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Reinforce the city gates, remove the fire oil, and deepen the trenches.

Great Zhou City is busy inside and out.

Once the Beast Wave begins, it is no longer a war of one person, but a war of a city.

In the Beast Wave, there is no doubt that the power of the cultivator is immense, especially Cauldron Power Realm. These people will be the pillars of the powerful Monster Beast in the Beast Wave.

However, although Cauldron Power Realm is powerful, it is ultimately limited in manpower. The most terrifying Beast Wave is its density and quantity.

More, it is the low-level Monster Beast. These low-level Monster Beasts are the most terrifying force in the Beast Wave.

Perhaps, in normally, one or two low-level Monster Beasts are not terrifying, even a cultivator of Body Tempering Realm can be easily killed.

But if this is in a Beast Wave, a large number of low-level Monster Beasts gather, then it is undoubtedly a disaster.

Too many ants killed the elephant.

With more low-level Monster Beasts, even the cultivator of Cauldron Power Realm is a headache.

Therefore, some primitive ways of defending the city are needed, such as trenches and kerosene.

Of course, these things have no effect on high-level Monster Beast, but they have a great effect on some low-level Monster Beast.

Standing on the top of the city, this Lord Gu had a low face, looking into the distance, beside him, with him as the center, gathered circles of Great Zhou City high-levels.

There is no other reason. It is because Lord Gu at this moment is the highest realm Thousand Cauldron cultivator in the entire Great Zhou City.

So, all of a sudden, Lord Guzi immediately became the backbone of everyone, but their leader.

I saw Gu Congwu at this moment, standing with his hands on the city wall, his face was melancholy, and he asked a silver-armored general next to him: “Is Yan’er not out yet?”

“Back to Patriarch, the City Lord has been closed for more than half a month, and has not yet left.” General Yinjia said.

After listening to this general, Gu Congwu was also nodded and didn’t say much.

It’s just that although Gu Congwu didn’t say anything, the Cauldron Power Realm Elder of the Great Family around him started talking at once.

“This City Lord is also true. When the retreat is not good, it must be closed at this knot.”

“Ai, then Gu Yan is said to have stepped into Thousand Cauldron, and originally expected him to be of great help in this Beast Wave, but at this time he just shut down.”

These Aristocratic Family Elder commented that after listening to these people, it was obvious that Lord Guzi’s face was even lower.

Next, I only listened to the Lord’s coldly snorted, and the voice spread, and it immediately shook these people.

And these Aristocratic Family Elders heard Lord Gu get angry, each and everyone also kept quiet out of fear, they shut up and didn’t dare to say more.

Then, Lord Gu asked again: “Zhun’er has entered the Cauldron Power Realm, where is he now?”

“Back to Patriarch, Little Young Master…” The silver armor general hesitated for a while, hesitated while speaking.

Seeing this, Lord Gu’s eyes immediately narrowed: “Say.”

The silver armored general quickly nodded: “Little Young Master has been here just now, but after taking a look, he left again. Now, he should be in Gu Mansion.”

“Go back?” Lord Guzi groaned, with a trace of perplexity in his eyes.

However, this time is when everyone thinks this Old Gu Patriarch is going to get angry.

But something unexpected happened. Gu Congwu seemed not at all a little angry.

Just simply un’ed means that after knowing it, there is nothing to say.

In this way, it seemed that even if Gu Zhun hadn’t come to fight and defend the city, the Lord would neither force nor get angry.

Such a move stunned almost everyone.

Including some juniors from Gu Mansion, especially Gu Qi and the others, they all have very ugly faces.

They knew that Lord Gu was eccentric, but they didn’t expect that this Lord Gu would actually be eccentric to this degree.

Gu Zhun avoided the battle directly, and he didn’t even say a word.

What’s more, he was coldly snorted and said: “This grandfather is too eccentric. Gu Zhun, a Cauldron Power Realm cultivator, can not participate in the war. It is so unfair for us juniors of Meridian Opening Realm to work hard here. Up!”

Gu Qi was stunned and suffocated, but couldn’t vent at this moment, so he immediately let him gnashing teeth.

But even if he was stunned again, but now Gu Qi is still powerless.

Therefore, he had to secretly write down the account, and wait until his cultivation base surpasses Gu Zhun, and then ask him to settle the account.

This time, neither Gu Zhun nor Gu Yan 2 father and son joined the defensive city. Undoubtedly, the internal strength of Great Zhou City has also been weakened to a great extent.

Therefore, Gu Congwu’s heart became more worried.

Because this Beast Wave is really extraordinary, even he feels an extremely dangerous breath.

This kind of breath already made him feel uneasy.

Seeing the sun gradually setting in the west, Gu Congwu thought deeply.

I really don’t know what the situation will be when the sun rises again tomorrow.

Nothing in the night.

This night, the entire Great Zhou City people fell into a sleepless night. Above the ancient city wall, only the sound of iron armor colliding was heard, and the soldiers exuded a chilling air under the dim moonlight.

The sound of sharpening weapons came from a distance. All of this seems to be preparing for the bloody battle of Beast Wave tomorrow.

The next day, the sun has not risen, the sun and the moon are shining, and Yin-Yang is making Thailand.

The weakest line of golden light among Heaven and Earth lit up, and a veteran stood up from the city wall and moved towards the city to look down.

The next scene he saw immediately caused a layer of densely packed cold sweat on his back, and goose bumps suddenly appeared.

Even such an experienced veteran couldn’t help feeling a bit shuddered when facing this scene outside the city.

At this time, everyone saw the morning sun faintly. Under the city wall at this moment, at some point, it was already densely packed and gathered a glimpse of the Monster Beast army with no end in sight.

These Monster Beast army came with billowing yellow smoke and gathered outside Great Zhou City.

It can be said that as long as the previous Monster Beast gives an order, this Beast Wave will officially erupt like a mountain torrent.

Looking at such a scene, even the silver armored general, at this time, his neck numb and his scalp exploded.

He has been in the military for several decades and has experienced 5 or 6 large and small Beast Waves in Great Zhou City.

However, he saw the huge number of Beast Waves like today for the first time in his life.

This scale can be said to be unprecedented!

Once such a Beast Wave breaks out, it is conceivable that in the Great Zhou City a few hours later, blood will flow into a river, and corpses will be everywhere.

When the time comes, so many people have survived the Beast Wave of this time, and I don’t know how many people will survive.

The silver armor general smiled bitterly and said in grief.

is it possible that, the sky will kill me Great Zhou City?

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