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Baby Qu was a little sore by her grandfather’s shoulder, but she still said with a smile mysteriously: “grandfather, this ancient talisman figure is a rubbing I copied from you before.”

“Rubing? How is this possible, but this is a complete ancient talisman map.” Qu Shan didn’t believe it at all. The one he was holding was just a broken one. If it were a copied rubbing, it would be impossible to become a complete one. of.

However, as Qu Shan said, he thought of another possibility.

“Girl, is it possible that you repaired this picture?” Qu Shan said in an inconceivable way, even he himself didn’t believe it.

When was my granddaughter so capable?

One of his rank 4 mysterious talisman masters worked with 3 or 4 other mysterious talisman masters for several months but failed to repair this Rank 5 magic talisman map. Can his granddaughter repair it?

If it were normal, Qu Shan would never believe it.

“No, grandfather, I don’t have that ability, but, half a month ago, I met a senior in the clan, he helped me repair this picture, and I have already worshipped that senior as a teacher. !” Baby Qu told her grandfather everything she had encountered before.

After Qu Shan listened, his eyes also wanted to show an incredible divine light.

According to my granddaughter, within Heavenly Eye Sect, there is still such a Rune Dao expert hidden.

In a few moments, I could repair this ancient rune map of Rank 5, and I also gave my granddaughter a booklet, so that she was promoted to a realm of the same level rune master half a month.

All this sounds like a fantasy story to Qushan, which is a bit unacceptable.

“Little girl, let me ask you, what is the name of the Senior you mentioned?” Qu Shan asked.

“Gu Zhun.” Qu Baobao said.

Then Qu Shan’s brows were narrowed.

Gu Zhun ……

He seems to have never heard of this name in Heavenly Eye Sect, it is indeed an expert.

Qu Shanxin said, and then, he continued to look towards his granddaughter: “Girl, you just said that you are now a Rank 2 talisman. Is this true or false?”

“Grandfather, this is of course true. If you don’t believe me, I can draw a Rank 2 talisman to show you now.” Qu Baobao said, without any delay, he lifted the talisman directly and placed it on a blank talisman paper. It started to draw on.

Qu Baobao’s current Rune Dao realm has skyrocketed, and it is already the words at hand to draw Rank 2 characters.

Therefore, in less than 30 minutes, under Qushan’s jaw-dropping gaze, a Rank 2 symbolic seal powerful symbol was once again drawn in Qu Baobao’s pen.

Power talisman, this is a common Rank 2 talisman. A powerful talisman like generally speaking can increase the strength of a cultivator by 1/5th at the moment of using a powerful talisman.

Able to meet this standard, it can be said to be a qualified powerful talisman.

Qu Shan looked at the change of his granddaughter half a month to Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and he was a little stunned.

Powerful talisman!

This is the real Rank 2 power symbol.

Although the facts were before his eyes, Qu Shan still couldn’t believe his eyes.

It only took 30 minutes to draw a good powerful talisman. With such a speed and success rate, Qu Shan asked himself even if he was a Rank 4 mysterious talisman, although he could do it, it would never be so easy.

Now, the only thing that I don’t know is what the effect of this powerful talisman will really be when used.

For a talisman, the efficiency and success rate of the talisman can certainly indicate the excellence of the talisman, but what really determines the ability of a talisman is the effect after the actual use of the talisman.

Qushan injected a Spirit Power into this powerful talisman. Then, you can see that the talisman made by this song baby is transformed into a ball of red light into Qushan’s body with the injection of Spirit Power.

Qu Shan felt a powerful force poured into his body. At the next moment, Qu Shan’s eyes suddenly widened.

Because with the energy injection of this powerful talisman, Qu Shan could feel that the energy injected within the body seemed unexpectedly huge.

Suddenly increased his strength by more than 5/2.

Such an effect made Qu Shan somewhat doubt his own perception.

When will Rank 2’s powerful talisman also achieve this effect?

The increase reached 5/2, which is already the only effect of the Rank 3 sign Divine Power sign.

It’s impossible!

Qu Shan’s face was ruddy, but all of this really happened to him, and he couldn’t question it at all.

“Girl, your Teacher, was it in Heavenly Eye Sect now?” Qu Shan grabbed Baby Qu by the shoulder and asked excitedly.

“It should be.” Qu Baobao nodded.

“Very good, I will visit this person now, this person is definitely my senior expert of the seal lineage!” Qu Shan was excited with 10000 points.

Just giving her granddaughter a handbook allowed her to learn the rank of Rank 2 talisman by herself within half a month, and even the talisman produced can achieve this effect.

How could Qu Shan not be surprised.

So at this time, Qushan’s a single thought is to visit this senior and see what kind of person he is.

However, even though Qu Shan was excited, he still didn’t forget and went to Sect first.

Therefore, before leaving, Qu Shan also told his granddaughter, when he returned, they went to visit Gu Zhun.

Having said this, Qu Shan took the restored ancient talisman and left here.

After his grandfather had left, Qu Baobao started to contact Gu Zhun in Inner Sect and told him about the matter.

Gu Zhun gave Qu Baobao his own contact information before half a month. Soon, Gu Zhun in Inner Sect received Qu Baobao’s communication paper crane.

After learning that the Heavenly Eye Sect Rank 4 Xuan Talisman Qu Shan was coming to visit him, Gu Zhun also smiled slightly without showing any surprised expression, as if everything was expected.

After reading the letter from Qu Baobao, Gu Zhun stood in the small courtyard with his hands folded, looking into the distance.

In the past few days, he can naturally perceive the actions of Heavenly Eye Sect and the undercurrent surging under the influence of Eastern Wilderness 1st Rate. I believe that in a few days, the big moves of all parties will be coming.

Gu Zhun smiled slightly.

When the time comes, some ambitious people will naturally show their fangs. This is an opportunity for Gu Zhun to eradicate all the rotten scum of Heavenly Eye Sect.

This big net of Gu Zhun has been weaving for more than 7 years, and now it is time to close the net.

I just don’t know how many Old Guy hidden in the dark can be retrieved when the time comes.

Gu Zhun stands by and waits for the rabbit.

At the same time, in the great hall of Heavenly Eye Sect, a high-level meeting was held in full swing.

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