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“Gu Zhun, stop it, no, let your Monster Beast shut up, we know it’s wrong, let’s go now!”

Among the Inner Sect disciple who were desperately fleeing, some people who ran faster looked back and saw that a few more Inner Sect disciple were chased by the turtle, and their tongue rolled into their mouth. They frightened them immediately.

All, at this time, someone immediately began to sue Gu Zhun.

However, in the face of these disciples’ begging for mercy, Gu Zhun didn’t even look at them. He just smiled and pointed to his old tortoise: “It’s useless for you to tell me these things. You have to tell him. Do you want it to listen.”

Gu Zhun smiled and watched all this happen, which made many people shudder. Is this still a human?

It was almost like a demon looking at the hell he created with a smile.

Even the Elder Li next to him couldn’t help but frightened. Just in that moment, the tortoise under Gu Zhun’s hand had already eaten nearly fifty-sixty Inner Sect disciple, and everything happened. Under his eyelids.

At first, he didn’t react. He thought that Gu Zhun was just doing something. With so many Inner Sect disciples, no matter who changed, he couldn’t bear to kill.

It wasn’t until just now that Li Hongfeng saw that the old tortoise vomited a broken hand after swallowing a discipline, and then he came to his senses.


This is real work!

Li Hongfeng immediately broke down in a cold sweat. How many Inner Sect disciples are they Heavenly Eye Sect?

It’s just 100 people that’s all that’s all.

You must know that in these years, their Heavenly Eye Sect spent a lot of resources on these 100 Inner Sect disciples. Now Gu Zhun killed them all with this breath, which made Li Hongfeng simply unable to explain to the clan. .

Therefore, at this time, Elder Li also hurried to the front of Gu Zhun, wiped the sweat from his head, and said: “Young Master, let’s stop, so many Inner Sect disciple, this is our Heavenly Eye Sect for so many years. It took a lot of resources to cultivate, if all of a sudden died, how should we explain to the clan?”

“Explain? Why do you want to explain? Li Hongfeng, Li Hongfeng, look at yourself, for a group of idiots, what is it like to be bullied by your own hands? Do you really think that with these idiots who can only absorb resources, you can support it in the future? Start a Sect? Then you Ancestral Masters really won’t look away.

It’s not too late to clean up the sect. Besides, you Old Guys are not dead yet. It will not be difficult for you to clean up the sect for a few hundred years in the future. After this batch of idiots are killed, I will give you Heavenly again. Eye Sect promotes a batch of Inner Sect disciple to come up, promise to help you in a new day. “

Gu Zhun shook his head and said.

Li Hongfeng hearing this, looked at himself, the blood stains from the group of juniors just now were still there, and he pondered over Gu Zhun’s words. In the end, he was also sighed and did not continue.

Because after listening to Gu Zhun’s words, he also felt that the current Inner Sect juniors did have a problem, and the problem was not small. In the future, the Heavenly Eye Sect would be handed over to them, and directly thrown to the group of bastards in Liu Family. What’s the difference?

“Elder, help! This bastard is going to kill to the last one!”

In the distance, the original Inner Sect disciple with 100 people had been swallowed by the old turtle by this time. The rest were 3 small fishes and shrimps. As they ran, they cried and asked Li Hongfeng for help.

But at this moment, Li Hongfeng had already been counseled by Gu Zhun, and he simply ignored these guys.

And then, Gu Zhun also digs out his ears, a bit impatient, this old turtle’s work efficiency is too slow.

Time it takes to drink a cup of tea, and a few idiots are still alive. Immediately, Gu Zhun also moved towards Laogui and shouted: “Old Qian, if you pester and chirp again, turn back Laozi will cook you and eat Up!”

Gu Zhun shouted this out, and immediately, the old tortoise squatted unable to bear, and almost fell on the ground. This time, it didn’t dare to dare to linger again, because it knew its own master who was who.

What he said, he always did what he said. If he said he would cook himself, he would cook himself.

Therefore, the old tortoise at this time didn’t dare to dare anymore, and directly stretched out a giant foot, and moved towards the remaining Inner Sect disciple with one foot and stepped on it.

As soon as the giant foot of the old tortoise stretched out, it immediately seemed to be an incomparable gigantic stone pillar, and it came down with infinite weight.

At this time, those Inner Sect disciple who were still running for their lives saw such a big tortoise’s foot stepping on their heads, and immediately they felt a burst of cold air from the top of the head.

This is dead!

These Inner Sect disciple were almost frightened. In front of such a kick, they could not even see the hope of escape.

However, at the crucial moment, from the horizon, a few black spots swept over here quickly.

From a distance, it is a black flying Monster Beast. On the back of each flying Monster Beast, there is a discipline holding a black knife.

“evil creature, stop!”

On the back of Flying Monster Beast, a leading black clothed person shouted from the air. Then, he pulled out the long blade and moved towards Laogui to cut a blow.

The blow came in an instant, and the black blade light was overwhelmed by thorns, as if no stronghold one cannot overcome.

And those more than a dozen Inner Sect disciples who were about to be trampled to death at the feet of the old turtle saw this scene at this time, and I was overjoyed in the heart of the impossible to bear.

Because at this time, they all recognized that these flying Monster Beasts were some who.

“Very good, the people from Law Enforcement Hall are here, we are saved!”

Inner Sect disciple cried with joy and shouted.

There are some who in the Law Enforcement Hall?

They are all positions that Inner Sect disciple can hold after reaching a certain height.

Everyone in the Law Enforcement Hall can at least reach the Cauldron Power Realm cultivator of Hundred Cauldron Realm.

Every one of them is a unique character.

Especially the black clothed man who took the lead just now is a great and famous character in the Law Enforcement Hall.

Xiao Meng.

When it was the Inner Sect disciple, it was the well-deserved Inner Sect first. At that time, Xiao Meng was in the limelight.

It wasn’t until later that he entered the Law Enforcement Hall that Yao Tiansheng, now the number one Inner Sect, had a chance to make an appearance.

The cultivation base of Xiaomeng has reached the realm of 2 Thousand Cauldron several years ago, and now it is probably infinitely close to Ten Thousand Cauldron.

Such a character came in person, and these Inner Sect disciple saw the hope of living.

Seeing Xiao Meng holding a black knife and cutting out a knife, these Inner Sect disciple also have eyes shined. It seems that under Xiao Meng’s blade light, this old tortoise’s foot was instantly destroyed with no difficulty. The scene of the ground cut down.

It was Xiao Meng himself who was very satisfied with the cut just now. In his eyes, the cut just now used almost 100% of his power. In theory, even a Ten Thousand Cauldron powerhouse would definitely not be able to hold it. This is a sabre light.

No matter what kind of Monster Beast, in front of him, he can only be split into two halves.

Xiao Meng looked at the blade light with expectant gaze.

However, the unexpected result quickly stunned everyone.

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