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I saw that at this moment, inside the ancient divine machine box in Gu Zhun’s hands, there was a black hill floating among them, which was so wonderful.

Gu Zhun only glanced at this hill and knew what it was.

In the Ancient period, Hundred Eye Divine Monarch founded Heavenly Eye Sect. At that time, Gu Zhun read about following himself in the Hundred Eye Divine Monarch in the North and South wars over the years. He made great contributions and personally took action.

Take a section of Heaven and Earth Spirit Vein and borrow 4 ten thousand li rivers and mountains to refine 10000 flowing mountains.

Melting the Heaven and Earth Spirit Vein into a mountain, and finally achieving the foundation of the Heavenly Eye Sect, which is full of Spirit Qi and Spirit Vein, is 10000 Liushan.

As for those mountain ranges that had been plundered with Spirit Vein and lost their vitality, they were also practiced by Gu Zhun casually. The original thought was to restore these peaks to their original state and put them back, at least not to be so lifeless again.

But then, something happened that made Gu Zhun completely unprepared.

That is, the refining at this time actually failed. The mountain range that had been robbed of vitality was completely refined into a black mountain, and it became even more terrifying.

Not only the weight is unparalleled, but also full of eternal death.

Gu Zhun was shocked back then, even he himself didn’t expect at the very beginning that he would refine such a thing.

Therefore, at the beginning, Gu Zhun named the mountain that failed to refining, the Peak of Death Hell. Later, because the lifelessness of the Black Mountain was too strong, Gu Zhun worried that putting it back in place would make this mountain around ten. Thousand li was eroded by the dead air, resulting in 1000 li in the red land.

Therefore, it is also sinking into the Styx.

However, what Gu Zhun didn’t expect was that the boy Hundred Eye went to the Styx specifically to fish. He just picked up the peak of the dead hell he threw into the Styx and treated it as a treasure. Stored in this ancient divine machine box.

Gu Zhun didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, he drew his palm into the ancient box of the magic machine, and held out the peak of death hell that was the size of a needle sleeve at this moment, and played with it for a while.

After a while, he looked at the death prison peak in his hand, and he also had a novel idea in his heart.

After 10,000,000 years of precipitation, this Black Mountain was originally incomparably lifeless, coupled with the cultivation of ghost qi in the depths of the Styx, it has now become a fierce mountain.

Now in the hands of Gu Zhun, Gu Zhun also suddenly had such an idea.

This mountain is immense and immense. If you refining it, you don’t know what it will be like.

when the time comes If you face a large-scale war, you might spend less time, similar to the Beast Wave in Great Zhou City some time ago.

If Gu Zhun refining the Peak of Death Prison at that time, and this mountain took out, one mountain will be crushed, no matter how many Beast Waves, one mountain will be crushed to death.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhun’s face also became exciting.

Why didn’t he think of such an interesting idea before?

However, it is not too late. Gu Zhun does not neglect to hold the Death Prison Peak in his hand, and immediately begins to refining.

Actually speaking of which is not a Magic Artifact, this death peak is just a failure after Gu Zhun refining 10000 Liushan from the previous life stock. Strictly speaking, it is not even Magic Artifact or Wai Qibao. Count.

Therefore, Gu Zhun’s method of refining the Peak of Death Prison is also very simple. He directly splits a part of his divine sense into the Peak of Death Prison. Even if the refining is completed, the whole process only takes less than a cup of tea.

Refining this dead prison peak, Gu Zhun can obviously feel the strong dead energy and ghost qi contained within this dead prison peak. Even Gu Zhun cannot help but click one’s tongue in wonder.

This thing is really something that can only be made by chance.

After refining the Peak of Death Prison, Gu Zhun did not dare to conceive it in a dantian. The death of this ghost was too heavy, and Gu Zhun was somewhat dreaded that his death would pollute his Spirit Power.

So in desperation, I could only temporarily smelt it into divine runes with a unique secret technique, and store it in my palm.

Then, Gu Zhun continued to look towards the inside of the ancient box of Shenji. If he remembered correctly, the ancient box of the year was changed to the upper and lower levels by himself.

Now, Hundred Eye Divine Monarch uses the upper layer to store Death Peak, but I don’t know what he puts the lower layer on.

Gu Zhun tapped the ancient box lightly, and then, inside the box, a new mezzanine appeared in front of Gu Zhun’s eyes.

This is a purple jade slip. Gu Zhun took the jade slip out of the box, pondered for a moment, and lightly pressed it to his brow.

Next, from the purple jade slip, a densely packed silver rune was quickly transmitted along the jade slip into Gu Zhun’s mind.

At this time, Gu Zhun’s Sea of ​​Consciousness saw countless runes flying in. Soon, an ancient picture scroll formed in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

This is a pair of vertical pupils that slowly open in the dark, like a golden light between Heaven and Earth.

The vertical pupil opened, as if carrying the coercion of the Myriad Realms of King’s Landing. From the vertical pupil, Gu Zhun saw the sight of the sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain and heard the sound of over 10000 weapons colliding and fighting.

It took a long time for Gu Zhun to slowly open his eyes, his face revealed a thick complex color.

Because at this time, he also knew what was retained by Hundred Eye in this jade slip.

If you let Gu Zhun know that this jade slip contains this thing, Gu Zhun will probably not take a look.

Because this involves a bet between Gu Zhun and Hundred Eye Divine Monarch a long time ago.

At that time, Hundred Eye Divine Monarch just created his own trick, Life Source Martial Arts, which is a kind of pupil technique.

Hundred Eye Divine Monarch named him 1000 Bing Ran.

This means that as soon as this pupil technique is used, even if True God gets in the way, it will be hacked to death by a group of killing soldiers condensed into 1000 to 10000 pupil techniques.

However, when Hundred Eye Divine Monarch created this Martial Arts at that time, he himself had not yet reached the realm of True God, so he dared to brag about the name.

Therefore, I was mocked fiercely by Gu Zhun fiercely.

At that time, the Hundred Eye Divine Monarch was not convinced, and agreed to bet with Gu Zhun 2 people. One day, he would really make his 1000-pound Divine Pupil famous in Nine Realms and use this technique to kill True God 100.

Moreover, Gu Zhun is also required to learn this pupil technique of his own.

Later, about this bet, Hundred Eye Divine Monarch did indeed achieve the first two. His this 2 Martial Arts was really famous for Nine Realms, and the True God who died in his hands later did not have 1000. There are also 1000.

It’s just that the latter one, Hundred Eye Divine Monarch, has been slow to achieve.

Originally, Gu Zhun thought he would never have a chance to do it.

However, he didn’t even think that the kid Hundred Eye would shame himself before leaving.

It seems that this is also because he deliberately left his 1000 Martial Arts in the jade slip, and then stored it with the Death Peak in the ancient box of the gods and left it in Heavenly Eye Sect.

Just to achieve the bet that year.

Gu Zhun should have thought of this a long time ago. Even if the kid Hundred Eye Divine Monarch wants to leave the treasures for future generations, there is no need to stay in the ancient box of the gods.

Even if you want to stay in the ancient box of Shenji, you will not only leave the box without passing it to future generations to open it, so that future generations will think that this is just a broken box left by the ancestor.

Moreover, Gu Zhun should have thought that if it is really a treasure for future generations, he shouldn’t put this thing in the box, even without any cultivation resources.

He should have thought that this magical box was originally prepared by the boy Hundred Eye for the sake of himself.

But Gu Zhun reacted at this time, and it was too late.

So, in the end, he could only show an expression that didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and reluctantly accepted the inheritance of this 1000 soldiers.

Hundred Eye, Hundred Eye.

Unexpectedly, this bet would be more than 3000 and 10000 years, and Laozi was finally overshadowed by you…

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