Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 566: The function of Shura Token!

 Chapter 566 The function of the Shura Token!

“Now, what do I say and what do you answer? I ask a question and you answer a question. Do you understand?”

Lin Yuan's eyes were indifferent and cold, and his tone contained an unquestionable majesty.

 “Listen...I understand.”

Under Lin Yuan's pressure, the monk swallowed hard and spoke softly.

It was really the evil spirit emanating from Lin Yuan's body that was so shocking that it made him feel like his calves were trembling!

"May I have your name?"

Lin Yuan raised his head and asked calmly.


The monk did not dare to hesitate and immediately reported his name.

Lin Yuan nodded, and then said: "Very good, Tucker, let me ask you the first question first, who are you?"

Tucker pursed his lips and said, "Just like you, we are all monks who have entered the land of Shura to gain experience."

 “Oh? Really?”

Lin Yuan continued to ask: "Then why are you blocking the exit of this space passage, just waiting for me to come out?"

Tucker glanced at Lin Yuan guiltily and said softly: "Actually... we are not specifically targeting you, we are just treating the survivors in your altar place as prey."

 “Altar Place? Survivors?”

Lin Yuan's eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of doubt.

Seeing this scene, Tucker quickly explained: "This is the case. All monks who enter the Land of Shura will be transported to the Land of the Altar for the first blood baptism."

“After experiencing the baptism of blood, monks often become murderous and cruel, eager to kill all the creatures in front of them!”

"In this way, the entire altar place becomes a huge breeding ground!"

“Only the most powerful monks can come out alive!”

“However, even I am curious as to why you were so clear-headed after coming out of the place of altar…”

“If it were other monks, the side effects of blood baptism would last at least half a day!”

Lin Yuan glanced at him indifferently and said coldly: "Don't ask more about things that are not your business."

Tucker knew he had made a mistake and quickly closed his mouth.

After a moment of silence and seeing that Lin Yuan had no intention of getting angry, he continued: "Actually, there are rules to follow in the place of altar. Every once in a while, a group of people will be sent out."

"Furthermore, there are only a few fixed space passages. As long as we find the pattern in advance, we can squat here in advance before the space passage is about to transport people, and we can successfully ambush the monks who come out!"

Lin Yuan nodded and asked, "Then why are you doing this?"

“Of course it’s to **** the Shura Token from your hands!”

Tucker said: "You don't know, the Shura Token... is the most precious thing in this Shura Land!"

 “Oh? Is that so?”

 Lin Yuan took out the Shura Token, smiled and said, "Then can you tell me, apart from being a voucher for entering the Shura Land, what other functions does this Shura Token have?"

 “Of course!”

Tucker said: "Shura Tokens also have levels."

“Like the Shura Token from the outside world, we usually call it the initial token. Although it is also very rare, it has no other function other than being able to enter the Land of Shura.”

“And after entering the Land of Shura, the role of the Shura Token can truly be brought into play!”

“As far as I know, Shura tokens are divided into three levels, soldier level, general level, and king level!”

“As for whether there are hierarchical divisions above the king level, I don’t know that, and I’m not qualified to know about these things.”

Tucker paused for a moment and continued: "Generally speaking, as long as the Shura token is injected with blood, it can be called a soldier-level token, and a token that can fill one side with blood is It’s a general-level token!”

“If you can completely fill both sides of the Shura token with blood, then it will undoubtedly be an orthodox king-level token!”

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned. He obviously did not expect that there were so many doorways on this small Shura Token!

Then, he showed the Shura Token in his hand to Tucker and asked: "According to what you said, the Shura Token in my hand should be called a general-level token. ?”

Tucker glanced at it and immediately said with great envy: "That's right! This is the general-level token! I didn't expect that you have just entered the land of Shura and already have the general-level token. You are really powerful. !”

 “Okay, stop flattering me and keep talking.”

Lin Yuan was not interested in Tucker's flattery. He just wanted to know what the Shura Token in his hand did!

"By the way, there's one more thing, that this land of Shura, the hierarchy of the outside world is no longer universal. Strength is respected here. The more people you kill, the higher the level of the Shura Token. The status will be higher!"

 “Those who have soldier-level tokens are Shura soldiers!”

“Those who have general-level tokens are Shura generals!”

“As for the one who has a king-level token...then he is naturally King Shura!”

“It’s just that King Shura is extremely rare. I have been in this land of Shura for nearly a year, and I have only seen one King Shura!”

"The strength of that Shura King is really quite powerful! He held a **** spear, and under the siege of more than thirty Shura generals, he killed seven in and seven out. The heads were rolling, and the group was killed. The Shura generals who surrounded and killed him were almost frightened!"

At the end, Tucker added: "This kind of record is almost as good as yours!"

  Tucker said this, half as a compliment, and the other half from his heart!

 After all, Lin Yuan's strength left a deep impression on him!

 Even compared with that King Shura, there is still no concession!

 Lin Yuan glanced at him and said coldly: "Until now, you haven't told me what the specific function of this Shura Token is."

After hearing this cold tone, Tucker felt like his hair was standing on end!

He did not dare to hesitate and said quickly: "Actually, the greatest effect of this Shura token is that it can condense the power of blood essence!"

“The power of blood? What is this?”

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned and asked subconsciously. Tucker chuckled and explained: "You will know after you try it! Come on, hold the Shura Token in your hand, and pour your own murderous intention into it..."


Lin Yuan was completely stunned!

He never expected that the Shura Token in his hand was actually activated with murderous intent!

You know, during the time at the altar place, Lin Yuan tried every method, whether it was pouring the power of qi and blood into it, or pouring spiritual power into it, he even tried the power of creation. pass!

 However, the endings are surprisingly consistent, that is, the Shura Token does not move at all and does not react at all!

 “Intention to kill?”

Lin Yuan looked at the Shura Token in his hand, took a deep breath, and began to mobilize his killing intent.

 For Lin Yuan, a murderous embryo, mobilizing the murderous intention in his body is as simple as eating and drinking!

 The next second, killing intent surged like a tide into the Shura Token in his hand!

 “Buzz buzz—”

 In an instant, the Shura Token in Lin Yuan's hand began to tremble violently!

 A drop of extremely scarlet blood dripped down from the bottom of the token!

Lin Yuan caught this drop of blood with his palm, and sure enough he felt a majestic and vast power of blood from it!

“Is this the power of the blood element?”

Lin Yuan raised his head, looked at Tucker, and asked.

“Yes! Usually, the higher the level of the Shura Token, the purer the blood energy it condenses!”

Tucker smiled flatteringly: "Sir, the drop of blood power you have condensed with the Shura Token is already the best in terms of quality!"

“By the way, the way to use the power of blood is also extremely simple, you just need to take it directly!”

After hearing Tucker's explanation, Lin Yuan did not choose to believe it directly, but directly threw the power of the blood element to Tucker, and said lightly: "In that case, you can take it first and let me see." ”

Tucker was stunned for a moment, then took the drop of blood power with excitement and swallowed it without hesitation!

The next second, a huge energy raged in his body. As this energy raged, all the blood vessels in Tucker's body burst out, his eyes turned red, and the momentum around him increased. rising!

 For a moment, his aura seemed violent and murderous!

 Fortunately, this strange phase ended after only a few seconds.

Tucker is back to normal again, and his strength seems to be slightly enhanced!

There is of course a reason why Lin Yuan did what he did!

 Out out out out out out out?

However, now it seems that he did not deceive himself.

In this case, you can try it yourself... what kind of effect does this blood energy power have!

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan once again clenched the Shura Token in his hand and poured his own murderous intention into it.

 However, this time, the Shura Token in his hand was motionless and showed no reaction at all.

Just when Lin Yuan was confused, Tucker answered: "Sir, this Shura Token can only be used once a day! In other words... it can only produce blood power once a day!"

“I’m afraid it will have to be tomorrow if we want to let it produce the power of blood again!”

 “So that’s it.”

Lin Yuan nodded, with a hint of understanding on his face.

Then, as if offering a treasure, Tucker took out his Shura Token from his arms, handed it to Lin Yuan, and said with a flattering look on his face: "Sir! My Shura Token has not been used today. !”

“If you don’t mind that the level of my Shura Token is too low, then go ahead and use it!”

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then directly took the token handed over by Tucker.

To be honest, he is not coveting Tucker's Shura token. If he really wants to collect the token, he can just kill a few people!

Lin Yuan is mainly curious about what role the blood power condensed by this Shura Token actually plays!

After receiving the Shura Token, Lin Yuan lowered his head and found that even the side with the word "Xiu" engraved on this guy's token was not fully charged!

 The blood gas concentration has only reached two-thirds of the level at most!

In Tucker's explanation, this is the lowest military level token, which is of slightly higher quality than those white boards!

It seems that Tucker is not doing very well. It has been almost a year since he entered the land of Shura, and the Shura Token in his hand has not yet reached the general level!

 But it’s better to have something than nothing.

Lin Yuan took hold of the Shura Token in his hand and began to pour his own murderous intention into it!

 After a few breaths of time, another drop of blood energy was condensed by Lin Yuan!

It's just that the blood energy power condensed with Tucker's token is extremely bleak, and it is completely different from what he condensed before!

After the power of blood energy was condensed and formed, Tucker on the side also smiled sheepishly, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Lin Yuan didn't care that much. After gaining the power of blood element, he directly threw it into his mouth.

 The next second, he could clearly feel a surging blood energy expanding from his body and quickly spreading towards his limbs and bones!

It's just that Lin Yuan's reaction was not that violent, and he didn't even have red eyes like Tucker.

 Because this part of the blood energy was forcibly suppressed by Lin Yuan's own blood energy the moment it spread!

But even so, Lin Yuan was more or less affected after all.

At that moment, he really wanted to kill someone, so bloodthirsty that he even had the urge to kill Tucker with a knife!

Although this thought was fleeting, it still existed for a moment after all!

Lin Yuan frowned, feeling slightly frightened. Just now...who controlled his thinking?

 Has it been affected by that drop of blood energy?

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan asked directly: "Let me ask you, will swallowing the power of blood element have any side effects on yourself? I don't mean...not physically!"

 “There will be side effects!”

Tucker said decisively: "It's just that the impact is very small. I believe you should have felt it, sir!"

"And...this is not a pure side effect, it is just channeling the murderous intention hidden in your heart!"

“Most of the monks who can survive from the place of altar can resist this level of guidance.”

“However, sometimes, those monks will take the initiative to give up resistance and let their murderous intent be completely released!”

 (End of this chapter)

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