Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 567: Taste it, what it feels like to be sealed!

Chapter 567: Taste the feeling of being sealed!


Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "Why is this?"

It’s okay if you don’t suppress your murderous intent, but you actually have to take the initiative to release your own murderous intent!

Lin Yuan really couldn't understand this kind of operation.

However, Tucker quickly explained: "The purpose of releasing his murderous intention is to directly enter the 'Shura State'!"

“In this state, although your sanity will be eroded by murderous intent, your combat effectiveness can also be greatly improved!”

“Even some monks with powerful methods can still maintain their sanity even in the Shura state.”

 After Tucker finished explaining, Lin Yuan finally understood the reason.

I never expected that the killing intent in my body would have such an outstanding effect!

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan carefully felt the effect of the previous drop of blood energy!

 He was surprised to find that a mere drop of blood energy actually increased his qi and blood by nearly 20,000 points!

Although 20,000 points of energy and blood are simply insignificant to Lin Yuan now, if they can be accumulated into a large amount, it can be regarded as a quite terrifying amount.

Moreover, this is just a soldier-level Shura Token, which contains the power of blood energy.

If it were replaced by a general-level Shura Token, its effect would only be stronger, not weaker!

 It seems that the power of this blood element is really a good thing.

 Other than the accumulation of some killing intent, there are almost no side effects at all.

Even the killing intent accumulated in the body is not necessarily purely harmful.

Just like Tucker said, if these murderous intentions are channeled at a critical moment, you can even activate the Shura state and temporarily improve your own strength!

“Sir, I have already told you what needs to be said. Can you please let me live... I can give you my Shura Token!”

Seeing Lin Yuan lost in thought, Tucker gritted his teeth and spoke humbly.

Lin Yuan looked at him, pondered for a moment, and then said calmly: "Let you go, not yet."

 “But there is still room for negotiation about letting you live.”

 After Lin Yuan said this, Tucker was slightly confused.

What does it mean?

 Won’t you kill me or let me go?

Lin Yuan opened his mouth and explained: "I first came to this land of Shura, and I don't know a lot about many things, so... I need you to follow me and answer some things for me."

“If you have been diligent and have no second thoughts, I will let you leave alive, and I may not even treat you badly.”

"However, if you dare to have an evil thought and die in my hands, don't resent me."

Tucker was stunned for a moment, then he was overjoyed and said quickly: "Thank you for your appreciation! Thank you for your appreciation! Tucker is willing to ride for you, without any second thoughts!"

 No wonder Tucker was so excited.

 After all, in this land of Shura, there are crises everywhere.

 Otherwise, Tucker would not team up with other monks at all.

However, even if he is in the team, he is often bullied by other monks because of his lack of strength.

Lin Yuan offered to take him with him, which was beyond his expectation!

 If nothing else, at the very least, with such a powerful backer as Lin Yuan by his side, Tucker can avoid a lot of trouble!

 “Okay, no need to thank me, just talk as you go.”

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he directly threw back the Shura Token belonging to Tucker, and said calmly: "What's yours, I'll give it back to you."

Tucker was completely stunned and asked subconsciously: "Sir, I was defeated in your hands. This should be your spoils!"

He obviously did not expect that Lin Yuan would return his Shura Token to him!

Lin Yuan didn't look back and said calmly: "You can keep it for yourself. The quality of your Shura Token is so bad that I can't stand it."

 For a moment, Tucker felt that his eyes were slightly red, and his eyes were full of gratitude!

 He could feel that Lin Yuan... seemed to be different from all the other monks in the Land of Shura.


 The red sun still hangs above the dark red sky, mercilessly scorching the earth.

Lin Yuan and Tucker walked through this land.

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly asked: "By the way, since you are so familiar with the terrain nearby, do you know where you can find an opponent at the level of King Shura?"

After Lin Yuan said these words, Tucker almost staggered and fell out of the air!

 What is this word? !

 Open your mouth to find an opponent at the level of King Shura!

 You are a newbie here, so your appetite is a bit too big, right? !

"Sir... I really don't know about this. After all, existence at that level is not something I can easily come into contact with."

Tucker said with a grimace: "Furthermore, monks at the Shura King level usually do not stay in a certain place for a long time, but travel around in this Shura land."

“However, I have heard that there are several cities set up deep in this Shura land!”

“The rulers of those cities are all monks at the level of King Shura!”

Listening to Tucker's explanation, Lin Yuan couldn't help but have a thoughtful look on his face.

 The depths of the land of Shura...

 Perhaps, you should go and take a look.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan said without hesitation: "In that case, let's not continue to wander around here, and go straight to the depths!"

 If you continue to stay here, even if you meet other monks, you probably won’t gain much health after killing them.

 Only killing the strong is fun!

Furthermore, the rules of Shura Land are also the same. Only by killing the strong can you become stronger!

"grown ups…"

Tucker's face turned bitter, and he secretly regretted it in his heart. If he had known better, he would not have brought it up!    The deeper you go into the land of Shura, the more prevalent killing becomes!

 Similarly, this also means that it will become more and more dangerous!

Although Lin Yuan is very strong, Tucker doesn't think that the opponent can still take care of him while fighting.

  If you are not careful, you may die a violent death.

But Lin Yuan's tone was so firm that Tucker couldn't say anything more.

 The two of them continued flying, but this time their destination became the depths of the Land of Shura!

The deeper you go, the scarlet the gravel on the ground becomes, as if you can bleed it by just squeezing it with your hands!

 Even, you can smell the obvious smell of blood in the air!

If you live in this kind of place for a long time, even a normal person will probably have his mind twisted and become a lunatic!

 “How long will it take before we can see the city?”

During the flight, Lin Yuan suddenly asked.

"Well...if we continue at the current pace, it will take at least six or seven days."

Tucker thought about it carefully and explained softly: "After all, the original altar place is still far away from the depths of the Shura land."

Lin Yuan nodded.

 For him, six or seven days is not a long time.

 However, at this moment

Three unfamiliar figures suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yuan!

The three figures in front of me are all dressed in black robes and wearing a pure black mask, completely covering their faces.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly. The three people in front of him gave him the feeling... that they were coming with bad intentions!

 While seeing these three figures, Tucker also felt an uneasy feeling in his heart.

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he said in a deep voice: "Sir, be careful! They are the three brothers of the Soul Clan, who specialize in hunting down lone monks to collect the Shura Tokens in their hands!"

"These three people are triplets. They are very strong, and they cooperate very well. Their attack methods are very strange. Many monks have fallen into their hands. It can be said that they have a fierce reputation in this area. Hehe!”


After hearing Tucker's explanation, Lin Yuan became interested: "So, the quality of the Shura tokens in their hands should not be low, right?"

Although he is not a monk at the level of Shura King, someone who can make a great name in this land of Shura must not be a simple thing, right?

 For a moment, Lin Yuan felt energetic and excited!

However, before he could react, the three black-robed monks in front of him suddenly launched an offensive!

 “Destroy the soul and kill!”

Accompanied by a loud shout, three lines of dark soul energy as thin as cicada wings suddenly formed in front of the three men in black robes. They were as sharp as blades and whizzed away in the direction of Lin Yuan. The power is extremely amazing!

 “Well done!”

Lin Yuan was not afraid at all, and snorted coldly. The burst of lightning suddenly surged out from his right palm, forming an airtight thunder shield in front of him, killing all three slashes in front of him. All blocked!

Then, Lin Yuan raised his head, sneered and asked, "Is this all you have?"

 “Don’t be too happy too early… Form a formation!”

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, one of the three Soul Clan brothers reacted quickly and quickly occupied three different positions, surrounding Lin Yuan and Tucker!

 Their formation speed was extremely fast, almost in an instant!

Even before Lin Yuan had time to react, the large formation in front of him had already taken shape!

I saw the souls of these three monks rising into the sky, and finally gathered on the dome, forming a powerful formation!

After feeling the power of the formation, even Lin Yuan couldn't help but change his expression slightly!

“Under our God-Destroying Soul-Eating Formation, you will definitely die today!”

 A cold and stern voice rang in Lin Yuan's ears.

Just as he finished speaking, the soul energy in the formation condensed into tens of millions of soul swords, and like a torrential rain, it poured down in the direction of Lin Yuan!

 “ me!”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tucker was almost frightened and hurriedly hid in the direction of Lin Yuan.

 “Did you really crush me like dirt?!”

Lin Yuan was filled with anger, and the thunderous energy in his body exploded in an instant!

 The Wrath of the God of Thunder!

The thunderous energy that exploded suddenly seemed to have condensed into a huge Thunder God shadow in the air, forcibly blocking the falling momentum of the Soul-Destroying Flying Sword for Lin Yuan and Tucker!

However, Lin Yuan was not satisfied with just blocking the opponent's offensive.

 What he has to do is to fight back!

 Lin Yuan took a deep breath, and countless divine punishment vines accompanied by thunder suddenly spread out from around him, heading towards the bodies of the three Soul Clan monks, winding around crazily!

 After being entangled by the divine punishment vines, the bodies of the three black-robed monks visibly froze!

They could feel that the violent thunder energy was pouring crazily towards their bodies from these divine punishment vines. Although it was not fatal, it also caused great pain and even disturbed them. The qi machine!

 “Brother…what should I do?!”

One of the black-robed monks gritted his teeth and asked in a deep voice.

"Carry it! This kid will definitely not be able to carry it before us!"

 The boss of the Soul family gritted his teeth and resolutely chose to continue to maintain the formation!

From his point of view, Lin Yuan, who was baptized by the soul-destroying sword rain within the large formation, would be unable to hold on before they did!


After understanding their intentions, Lin Yuan snorted disdainfully.

In his opinion, these three black-robed monks are indeed the best among black hole-level monks.

However, if you really want to compare it with the old ape man, Kendaozi and even the Black Mist Demon Lord he met before, it is really far behind!

 If we really want to make a comparison, the three of them tied together should be barely comparable to a top black hole level powerhouse!

It's a pity that no matter how tacitly they cooperate, as long as they are not the same person, there will still be flaws.

What's more, these three people in front of them have already made wrong choices.

 “The Seven-Yao Divine Scepter appears!”

Lin Yuan gave a low shout and took out the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter directly from the system space!

 Then, without any hesitation, he directly poured the power of his own energy and blood into the Seven Lights Divine Scepter!

 The majestic power of Qi and blood was quickly transformed into the power of confinement!

However, it is almost impossible for Lin Yuan, who is in the middle of a large formation, to use this move to directly seal the three monks around him.

 But now he...can use the Divine Punishment Vine to do this for him!

Those divine punishment vines that snaked out and wrapped around the opponent's body. Although the restraint effect was limited, they perfectly provided Lin Yuan with a bridge for energy transmission!

 “Have a taste... of being sealed!”

Lin Yuan no longer hesitated and let the power of the ban attach to the divine punishment vines and send them all the way towards the bodies of the three black-robed monks!

 (End of this chapter)

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