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“Change to Blade Art?” Yin Yue listened to Gu Zhun’s words, she also had some hesitation in her heart.

Originally, such a thing shouldn’t happen logically, she was clearly a sword repairman, but she was suspicious of the sword in her hand.

Yin Yue also felt that there was a problem with his Dao Heart at this time.

Is he really suitable for cultivation Blade Art?

Yin Yue in the heart asked himself.

In fact, when Gu Zhun said these words, Yin Yue’s heart was already a little hesitant, because no one knew her own situation better.

Although in the foreign population, her kendo innate talent is terrifying and rapid progress.

But Yin Yue herself knows that she has discovered a lot of problems when she cultivated this Mingxin Sword Art since she practiced swords two years ago to now.

For example, when cultivation reaches a certain kind of sword skill, it is clear that it needs to be collected at one point. Yin Yue uses this trick, but he can’t collect it.

Another example is another trick, which is clearly to stab to the end, but Yin Yue feels that no matter how hard he stabs, it seems that he cannot achieve that feeling.

This feeling of irritation in her hands allowed her to make rapid progress during the early cultivation of Sword Art.

But now that 2 years have passed, Yin Yue seems to have been encountering a bottleneck, and he can’t reach the point of Sword Art’s perfection.

Now that after listening to Gu Zhun’s words, Yin Yue’s heart finally felt like a cloud of light, but she was hesitating whether or not to change to cultivation.

After all, she started practicing swords at the age of 4, and now more than ten years have passed, and the kendo training base of more than ten years will be abandoned and re-trained.

I believe that this kind of thing cannot be made immediately by ordinary people.

After all, Yin Yue is not Gu Zhun, strictly speaking, and she is just a teenage girl, so at this time, she also showed a hint of hesitation.

Seeing such a complicated expression of this woman, Gu Zhun laughed at this time: “Don’t worry, you can go back and think about these things slowly, and come to me when you think about it.”

As Gu Zhun said, Yin Yue was also somewhat absent-minded, and finally walked straight out of Gu Zhun’s small courtyard.

After sending Yin Yue away, at this time, the old turtle also slowly walked to Gu Zhun’s side, tilted his head and looked towards his own adult: “My lord, do you really want to cultivate this female doll?”

Gu Zhun looked at Yin Yue’s back and smiled slightly: “I have a little thought for the time being. The Yellow Springs blade is too rare and hard to get. Even if it’s me, I don’t want to miss it. It seems that I have to make time to meet again That smelly crow is.”

Gu Zhun stretched his waist and just said casually, he got up from the stool.

“Ai, the second ancestor of Yellow Springs swordsman, poor sword repairmen.” Listening to Gu Zhun’s words, the old tortoise knew that it seemed that the adult was already determined to train this woman.

When thinking of the terrifying physique of Yellow Springs blade body, the old turtle sighed as “unable to bear”.

Because of the Ancient period, the Yellow Springs knife ancestor under Gu Zhun’s was really too terrifying, one man one blade, it can be said that it suppressed an era.

It is his Old Master Canghai Sword Sage, who only became famous after Yellow Springs Sword Ancestor. If the Sea Sword Sword and Yellow Springs Sword Ancestor are in the same era, I am afraid that there will be ten Sea Sword Sages, not enough for a Yellow Springs Sword Ancestor to kill. of.

Moreover, in the era when the ancestor of the Yellow Springs swordsman was in, the swordsmanship, the king of the world’s 100 soldiers, was pressured to breathe.

The era of the Yellow Springs sword ancestor is also known as the darkest era of kendo.

I didn’t expect that a new Yellow Springs knife body was born now. In the future, waiting for this Yellow Springs knife body to grow up, the sword repair of Nine Realms, I’m afraid it will be bloody mold.

However, at this time, listening to Laogui’s sigh, Gu Zhun turned his head and glanced at him too.

In the end, Gu Zhun slowly shook the head: “Old money, old money, you are wrong about this. In this world, everyone is unique and unmatched. Until now, there is only one Yellow Springs knife ancestor. , And there will be no second.

I can’t bear to watch a piece of precious jade buried in the world. I don’t want to cultivate someone into another. The character difference between Yin Yue and the ancestor of Yellow Springs is so great that she will not be the second Yellow Springs knife. Ancestor, but, she will become the first Yellow Springs knife saint. “

Gu Zhun hands behind ones back, expression melancholy, while speaking, it also seemed to remember some long-lasting things.

At this time, after listening to Gu Zhun’s words, Laogui seemed to understand something and didn’t say anything.

In this way, after Yin Yue left, Gu Zhun stood withered in his small courtyard for several hours. Finally, he slowly turned around and walked into his cabin.

Time flies, all of a sudden, 3 days passed.

At this moment, there are less than 2 days before the junior trial in Great Zhou City. From this day on, the atmosphere in the entire Great Zhou City has become extremely tense.

At the same time, on this day, Yin Yue also figured out the day.

When Yin Yue came to Gu Zhun’s small courtyard again, holding a long blade in his hand, Gu Zhun looked towards her first glance, with a smile in her eyes.

Gu Zhun knew that this woman finally figured it out.

Because if Yin Yue can’t figure this out, even Gu Zhun will not interfere with her. If she can figure it out now, it is naturally the best.

Before Yin Yue came, he had already made it clear with Gu Zhun’s Mother Elder Shen Ning, and Shen Ning also agreed to let Yin Yue follow Gu Zhun.

In fact, when Shen Ning brought Yin Yue back, he already regarded him as his own. Now his son has been accepted as a discipline by a Supreme Elder of Heavenly Eye Sect.

So in Shen Ning’s view, if Yin Yue is willing to follow Gu Zhun, it is bound to be more promising than staying in Gu Family.

This is beyond doubt.

Therefore, Shen Ning will certainly not reject Yin Yue, although in Shen Ning’s view, Yin Yue’s innate talent on Pill Dao is also very high, but for this woman’s future, Shen Ning will also consider the overall situation.

“If you want to modify Blade Art, you have to start from the beginning with many foundations and concepts. From now on, you have to give up your kendo and devote yourself to Blade Art, starting from the basics.

Starting today, 10000 swings a day. “

Gu Zhun started to develop cultivation goals for Yin Yue.

In fact, strictly speaking, Gu Zhun looked at Yin Yue’s Yellow Springs blade body. Her Yellow Springs blade body is very different from the Yellow Springs blade body of the original Yellow Springs knife ancestor.

To be precise, when the Yellow Springs knife ancestor met Gu Zhun when she was young, her Yellow Springs knife body was already half-opened.

Therefore, it is called the lone star of the evil spirits.

However, Yin Yue’s Yellow Springs knife body at the moment is in a closed state and has not yet been exposed.

It is precisely because of this that Yin Yue was brought back by Shen Ning to the present, and Gu Family was lucky enough to be safe.

Otherwise, even if there are ten Gu Family, where the Yellow Springs knife body is located, I am afraid that within a month, it will be destroyed due to natural and man-made disasters.

Moreover, it is the Yellow Springs knife body in such a closed state. When Shen Ning brought Yin Yue back from the secular world, she still defeated her secular family of 7 people.

Fortunately, the Gu Family is a cultivation family, not a family of secular mortals.

Otherwise, even the closed Yellow Springs blade body, I am afraid that Gu Mansion can be destroyed directly.

After all, the lone star fortune of Heavenly Evil attached to the Yellow Springs blade body comes from Heavenly Dao’s unacceptable blessings, and it’s not just a name.

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