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Crooked melon cracked dates?

Listening to Gu Zhun’s words, many people were stunned. They are the Inner Sect disciple of Heavenly Eye Sect, which is the future of Sect.

Now Gu Zhun dare to say that they are crooked melons?

These Inner Sect disciple looked towards Gu Zhun’s eyes were almost itchy: “Gu Zhun, you are too arrogant, I Heavenly Eye Sect can’t tolerate a supercilious person like you!”

The leader Inner Sect disciple shouted, and then Gu Zhun just glanced at him and smiled: “Can’t tolerate me? What are you? When is Heavenly Eye Sect your turn to take charge? I am in my mood today. It’s not bad, I don’t bother to care about you, otherwise, the slap just now will kill you. If you are interested, give me the fuck as soon as possible. If you want to stay here again, I don’t mind giving you a ride.”

Gu Zhun said that there was a fierce light in his eyes. He saw Li Hongfeng being besieged by these Inner Sect disciple just now.

Originally, Gu Zhun planned to use this Spirit Vein incident to investigate and inspect this batch of Inner Sect disciple of Heavenly Eye Sect. Now it seems that there is no need to investigate at all.

Spirit Vein doesn’t want to rely on one’s own for cultivation. On the contrary, it is so anxious that even the Elder in his own Sect dares to fight. This Inner Sect disciple, which has no respect for Elder at all, is useless.

If Heavenly Eye Sect is in trouble in the future, expect this group of disciplines to protect Sect? It is simply a fantasy story. They no longer stab Heavenly Eye Sect in the back at critical times. It is a good thing.

Therefore, Gu Zhun doesn’t plan to be polite to these boys, just like he said, those who are savvy and ignorant, don’t want to leave today.

Gu Zhun’s warning was good, but after his words were spoken, none of these Inner Sect disciples seemed to put his words in their eyes: “Gu Zhun, we know how good you are. I will wait for this time. I didn’t do it with you. We just want to get justice back. Don’t be too arrogant.”

Several leading Inner Sect disciple said.

“Justice? What kind of justice do you want?” Gu Zhun glanced at them and asked with a hint of interest.

“You took away 10000 Spirit Veins in Liushan all at once, and broke our path of cultivation. This matter must be explained to us. Our requirements are also very simple. Hand over our Spirit Vein and we will You can ignore that many.”

These Inner Sect disciples unanimously began to force Gu Zhun, and they looked like they would not leave without returning the Spirit Vein.

“It turns out that you are here for the Spirit Vein. That’s easy. Isn’t it all over the place? Pick one and take it away.” Gu Zhun smiled and pointed to the 10000 Spirit Vein under the small courtyard. Said.

After listening to his words, everyone’s faces were hard to look.

It’s true that the Spirit Vein is all swaggered here, but they also have the ability to get it.

This Spirit Vein has been hidden in the 10000 Liushan for so many years. For a few 10,000,000 years, there has been a freak Gu Zhun that can drive Spirit Vein. Now Gu Zhun asks them to take it. Isn’t this deliberately making things difficult for them?

“Gu Zhun, you are making things difficult for me. How can we know how to drive Spirit Vein? What we mean is to let you return Spirit Vein, don’t you understand?” An Inner Sect disciple said.

After he finished speaking, Gu Zhun’s expression was stunned right away, and his patience was worn to the end by these idiots.

“A bunch of idiots, give you some color, really think of yourself as an onion and want Spirit Vein? Those Supreme Elders don’t dare to fart in front of Laozi, just because you Inner Sect disciple dare to threaten Me? I think you are so skilled and tired, I will give you 3 breaths time. After 3 breaths, you don’t even want to leave here alive.” Gu Zhun said slowly.

However, this kind of soft-sounding threat was simply not seen by these Inner Sect disciples. They all looked at each other. Even after listening to Gu Zhun’s words, no one left because of fear.

Of course they know Gu Zhun’s methods are powerful. Just one palm can beat them back. Even when they get started, they can beat Liu Family and several Cauldron Power Realm cultivators half to death within a few strokes. They have heard of these things. .

But at this time, they were confident.

Because, at this time, there are a lot of them, even if Gu Zhun really does it, they don’t have the power to resist. Just like the Elder Li just now, Ten Thousand Cauldron powerhouse is in their combined force. Down, was also injured.

2 Come, this is Heavenly Eye Sect after all, and they are sure that Gu Zhun will not dare to mess around, otherwise, the high-level clan will not let him go.

“Hmph, Gu Zhun, do you think it’s useful to intimidate me like this? Don’t forget, here is Heavenly Eye Sect, you dare to touch our hair here, the high level in the clan will not let you go!” An Inner Sect disciple dressed in purple cloth is confident.

When he had just finished speaking, Gu Zhun’s 3 breaths had passed, and then Gu Zhun’s gaze was just looking towards him.

“Oh? Really?” Gu Zhun asked with a smile, and then he glanced at the old tortoise beside him: “Old money, these idiots will be handed over to you.”

Gu Zhun said to the old tortoise. Then, it was the old tortoise that moved the tortoise shell: “Don’t worry, adults, none of them can escape.”

Before he could say anything, Laogui walked out from behind Gu Zhun.

2 Apart from that, before these Inner Sect disciples reacted, the old tortoise just changed its body shape and became incomparable gigantic.

With a huge mouth, he swallowed the purple clothed Inner Sect disciple that he had just spoken in one mouthful, and then chewed slowly in his mouth.

“Crack!” The sound of chewing bones spread from the old turtle’s mouth.

Many people have a feeling of have one’s hair stand on end.

Things happened in a blink of an eye, and Laogui’s movements were so fast that even Li Hongfeng could not react.

While everyone was still in a daze, the leading purple clothed disciple had been eaten directly.

“This, this… Gu Zhun, how dare you! I’m waiting but Inner Sect disciple, you let Monster Beast kill you, aren’t you afraid that the people from Law Enforcement Hall will arrest you!”

Someone saw that the leading Inner Sect disciple was eaten in one bite, and was immediately frightened by Astral Projection. He exclaimed, his face was full of horror, and pointed at Gu Zhun blamed.

For these guys, Gu Zhun wiped the dust off his body: “It’s none of my business. You come to scream and block the door. That’s your right. I kill you, and it’s my right.

Even more how, I just gave you the opportunity to walk as soon as possible, but unfortunately you don’t listen to me at all, then I can’t help it. “

As Gu Zhun spoke, Laogui had already started to be gorgeous oneself.

In a few mouthfuls, I swallowed a few recipes, like a demon who cannibalize…

No, this is a cannibal demon!

This time, many Inner Sect disciples are scared crazy. How can they think that Gu Zhun really has that courage, he really dares to kill people in Sect!

Immediately, at this time, how dare these Inner Sect disciples who were not afraid to stay here more.

Seeing so many people being eaten directly alive, I was scared witless and ran away without daring to look back.

And looking at the horrified expressions of these disciplines each and everyone, it seems that I almost have wings on my back.

If they were given another chance, I am afraid it would be 8 lift the sedan chair to lift them, and they would not come here to trouble Gu Zhun, the evil star as soon as their brains are heated up.

This kid is crazy and kills the same sect!

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