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The expression of Old Poison Monster was terrified, because at this time, he felt that the first death was so close to him.

He dignified a poisonous person, and he was poisoned!

What an unbelievable thing this is?

Even until this time, the old monster Tianpo didn’t know how he was poisoned.

Obviously he has avoided the blue rain!

But for his suspicion, Gu Zhun laughed.

Yes, Boss Sky Poison is really smart and knows to avoid blue rain, but if the poison crystal of Jade Tail Scorpion can be cracked so easily, then it will not become the poison of Ancient Era poison Ranking List 17.

The way this kind of poison enters the Human Body can’t be avoided by hiding. At this level, the moment the poison crystal explodes, a large amount of toxin has already penetrated into the skin of the person within the attack range within the body. Silent, top secret.

As for the suffer untold hardships avoiding the blue rain, in the final analysis, it is a cover up that’s all.

Boss Tianpo is over!

He was dead in less than 3 breaths just under the eyes of everyone.

They died very quickly, and many people hadn’t reacted yet. The old monster Tianpo seemed to have been compressed by something, and the whole person turned into a finger-sized meat ball.

However, Gu Zhun is the only one who knows the cause of death of the poisonous boss. This guy is the poison crystal that died of Jade Tail Scorpion. He drained his blood, compressed the internal organs and skeleton, and turned it into small flesh. ball.

This is a very tragic way to die. The poisoned person will feel pain beyond the limit within a few seconds of death, and will eventually be crushed by every bone on his body and die.

After the old monster Tianpo died, many people heard a cry of exclamation from below.

Because the result of didn’t expect this time was beyond everyone’s expectations, the original vicious old man who was so famous was defeated by a Junior Gu Zhun, and he died in the hands of others!

This is too terrifying.

Many people looked towards Gu Zhun and their gazes became more jealous.

For fear that at this time, he took out another poison crystal like that and smashed them at them. At that time, they would also be powerless to defend himself.

But at this moment, after Gu Zhun used Jade Tail Scorpion to kill the poisonous boss, at the same time, a storage bag fell out of the body of the poisonous boss.

Now that the old monster Tianpo is dead, his storage bag has lost contact with the owner, so anyone can check the storage bag.

Gu Zhun was just about to pick up a storage bag to see if he could find some feed for Jade Tail Scorpion in the storage bag of the poisonous boss. Suddenly, everyone could see the storage bag of the poisonous boss. At this time, it actually moved a bit on the ground, and it moved by itself.

This kind of situation has caused many people’s hearts to beat at this time, and they seem to want to see what happened.

Sure enough, as many people had expected, the death of Old Poison would definitely not be that simple.

Because the next moment was in the storage of Boss Sky Poison, the previous batch of Soul Devouring Wine Gu insect cloud emerged at this time.

These soul-swallowing wine gu were originally cultivated one by one by the old poisonous monster over a few hundred years, and they have already developed feelings.

Now that his master is abruptly dead, even though they can get their own possession, these Soul Devouring Wine Gu insect cloud still rushed out, preparing to avenge the old monster Sky Poison before he regained his freedom.

Many people can also feel the idea of ​​these soul swallowing wine gu insect cloud. Looking at the densely packed insect cloud in the sky, they finally took a deep breath this time.

This time, Gu Zhun’s trouble is even greater!

Unexpectedly, these soul-swallowing wine gu insect cloud were released again, and the target was Gu Zhun.

Now he does not have the blue poisonous crystal as protection as before.

Such a powerful Poison Crystal can immediately kill an Origin Sea Realm, and many people are unwilling to believe that Gu Zhun’s body will run out of one.

Like this treasure of heaven defying, getting one is already luck heaven defying.

There is a second piece on the body, which is almost impossible.

But now Gu Zhun has to face the Soul Swallowing Wine Gu insect cloud. Without the protection of that kind of thing, some people have speculated that Gu Zhun may not survive for half an hour.


These soul swallowing wine gu insect cloud quickly moved towards Gu Zhun and flew over here, at this time, I saw Gu Zhun still not moving.

At this time, his hand touched his clothes and found something out of it. This was a little scorpion in jasper color.

If you look closely, you can see that this scorpion was the one that Gu Zhun caught in the 100,000 Great Mountains in the first place.

Now after so long of evolution, Bloodline is about to become a translucent poison insect.

You can even become a mature Jade Tail Scorpion with just one kick.

The scorpion in Gu Zhun’s hands is not the ordinary Jade Tail Scorpion, but the Scorpion King.

It is this hermaphrodite scorpion king that bred that many Jade Tail Scorpion.

Now Gu Zhun put the Jade Tail Scorpion king in his hand, still playing casually.

It seemed that he didn’t know that the group of Soul-swallowing Wine Gu insect cloud in front of him killed another spear.

“Then what Gu Zhun is doing, when is it? He is playing scorpion after his life is gone. This is courting death!”

Anyone who has witnessed all of this is impossible to bear and lifted his heart to his throat.

They didn’t admire people very much. Today Gu Zhun is one of them, and he is still playing when the disaster is approaching.

However, for these people, Gu Zhun simply didn’t even look at it. He just felt that the group of Soul Swallowing Wine Gu insect cloud was close to him.

At this moment, Gu Zhun gently touched the Jade Tail Scorpion King in his hand, and then said.

“Little scorpion, ah, little scorpion, you can raise 1000 soldiers for a while. I will see you today. I will prepare a good meal for you. Let go of your belly and eat. Don’t be polite to me!”

Gu Zhun said to himself, and then he threw the Jade Tail Scorpion out of his hand, and in the next second, something unexpected happened.

This little scorpion does not at all have wings, but at this time it can stand in the air without any tendency to fall. At this time, it is directly turned into a green light moved towards the soul swallowing wine gu insect cloud and flies over.

It seems that as Gu Zhun said, it was not an insect cloud, but a delicious meal waiting for him.

Next, under everyone’s dumbfounded and dumbfounded gaze, I saw the huge number of Soul-swallowing Wine Gu insect cloud that shocked everyone before, in front of this scorpion, actually like an army that could not withstand a single blow, 3 2 hits were washed out.

More than that, even after a few mouthfuls, he was swallowed directly by Jade Tail Scorpion.

Then, the scorpion didn’t seem to be satisfied yet. After hovering in the air for another circle, his eyes fell on the storage bag of the old ghost of Sky Poison, flew in, released the bloodthirsty insect in the box, and ate the bloodthirsty insect. After that, I turned to ones hearts content and moved towards Gu Zhun and walked back.

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