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Yin Yue’s kendo innate talent was once praised by a kendo Great Grandmaster, but he was later brought back to Gu Family by Shen Ning to study Medicine Dao, so he didn’t show anything.

However, Yin Yue does not like Zhang Yang, but that does not mean that others can comment on her kendo at will.

Especially this kid is not only arrogant and conceited, but also daring to draw conclusions at will that he is not suitable for cultivation kendo.

It’s just a laugh.

Even Yin Yue himself admits that his cultivation base in Kendo is definitely rapid progress, and it is also the most suitable for Kendo.

is it possible that this Gu Zhun knows her better than herself?

This is simply the funniest joke she has ever heard.

“Why do you say that I am not suitable for sword practice?” Yin Yue said with a smile.

She wanted to hear, Gu Zhun, what a kid could say.

“The sword is divided into 2 sides, and the person is divided into 2 poles, one side is a villain, the other is a gentleman, and the sword is the king of 100 soldiers, kingly, and also has 2 sides, the truth is mixed, and it deceives people’s hearts.

Since ancient sword repair is like this, grievances and hatred are inseparable, sword repair is the most inked type of person.

And your character, as you can see from the Sword Art just now, it’s all about press forward, you don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back, so, compared to Kendo, Blade Art should be more suitable for you. “

Gu Zhun said slowly, he also saw Yin Yue as a manufacturable, and coupled with some special reasons, would he deliberately persuade her.

Therefore, Gu Zhun also continued: “Knife, the overlord of 100 soldiers, one side of the knife, straight forward, gratitude and grudges are clear, no muddy, since ancient times knife users, no one is a real villain, a real hero, so, Your character, using a knife, is naturally the best, and Blade Art is also the most suitable weapon for you.”

“You said I’m suitable for Blade Art? Then why does my kendo make rapid progress? How do you explain this.” Yin Yue stood there, looking at Gu Zhun coldly.

Although this guy was talking about it, Yin Yue was almost moved by him, but she still has a fatal problem here.

That is, if she is more suitable for cultivation Blade Art, then why is her kendo innate talent so high?

“Your kendo innate talent has nothing to do with you. The reason why your kendo innate talent is so strong is actually because of your physique. Your physique is too special.

Yellow Springs sword body, this kind of physique Eternal has not been many since, and people with this kind of physique, even if it is a cultivation sword technique, it will also make rapid progress.

It’s just that although this kind of physique can also make some achievements in kendo, in the final analysis, he is on the wrong path. “Gu Zhun sighed and said this remark.

“What is a Yellow Springs knife body?” Yin Yue frowned when he heard Gu Zhun’s words, a little confused.

Yellow Springs knife body?

She had never heard of this physique in the ten places of Nine Heavens.

And Gu Zhun faced the woman’s question at this moment, and at this time, a smile finally appeared and recalled some things.

Yellow Springs knife body.

That was a physique that I had seen a long time ago. If it weren’t for the appearance of Yin Yue, Gu Zhun would have even forgotten that there is such a physique in Nine Realms.

Counting the Ancient several 10,000,000 years, Innate Saint Body, such as the carp crossing the river, Innate Immortal Body, there are also several people.

However, only this Yellow Springs knife body has only been a single case for several 10,000,000 years.

Even Gu Zhun in the previous life, how many years he has lived, and saw the body of the Yellow Springs, there are only a few people.

It was a little girl, a little girl who was not willing to be mediocre.

In the Ancient Era where God and Demon are everywhere, at first, the little girl was just an orphan of Mortal World.

Moreover, her legs are disabled, and in this life, she can only rely on a wheelchair to move.

However, destiny is unfair, but she does not content with destiny. She searched 1000 mountains, placed Immortal Sect, knocked her head, and wanted cultivation become Immortal.

In the end, the world is so big that no Sect is willing to include her in the door.

There is only one reason.

It is because this little girl is a lone star of the evil spirits, as long as she has a relationship with her, almost all of them will die. They will either be destroyed or a natural disaster will come.

At that time, the entire Nine Realms shunned the little girl’s attitude for fear of getting involved.

Later, by chance, the little girl met Gu Zhun.

At that time, Gu Zhun was already a giant between Heaven and Earth. When I first saw that girl, Gu Zhun was deeply attracted by her unwilling dark eyes.

Later, Gu Zhun became interested in this girl and began to train her.

Since then, Gu Zhun began to study the physique of this weird Tiansha Lone Star. After not knowing how much information he had read, Gu Zhun gave this special physique a name.

Yellow Springs knife body.

This kind of physique is the lone star of Innate, but it is extremely sensitive to Blade Dao, just like Innate was born for the sword.

I have a knife in my hand, and the cultivator of the Yellow Springs knife body is invincible.

In her eyes, True God Ancient Immortal was nothing but mundane weeds, which could be cut easily.

However, to fully develop the potential of this physique, the price to be paid is also huge.

Gu Zhun at that time, with the little girl, tried many ways.

Stepping on the old soil, entering Danger Land, Nine Heavens was ploughed by them all ten times.

In the end, Gu Zhun entered the Styx and reached 10,000 Li Solitary Grave before he found something that completely developed this Yellow Springs knife body.

At that time, Gu Zhun encountered within 10,000 Li Solitary Grave, which was still a Hundred Eye Divine Monarch of centipede achieve Dao.

Later, both Hundred Eye Divine Monarch and the little girl became Gu Zhun’s most effective cadres.

Especially that little girl. Later, after the famous Nine Heavens, she swept across the world with a sword, and was awed by future generations, and was called the Yellow Springs ancestor.

During that time, there were 100 soldiers in the world, and even the kendo known as the king of 100 soldiers.

Because of this woman, they are all overshadowed.

“Sword Immortal 3,000,000 in the sky, you need to lower your eyebrows when you see me!”

This is the terrifying of Yellow Springs knife body.

Gu Zhun thought that he was able to encounter a Yellow Springs knife body in his previous life. It is already 100000000 million in ten-thousand does not have one.

This kind of physique is too special and too terrifying. If it really grows up, Heavenly Dao will not tolerate it.

didn’t expect, this life, unexpectedly let him meet again.

This is why Gu Zhun took so long to persuade Yin Yue.

Even Gu Zhun is very interested in this Yellow Springs knife body.

Once this kind of physique is developed, it will be the existence of another Yellow Springs knife ancestor. At that time, one person will block the 1000 army, all with no difficulty.

And it just so happened that within the ten places of Nine Heavens, if one wanted to find out the existence of a Yellow Springs knife body that knew the best, then there was no one other than Gu Zhun.

Therefore, when Gu Zhun saw that this woman was a Yellow Springs body, he was already bound to win her.

This physique, Gu Zhun is about to decide!

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