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There is half a month left before the day agreed with that Senior. Baby Qu is sitting cross-legged in his room. The temperament of the whole person is almost the same as before half a month.

Because at this time, Qu Baobao is drawing a Rank 2 symbol.

That’s right, it’s just the work of half a month in the past.

No, I didn’t even use the half a month time. It was only ten days later. After she cultivation the booklet about Fuzhuan that Gu Zhun gave to herself, Qu Baobao’s Rune Dao realm immediately had it. Improved by advanced by leaps and bounds.

Some people may not believe it. The current Qubaobao has even reached the realm of a Rank 2 talisman.

Now she is skillfully drawing a Rank 2 middle grade symbolic seal, and for this kind of symbolic seal, Qu Baobao’s drawing has reached a speed that brought to the point of perfection.

The failure rate is as low as 30%, which can be said to be a fantasy story in the Talisman world.

But in the eyes of Baby Qu, it is quite normal.

Because, after studying the talisman script that Senior gave him, Qu Baobao just learned some fur that’s all. If you give her more time, Qu Baobao is completely confident and can reduce his current failure rate to 10. %, even higher.

The more you go down to school, the more Baby Qu finds out that the Senior’s Rune Dao realm is deep and unmeasurable, and he can walk into the door of this Senior. Baby Qu suddenly feels that this is walking the lucky dog ​​excrement.

Recalling the agreement made with Gu Zhun half a month ago, it takes one month to reach Rank 3 to become a real Gu Zhun’s discipline.

In the eyes of the original baby Qu, this seemed to be an impossible task, but now it seems that such a goal seems to be close in front of him, and he can reach it by reaching out.

Baby Qu is confident. With half a month left, she must be able to sprint to the realm of Rank 3 talisman.

With such enthusiasm, Baby Qu drew this powerful Rank 2 talisman and put it into the storage bag. When she just wanted to continue practicing, suddenly, Baby Qu found that there was a knocking outside his door. Door sound.

“Who is it?” Qu Baobab asked with a sharp nose.

Although Qu Baobao’s grandfather Qushan is the Elder of Heavenly Eye Sect, their grandfather and grandson do not live within the Inner Sect 2 Liushan of Heavenly Eye Sect, but live alone on a short peak on the side of the 10000 Liushan. This short peak was also given to Qushan by the previous Heavenly Eye Sect Sect Master from that time and named it Fufeng.

Because of Qushan’s detached status as a Rank 4 Xuanfu master in Heavenly Eye Sect, this Fufeng has become Qushan’s private domain. For so many years, Qushan and Qu Baobao have been living here. Above Fufeng, unless it is Lin Xinyin, Sect Master of Heavenly Eye Sect, or is approved by Qushan, no one else is qualified to climb Fufeng, let alone come outside Qu Baobao’s door.

Qu Baobao asked this question, and as expected, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

It was an old but full of breath.

When Qu Baobao heard this voice, her face immediately showed joy, because the owner of this voice was Qu Baobao’s grandfather Qushan.

For more than a month, Qushan was not within Fufeng. Instead, he went to the Imperial Capital of the Great Yan Dynasty and took the incomplete Rank 5 ancient talisman to the Talisman’s Union.

Study the ancient picture with those Xuanfu masters, trying to find a way to repair it.

This departure took one and a half months. According to Qu Shan, this trip would take at least three months, or even six months.

But what stunned Baby Qu is that his grandfather came back so quickly this time.

He opened the door and looked at Qu Shan, who was wearing an azure robe, with gray hair but a strong body, stood there, with a kind smile on his face, looking at Baby Qu.

Baby Qu fell into his grandfather’s arms all at once.

“Grandfather, why did you come back so early this time? Has the ancient talisman been repaired in advance?” Qu Baobao asked aloof.

Originally, she wanted to give her grandfather a pleasant surprise, because before half a month, Gu Zhun helped Qu Baobao repair the ancient magic talisman diagram, and Qu Baobao was going to send the restored ancient talisman diagram to Qushan. of.

But this time, seeing my grandfather come back so early, Qu Baobao also asked “unable to bear” if the ancient talisman map was completed in advance.

Facing his granddaughter, Qu Shan’s face also showed a hint of helplessness. Extend the hand pointed to scrape the baby’s little nose, and said: “Ancient Talisman, how easy is it? Grandfather came back this time to receive Heavenly According to Eye Sect, all Sect executives who are outside have come back. Grandfather is also here to tell you that if there is nothing more recently, try not to go out.”

Qu Shan said, there was also a faint worry in his face.

Qu Baobao listened to Qushan’s words, nodded, but her focus at the moment was not at all on Qushan’s warnings.

But when he heard that grandfather, this grandfather, went to the Imperial Capital Rune Master Union not at all to repair the ancient talisman map, Qu Baobab’s face immediately showed a crafty color.

He pulled his grandfather into the room, and then smiled and blinked at Qu Shan.

Qu Shan looked at what his unearthly granddaughter was like at this moment, but he didn’t react at once. He didn’t know what this girl wanted to mess with.

Qu Shan asked, “Little girl, what are you doing? Grandfather will have to go to the clan for a meeting later. If you have anything to say, I don’t have the time to play with you here.”

Qu Shan pretended to be serious.

However, Baby Qu had a mysterious face at this time and did not answer immediately. Instead, she mysteriously took out something from her storage bag, which was a crumpled black animal skin paper.

If Gu Zhun were here, I’m afraid I would be able to recognize it. It was the ancient magic talisman he had deduced and restored before.

At that time, Gu Zhun gave it to Qu Baobao after repairing it, and Qu Baobao took it out mysteriously at this time, in order to surprise himself grandfather.

“Little girl, what are you?” Qu Shan squinted his eyes, looking at the thing that his granddaughter brought out cautiously, and asked.

“Grandfather, when you see this thing later, don’t get too excited.” Qu Baobao smiled weirdly and reminded beforehand.

When Qushan was still at a loss, Qu Baobao stopped selling it and handed the copy of the ancient magic talisman to Qu Shan, and then she stood aside with her arms.

Qu Shan took this crumpled black paper smoothly. At first, he didn’t care about it. What good things could his granddaughter give him?

But then, when Qu Shan unfolded the black paper and glanced at the content, he immediately found that Qu Shan was “Yi”. Almost instantly, he was attracted by the talisman in the drawing.

It wasn’t until a full three quarters of an hour that Qu Shan finally came back to his senses from this black paper.

At this time, Qu Shan’s expression had already become excited for 10000 points. He didn’t hesitate to grab Qu Baobao’s shoulder and asked: “Little girl, this ancient talisman figure, this complete ancient talisman figure, you are Where did you get it? Quick, tell grandfather!”

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