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The matter of Gu Zhun came to an end. Not long after leaving the great hall and returning to his small courtyard, Gu Zhun’s parents followed.

After talking to Gu Zhun for a few words, Gu Yan just stuffed him with something like a red chicken bloodstone.

Gu Zhun As a result of this stone, we can see that a lot of densely packed rune has been carved on the surface of this stone, and in this stone, Gu Zhun can feel that it seems to have been injected with a rather not weak Spirit. Power.

“Zhun’er, this Talisman Stone was brought to you by your grandfather, and carried it next to you. Today’s things in the great hall, your six sun swords should have attracted the covetousness of many people, this Talisman Stone can help you block 6 full attacks from realm cultivator below Thousand Cauldron.”

Gu Yan pats Gu Zhun’s shoulder, said slowly, looking at his son’s expression, he became more satisfied.

Gu Zhun listened to him and looked at the Talisman Stone in his hand.

In fact, in his eyes, the production of this Talisman Stone is rough. If in general, Gu Zhun might not even bother to look at it.

But how to say it was the old man’s heart, so Gu Zhun barely accepted this thing.

And, for Gu Congwu’s own nominal grandfather, Gu Zhun has had some good feelings since this time.

After explaining some things to Gu Zhun, Gu Yan just left in a hurry.

He is the Lord of the entire City of Great Zhou City. When Gu Zhun was young, Gu Yan and his wife were often dizzy and had no time to take care of him.

Not to mention now.

Moreover, most recently, a group of defenders under Gu Yan also discovered that there seemed to be some unusual movements in the 100,000 Great Mountains.

In addition, after half a month, Great Zhou City’s trial competition.

Therefore, in the recent Great Zhou City, the atmosphere has become a bit tense.

Because if there is any movement within the 100,000 Great Mountains, it will inevitably be something like Beast Wave.

Things like Beast Wave, Great Zhou City have erupted many times before, and each time it will bring great harm to Great Zhou City.

Therefore, Gu Yan also had to make some preparations in advance.

Not to mention Shen Ning, she is the Guest Elder of Gu Family, Grade 4 Medicine Refining Master, and everyday all follows closely in the pill room.

Had it not been for the few things this time were all about Gu Zhun, she might not leave the pill room.

When the two were about to leave, Gu Zhun also thought for a moment: “Father, mother, wait a minute.”

Gu Zhun slowly said.

Afterwards, the two Gu Yan Shen Ning turned their heads and looked at their son with a puzzled look.

At this time, Shen Ning also touched Gu Zhun’s head, thinking that Gu Zhun was reluctant to bear them.

So, I comforted Gu Zhun with a gentle tone: “Zhun’er, good, obedient, both parents are Elders of Gu Mansion, and they are a pillar of the Great Zhou City. I can’t stay with you anymore. , There are still many things waiting for us to deal with.”

Listening to Shen Ning’s words, Gu Zhun’s face immediately turned green.

I saw that he also coughed at this time, and helplessly pulled away his mother’s hand and said: “Mother, I didn’t mean that, I have something for you.”

Shen Ning was thrown away by Gu Zhun. At this time, listening to his words, she was slightly taken aback.



Then, the two of them saw Gu Zhun take a picture of his storage bag.

2 The rays of light lit, and several things appeared on Gu Zhun’s left hand and right hand.

In Gu Zhun’s left hand, a simple scroll and a book appeared at this time.

Gu Zhun handed this black scroll to Gu Yan, and then handed another book to Shen Ning.

“Father, I remember that you use a sword. The scroll contains a set of Sword Art. You can go back and try it.

Mother, this book contains a set of pill refining techniques and ten kinds of Pill Recipe, which should help you a little bit.

In addition, these two waist tokens, you will bring them with you in the future. “

As Gu Zhun said, he passed the two green waist tokens in the other hand to his parents.

This waist token was practiced by him at Divine Ruins Secret Realm’s Heaven and Earth some time ago. The effect is similar to the Talisman Stone that Gu Yan gave him just now.

They are all defensive treasures, which can be triggered automatically when you feel the attack of Outer World.

But in terms of defensive strength, the waist token that Gu Zhun sacrificed was compared to the Talisman Stone that Gu Congwu gave him. That is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Gu Congwu’s Talisman Stone has rough refining techniques and the most. It can help him withstand 3 attacks from the cultivator under Thousand Cauldron.

And Gu Zhun’s waist token is completely different. Although Gu Zhun casually practiced it, it was enough to be lower than the 1000 bombing of Ten Thousand Cauldron powerhouse.

And as long as you inject Spirit Power into the waist token, you can continue to activate the defense Array, and it is not a problem to consume a Ten Thousand Cauldron powerhouse alive.

Moreover, even if it encounters a general Origin Sea cultivator, this waist token is enough to withstand several attacks, at least to ensure that Gu Yan and Shen Ning retreat.

So, such a waist token is definitely a life-saving thing at a critical time.

Now, Gu Zhun gave these things to his parents, which is enough to help them bring it up a level.

Gu Yan and Shen Ning took the items handed by their son and looked at each other in blank dismay. Then, they started to flip through the scrolls and books in their hands.

At first, both Gu Yan and Shen Ning looked disapproving. They thought it was Gu Zhun’s filial piety, not really good things.

They think so too. What real good things can Gu Zhun, an 8-year-old child, get?

However, when they opened the scroll and the first page of the book in their hands, they only turned two eyes. Gu Yan and Shen Ning both were unable to bear at this time and took a deep breath.

As if attracted by the thing in his hand, his eyes gleamed, and he just continued to look down.

At this time, it lasted for a full one hour. In the end, the two of them finally raised their heads and looked shocked. It took a long time for spirit slowly to recover. They looked towards their son again, and expressions all became different. Up.

“Zhun’er, this Sword Art is too subtle, I’m afraid it is above Ghost Level, where did you get it from?” Gu Yan pressured his excitement and asked.

According to his faint guess, the set of Sword Art in his hand, I am afraid it has reached the scope of Spirit Level Martial Arts, but their Gu Family does not even have Ghost Level low grade Martial Arts, and he is not sure. That’s it.

At the same time, Shen Ning also asked: “Zhun’er, this set of pill refining is also the case. The items recorded in it may be things that Pill Dao can’t reach for my whole life. Where did you get these? thing?”

Shen Ning asked, she just saw some fur just now and felt that she had benefited a lot.

After reading the pill refining book Gu Zhun gave her, Shen Ning even had an illusion.

The Medicine Dao that she had contacted in the first half of her life was wrong, as if a brand new door was slowly opening in front of her.

At this time, as Gu Zhun’s parents, although they were surprised in their hearts, at this time, they also had to worry.

Their own son, at this moment, is becoming more and more mysterious in their hearts, first being the Ancient God soldier, and then taking out these precious scroll books.

Gu Yan and Shen Ning couldn’t help but worry, Gu Zhun might have gone wrong.

Therefore, their eyes turned to Gu Zhun at this time, also wanting to make things clear.

And Gu Zhun listened to their questions at the moment, and was not in a hurry, because before he took out these things.

Correspondingly, he is ready.

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