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“Father, mother, these things are actually my Master Qingyuan Ancestral Master asked me to pass on to you, and there are also these things.” Gu Zhun casually said, just to pull out the Supreme Elder of Heavenly Eye Sect directly. Make a back pot.

Then, Gu Zhun swept his sleeves, and in front of him, three weapons appeared.

“This…” Gu Yan listened to his son’s words. At this time, he saw the 3 weapons that Gu Zhun took out next, and his eyes widened as Unable to Bear.

“This is, Divine Armament? No, these all are Ancient God soldiers!”

Even with Gu Yan’s calm personality, he was unable to bear cried out in surprise when he suddenly saw so many Divine Armament at this time.

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from the 3 weapons in front of them, it is not the ordinary Divine Armament can reach.

Then there is only one possibility, these 3 weapons are all Legendary Ancient God soldiers!

My own son has so many Ancient God soldiers on him!

If this is said, I am afraid I don’t know how many people’s eyes will be shocked.

And, you know, how many ordinary Divine Armament in the entire Eastern Wilderness?

Not to mention that it was an Ancient God soldier, and now my own son actually took out so much in one breath.

Coupled with the 6 Yang Swords on his body, that is to say, Gu Zhun actually has 4 Ancient God soldiers on his body.

This is simply appalling.

“Zhun’er, these 3 Ancient God soldiers were also given to you by Qingyuan Ancestral Master?” Gu Yan took a deep look at his son and asked.

In fact, at this time, he had some doubts in his heart.

After all, even now Heavenly Eye Sect, it is estimated that there is no such strength to come up with so many Divine Armament in one breath.

Not to mention, such a thing is given to a discipline who just met.

However, seeing Gu Zhun nodded, Gu Yan did not ask much.

Because he knows that everyone has his own secrets, and his own son is completely invisible to him now, Gu Yan doesn’t want to ask questions about it.

He only needs to know that Gu Zhun has no bad intentions about himself and he is still his own son.

“Father, this sword is for you, mother, your cultivation technique is not good at attacking, so even a good sword is of no use to you. As long as this Tianluo azure light shield is injected with Spirit Power, it is enough to resist Origin Sea The attacks below Realm can be used with the waist token just given to you, even if you face some Origin Sea Realm experts, you can retreat.”

Gu Zhun said, handing one of the small azure shields to Shen Ning’s hand, and said.

“Zhun’er, is this the Divine Armament of the Ancient God in the legendary Ancient period? But, isn’t this sword collapsed in the legendary World Domain battlefield? It’s precious.”

At this time, Gu Yan pulled out the sword on one side, and the powerful sword energy filled the whole room. He also recognized it by the lines on the sword body.

Cangkong sword.

This is too precious, Gu Yan normally is a sword repairer, and naturally loves swords like crazy. However, Gu Yan usually can’t even think of a famous Ancient God soldier like Cangkong Sword.

However, Gu Yan never dreamed that such a sword would appear in his hands at this moment.

“Father, this sky sword is a growth-type Divine Armament. The stronger the Sword Intent of the cultivator, the more room for this sky sword to grow in the future. It is important to use the sword to raise the sword.

If you use his cultivator Sword Intent to a certain level, this sky sword can be killed even if it is a True God. Therefore, it depends on you to see how far this sword can go in the future. “

Gu Zhun said that his words are not unfounded.

In the Ancient period, Cangkong True God, the owner of this sky sword, did use this sword to cut down many True God cultivators. This is indeed a strange sword.

“This, but my father hasn’t comprehended Sword Intent yet.” Gu Yan heard his son’s words, his heart was surging.

But next moment, his expression is also helpless.

Sword Intent is the category of artistic conception.

Even if you look at Nine Realms, there are not many who can comprehend the artistic conception. Although his Gu Yan is very high in Gu Family innate talent, he is very strong.

But up to now, I haven’t realized any artistic conception.

The Sword Intent is arguably the most difficult one among many artistic conceptions.

He has practiced swords for several decades, comprehend several decades, and so far has no nodded threads.

As for Gu Zhun’s statement of raising swords with swords, that is probably impossible.

“Father, Sword Intent this thing, it’s actually difficult to understand, and it’s easy to say it’s not difficult.

No matter what kind of artistic conception it is, it is a realm derived from one path to the extreme, so the artistic conception this thing cannot be 3 mind 2 intention. Grab one of the paths and go all the way without being disturbed by other things.

For example, a path in the Sword Intent, sharp Sword Intent, as long as the blade of the comprehend sword, don’t be disturbed by other things.

When there is only a sword in your heart and no other impurities, then the artistic conception will naturally become. “

Gu Zhun laughed and pointed casually. This sentence may not be much in other people’s ears.

However, this word reached Gu Yan’s ears, and immediately, Gu Yan was an expression shock, like enlightenment.

In fact, in Gu Zhun’s opinion, his own Father has practiced swords for several decades, and his understanding of swords has long been enough.

The only difference is the right path. As long as the comprehend path is on the right path, he will realize that Sword Intent is a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed.

So, when Gu Zhun pointed, Gu Yan suddenly seemed to have caught something, and his face showed ecstasy.

“Father, mother, finally this Divine Armament was handed over to grandfather for me. In addition, these things were given to you by the child, but 10,000,000 should not be handed over to the family.” Gu Zhun said.

It is to hand these prepared things into the hands of Gu Yan and Shen Ning.

Finally, he also exhorted.

He didn’t want the things he had bothered to prepare, but the last thought was sucked away by the so-called family.

For Gu Zhun’s words, Gu Yan Shen Ning 2 naturally knows what it means.

They can go to the point where they are now in Gu Family, naturally, and they will not be simple characters.

So, of course there is something in mind.

As for the Ancient God soldier that Gu Zhun asked his parents to hand over to Gu Congwu, it was also because Gu Zhun had a better impression of this old man.

After collecting these things, Gu Yan Shen Ning 2 stayed for a while, and then left the small courtyard of Gu Zhun directly.

After they left, Gu Zhun also sat down, took out a few things from his storage bag, and flipped through them.

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