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When Gu Zhun walked out of the small courtyard, he could see that several guards in Gu Mansion were in a hurry at this time, and their faces were talking anxiously.

Seeing Gu Zhun walking towards them, these Gu Mansion guards immediately became serious and respectful.

“Little Young Master!”

After the trial competition, almost the entire Great Zhou City has been understood. The cultivation innate talent of the Little Young Master of Gu Family can be said to be shaking the old illuminating the new.

He has become a Cauldron Power Realm expert at a young age, so at this time, these Gu Mansion guards certainly dare not neglect him.

“What happened?” Gu Zhun brows slightly wrinkle asked.

“We are not quite clear either. We just heard that there was a little riot within 100,000 Great Mountains. This year’s Beast Wave seems to be coming early.” said one of the guards.

Hearing this, Gu Zhun’s face moved, and he considered it: “Beast Wave.”

Great Zhou City is close to 100,000 Great Mountains and is a relatively remote ancient city in the Great Yan Dynasty. Almost every few years, there will be a relatively large-scale Beast Wave riot, and every Beast Wave, Great Zhou City will die as a result many people.

According to the frequency of previous years, the Beast Wave should only erupt once every 6 years, but this time is only one year after the last Beast Wave. Why should there be an outbreak again?

This is the fact that many veterans of the garrison stationed in Great Zhou City all year round can’t figure it out. The Beast Wave riot at this time is indeed very abnormal.

“My lord, what should we do now?” Laogui looked up at this moment, looked towards Gu Zhun, and asked.

Gu Zhun also stood still and pondered for a while, and then he just moved towards the gate of Gu Mansion: “Let’s go up to the gate and take a look.”

After that, he just walked out.

Great Zhou City is an ancient city with a history of several hundred years. The ancient city walls are as high as hundred zhang, and the walls made of black stones are covered with moss because of the age.

No matter it is inside or outside the wall, there are traces of the years. The traces of the sword show that it was once also experienced and has gone through the test of war.

Gu Zhun ascended to the top of the city. Along the way, most of the defenders encountered were under the command of Gu Zhun Father. Of course, they knew Gu Zhun. Therefore, Gu Zhun went all the way, but there was no one to stop him.

Walking up the city wall, looking along the distance, I saw the south-east direction, within 100,000 Great Mountains, a red light spread, and a large amount of dust rose.

Feel the vibration of the earth coming from outside the ten thousand li.

The expressions of many people have also become extremely solemn. Even the veteran Yuzi, who has served as the oldest soldier for many years, has changed his face from laughing and becoming serious at this time.

Because, all signs can indicate that in the depths of the 100,000 Great Mountains, a very large-scale Beast Wave is brewing at this time, and their Great Zhou City will also become the most important location for the Beast Wave.

There is no doubt that this will be a bloody battle!

Therefore, no matter who it is, his face at this time is not as relaxed as before.

War is coming, and every time a war comes, it is accompanied by the bloodshed and death of soldiers.

It was confirmed that the Beast Wave was coming soon, and the entire Great Zhou City was also on guard at this brief moment.

The guards of the four walls of Great Zhou City have doubled. In order to prevent civil strife, patrols in the city are more stringent than before, and everyone is at risk.

It is full of the rising wind forebodes the coming storm.

Gu Zhun looks into the distance, according to the speed of the Beast Wave, Monster Beast will launch its first attack at the latest tomorrow morning.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

Witnessing the anxious deployment of the defenders on the city wall, many Elder juniors of the Aristocratic Family were also directly or voluntarily or separately recruited and arranged on the 4 city walls as a backbone line of defense at this time.

Gu Zhun stopped on the city wall for a long time. After a while, he squinted his eyes, turned and left.

Follow closely from behind, there are Song Qingyi Yin Yue Wang Xian and the others.

Seeing this group of people leave, a silver armor general who was in charge of defending the city was stunned for a moment and wanted to stop Gu Zhun, but after another thought, he finally held back.

Although I know that Gu Zhun is a Cauldron Power Realm expert, staying here is bound to be a great help.

But this person is a member of the Gu Family and the son of the City Lord. They naturally have no right to detain Gu Zhun here.

Therefore, at this time, many soldiers of the defending army looked at the silhouette of Gu Zhun leaving and hummed.

“Fortunately, he is still the son of Gu Yan City Lord, didn’t expect to be as timid as a mouse, Beast Wave ran away in fright before he even came!”

“Cauldron Power Realm cultivator, that’s all that’s a greedy for life and fear of death!”

“Without him, we can also defend this city!”

Some officers talked, and the back looking towards Gu Zhun showed a heavy contempt.

At this time, Gu Zhun had already walked a long distance, and he would naturally not know what these people said.

However, even if he knew, he would not take these taking seriously.

Because at this time, he has more important things to do.

When he returned to the small courtyard, Gu Zhun looked serious, pushed open the door, and came to the bed. Then, Gu Zhun just yawned and fell asleep.

In fact, in Gu Zhun’s eyes, what is called Beast Wave is just a passing scene that’s all.

He wants Beast Wave to retreat, but it’s just a wave of his sleeves, so why is it worth his worry?

Besides, the current Great Zhou City is still far away from 100,000 Great Mountains. Even if the Beast Wave arrives here, it will be tomorrow.

So, with this effort spent on the wall, it is better to come back and have a good sleep.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhun had already closed his eyes and took a nap after a while.

2 I don’t hear things outside the window, and I just sleep with Sage.

While Gu Zhun was sleeping, at the same time, above the city wall, the army guarding the city was already busy.

Because the Beast Wave came in a rush this time, many things that should be prepared have not yet been prepared, bows and arrows, boulders, food and grass.

These are not all.

Everyone is also very busy.

Just at this time, as usual, suddenly, with the arrival of a team, all of them suddenly became quiet.

Everyone saw the incoming person, and immediately, the military spirit was settled.

Because this team is not someone else. The one who took the lead was Lord Gu of Gu Mansion. The one who followed closely from behind was the direct line of Elder in Gu Mansion. Later, Gu Ziqing, Gu Qi, Gu Hongling and other juniors are not bad, and they all came here.

“What are you looking at? Is there a flower on my face? This Beast Wave is not trivial. It may be the largest Beast Wave in several decades! Go and prepare supplies!”

Lord Gu was very angry and shouted directly at this time.

When many generals heard the Lord’s words, they immediately found the backbone of the Lord, and quickly nodded, commanded the army, and speeded up preparations.

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