could not help but feel a chill in their hearts.

This guy...could he be a monster? !

Just relying on the power of the clone is enough to compete with three black hole-level powerhouses!

Such a method is a bit too shocking.

Just as these monks were secretly frightened, Lin Yuan was not prepared to give them any time to react. He stretched out his right hand without mercy, and the thunder energy condensed four phantoms of vicious beasts in all directions!

After the phantom of the vicious beast condensed and formed, Lin Yuan did not hesitate and immediately blasted it towards the place where the monks were most densely packed in front of him!

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom—”

Following a series of roaring and loud noises, three black hole-level monks who had no time to avoid were directly killed on the spot!

As for the monks who were affected by the aftermath of the violent energy, there were even more!

In less than a hundred breaths, the situation in front of us was completely reversed!

Lin Yuan turned against the guests and used his own strength to defeat the group of black hole-level monks who wanted to surround and kill him!

“With this strength, no matter how many people you gather, you will still be a rabble!”

Then, Lin Yuan sneered and rushed into the group of monks in front of him like a wolf pounced on a flock of sheep!

 In an instant, blood was flying and heads were rolling!

With Lin Yuan's crazy killing, a steady stream of blood poured into the Shura Token in Lin Yuan's hand!

There were fewer and fewer monks on the field, and they all died under Lin Yuan’s blade!

However, Lin Yuan was not so crazy that he killed them all. When he killed only the last monk left, he finally stopped and stood in front of the monk covered in blood.

 (End of this chapter)

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