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Under the leadership of Li Hongfeng, Gu Zhun and others were taken to a courtyard.

Compared with Gu Zhun’s original small courtyard in Gu Mansion, the courtyard that Elder Li arranged for them is undoubtedly much larger.

“Young Master, there are still things on the Sect side. You are taking a rest here now. Tomorrow Sect will arrange a separate Cave Mansion for you after the high-level decision.”

Elder Li respectfully said to Gu Zhun, and then Gu Zhun waved his hand and sent him away. Li Hongfeng finally left the small courtyard where Gu Zhun was.

Soon after Li Hongfeng left, Mei Suqin also left. After all, this woman was originally the discipline of Heavenly Eye Sect. After leaving for 7 years and returning now, there must be a lot of things to deal with.

She was going to see her original Master, and Mei Suqin had her own Cave Mansion in Heavenly Eye Sect, so at this time she also left the small courtyard with Gu Zhun’s consent.

After Mei Suqin left, Song Qingyi Yin Yue and Wang Xian each chose a room in the courtyard. In the end, Gu Zhun walked back to his room.

Inside, Gu Zhun was sitting on a chair. It was getting late at the moment, and the bright moonlight came in from the window, covering the floor with silver frost.

Gu Zhun sat in front of the window, his eyes were dizzy, after a while, he gently clapped his storage bag, a white light flashed by, and a rusty metal box appeared on his hand.

This box is something Gu Zhun took from the Heavenly Eye Sect great hall during the day.

The reason why I brought this box back is because of some things.

Actually speaking of which, this box was originally sent out from Gu Zhun’s hands.

It was in the Ancient years, more than 1000 10,000 years ago, that Gu Zhun came out of 10,000 Li Solitary Grave with the Yellow Springs Dao ancestor who was still very young at the time and was brought out by Gu Zhun from 10,000 Li Solitary Grave. The Hundred Eye Divine Monarch without Form Transformation just got.

2 A man and a demon traveled on the boat of the market world to the 4th level in Nine Realms.

There, they went to a place called 1000 Jizu City.

It was an ancient city made by the ancient 1000 machine tribe. Such a 1000 machine ancestor city is not an ordinary city. This ancient city is composed of machinery.

It can be said that every brick that makes up the 1000 Jizu City, every tile is assembled by precision machinery.

Therefore, this ancient city is in the 4th realm. It is a mysterious and mysterious city, which only exists in the legendary city.

Perhaps someone has heard of the existence of the 1000 Jizu City, but almost no who has actually seen it.

That is a flowing ancient city.

A few 10,000,000 years ago, Gu Zhun took Yellow Springs Dao Zu and Hundred Eye Divine Monarch once. At that time, in 1000 Ji Zu City, Gu Zhun bought something.

It is this tin box.

Later, after Gu Zhun no longer needed the box, he gave it to Yellow Springs Dao Zuo. Later, the metal box was removed from the hands of Yellow Springs Dao Zuo to Hundred Eye Divine Monarch.

After Hundred Eye Divine Monarch left, he left the iron box in Heavenly Eye Sect, and it has been preserved until now, and it has fallen into the hands of Gu Zhun.

Gu Zhun was holding such an iron box in his hand, stroking the rusty time nicks on the iron box. In the end, he was sighed.

The original intention of Hundred Eye Divine Monarch was good. Keep this box and leave some fortune to the younger generation. After Heavenly Eye Sect decayed in the future, you can make a fortune again with the things in this box.

However, it is a pity that later generations are dull and do not know this treasure, and they actually enshrine a bunch of waste products, leaving the real treasure in dust.

Gu Zhun sighed lightly, this box is the real treasure.

The real name of this tin box is called Shenji ancient box.

Even in the 1000 Jizu City that year, Gu Zhun got such a box at a high price.

Now that no one cares about it, he almost was thrown away as garbage by a few juniors, and Gu Zhun didn’t know what to say.

I touched the 8 sides of the box with both hands, and finally started to tap lightly on the surface of the iron box.

“Dong! dong dong! dong dong! 咚dong dong! ”

With each beating, Gu Zhun was always happy. After about 5 minutes, I saw that the box finally started to change.

I saw the sound of the machine inside the ancient box, and then, on the surface of the iron box, countless small crystals began to flow on their own.

Every moment, the rust on the original surface of the ancient Shenji box finally fell by itself, revealing the true face of the box.

This is a palm-sized box with a purple black surface, with a faint light pattern, arranged on the surface of this ancient box incomparably wonderful.

This divine machine ancient box is a rectangular parallelepiped. Gu Zhun holds this box, and when he sees such a change, he also smiles slightly.

Then, he began to twist the box in his hand.

At the beginning, Gu Zhun got this box from the 1000 Jizu City to store an Unparalleled thing. Gu Zhun would only be at ease if it was stored in this ancient box.

Because it’s easy to put the things in this ancient box, but it’s as difficult as heavenly ascension to take it out again.

The opening of the ancient box of Shenji requires 10000 specific arrangements, and the ancient box will only be opened after unlocking one by one.

If you make a wrong step, you will lose all your previous efforts.

In the Ancient period, the ancient box of this kind of magic machine could not be broken by external force. If there is no correct solution in hand, even the Imperial Capital of True God cannot be blasted by external force.

At this time, Gu Zhun, holding the ancient box of Shenji, also used the moonlight, step by step, to unlock it.

Opening the ancient box of Shenji is a delicate task, so Gu Zhun is not in a hurry. It took a full hour to do it.

In the end, after Gu Zhun corrected the last step, in his hand, there was a “click” in the ancient box.

A gentle purple light lights up in turn, and the box opens in response.

Looking at the opening of this box, Gu Zhun also showed a smile on his face.

In fact, when he first saw this ancient box in Heavenly Eye Sect great hall during the day, he already knew that the kid Hundred Eye Divine Monarch must be hidden in his own ancient box. Something.

That’s why he specially brought this box back. Now he wants to see what kind of treasures were stored in the Hundred Eye Divine Monarch that year with his box.

Gu Zhun smiled, just uncovering the lid of the box, and the next scene in front of him also made Gu Zhun show a suddenly open expression.

I saw in this box, as soon as it was opened, a burst of death of assaults the senses drifted out of the box.

Gu Zhun felt this lifelessness and looked towards the inside of the box. At this time, he basically guessed what the Hundred Eye had stored in this box.

“Didn’t expect, the kid Hundred Eye actually moved all this stuff back.”

With a weird smile on Gu Zhun’s mouth, he looked at the thing in the box, and after a moment of stunned, he finally said slowly.

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