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Gu Zhun’s scorpion actually ate an entire soul-swallowing wine gu insect cloud of Boss Sky Poison, and even the bloodthirsty insect, which was ranked 97 on the Ancient Poison List, was not spared.

This jasper-colored scorpion was divided into 5 mouthfuls and swallowed into the stomach, very fierce.

“My mother, what kind of poison insect is this? This is too fierce!”

“Compared with Gu Zhun’s scorpion, the poison insect of Old Poison Monster has no contrast!”

“Even bloodthirsty insects are eaten. They are the top 100 poison insects on the Ancient Poison List. The poison contained in them is not something that ordinary Monster Beast can touch. This scorpion not only eats it, but also has nothing to do.”

“This shouldn’t be the 44th groundfire poisonous scorpion in the poison list!”

Some people looked at the fierce side of Jade Tail Scorpion and were amazed.

Feeling that bloodthirsty insect, the infamous poison insect, died on this scorpion, some people started to talk about it, guessing about the origin of this scorpion.

“Earthfire poisonous scorpion, I don’t think it resembles it. According to records, the earthfire poisonous scorpion is full of black red, full of huge stench and stale gas, but this scorpion is completely different.”

“I remembered, this thing, shouldn’t it be the thing ranked 17th in the legendary poison list! But, isn’t that kind of poison insect, Ancient Era already extinct? And that kind of poison insect, ordinary people simply They couldn’t keep them, because they were too poisonous and their tempers were erratic. Many people who tried to keep this kind of poison insect died in the hands of their own poison insects, but if it was that thing, how could they follow Gu Zhun like that? if!”

Finally, someone who knows poison insect very well, after watching Gu Zhun’s dark-green scorpion carefully, suddenly, a bold idea appeared in his mind, the more he thought about it, the more sure he became.

He exclaimed all of a sudden, and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Someone thought about the 17th on the poison list.

Isn’t that Jade Tail Scorpion?

This kind of poison insect is indeed just as the person said, it was already extinct in Ancient Era, how could it appear here?

Someone sneered at the impossible to bear, thinking that it was because that person just didn’t know how to guess, so he didn’t know how to guess.

But then, when they really took the characteristics of Jade Tail Scorpion in the ancient book and put them on Gu Zhun, this little scorpion, many people were also dumbfounded.

Because at this time, they surprisingly discovered that this poison insect is 100% similar to Jade Tail Scorpion.

Three characteristics of Jade Tail Scorpion.

First of all, the scorpion is white and the tail is jasper, like a sapphire jade carving.

The second feature is that the back of Jade Tail Scorpion is transparent, and the spine of Jade Tail Scorpion can be seen through its back.

As for the third feature, it’s even better. The poison insect of Jade Tail Scorpion is different from normal Monster Beast. It always walks backwards, so in Ancient Era, Jade Tail Scorpion is called the most tyrannize. poison insect.

At this time, many people looked at the scorpion of Gu Zhun with these three characteristics, but they were shocked to find that it was completely consistent!

This fucking is really Jade Tail Scorpion!

This kind of poison insect is not extinct yet?

In this way, isn’t the blue crystallization that Gu Zhun used just now is the scorpion venom of Jade Tail Scorpion?

No wonder there is such a terrifying formidable power!

Many people just realized it, but at the same time, they all took a few steps back involuntarily, and they wanted to stay away from Gu Zhun.

Now that he knows that he actually has Jade Tail Scorpion this thing in his hand, there may be more than one Poison Crystal, none of them want to die, and they have heard the horror of Jade Tail Scorpion poison.

So it is absolutely certain to be scared off at this time.

Seeing that Old Poison Monster is dead, Gu Zhun suspects that there is an Ancient poison insect like Jade Tail Scorpion in his hands at this time.

The original two of them were only the Yan family Patriarch. At this time, he also bit his teeth.

“Gu Zhun, if you kill my daughter, you deserve to lose one life!”

“Your daughter? What kind of thing is she? Can her life be compared with that of your master? Don’t put gold on your face anymore. If you want to do it, then I’m not too troublesome. I will take it for you. A corpse.”

Gu Zhun glanced at Yan Patriarch, and then he said truthfully.

In fact, if you really count, every word Gu Zhun said is the truth. There really is no comparability between him and Yan Xia.

Even in the eyes of Gu Zhun’s current rival, Heavenly Dao, at least 200000000 million Yan Xia’s lives are not comparable to Gu Zhun.

But at this time, Yan’s Patriarch was directly up to 30 feet. He spoiled his daughter since he was a child. In the Imperial Capital, this woman is also famous for being domineering. She has lived in the 7 Aristocratic Family since she was a child, and there is no one at all. Dare to provoke her.

Later, when I came to Heavenly Eye Sect, the same was true. Yan’s Patriarch’s care for Yan Xia had even reached the point where Yan Xia’s Race Protecting Treasure in Yan’s Ancestor Temple was used privately as a treasure of Movement Art.

However, the Yan family Patriarch did not expect that his actions would make Yan Xia even worse. After receiving the Yan family’s wood carving magic weapon, Yan Xia became even more swollen.

Everywhere to provoke right and wrong, as soon as there are people who are not pleasing to the eye, they will act, and if they can’t be beaten, they will slap, and many people will be offended to death.

Originally, the Yan family Patriarch didn’t care, thinking that let alone Heavenly Eye Sect, it was just looking at the entire Eastern Wilderness, and people who dared to ignore their Yan family had not yet been born.

But he didn’t expect that Heavenly Eye Sect actually had a new person named Gu Zhun. This person didn’t even pay attention to his Yan family’s Patriarch, so he suppressed Yan Xia without saying anything. and kill on the spot.

Originally, the Yan family Patriarch was already angry enough and vowed to smash Gu Zhun’s body for 10000 paragraphs, but now Gu Zhun said this again.

Yan’s Patriarch started immediately.

“Gu, you kill my daughter, today’s blood debt, the old man must settle with you, either you die or I die!”

Yan Patriarch was shouted. At this time, for the life debt of his daughter, Yan Patriarch can be said to have given up everything.

No matter what, I just want to kill Gu Zhun to vent his anger.

But at this time, Gu Zhun listened to what he said, but it was a disdainful smile: “Really? I can only tell you that, if you do it with me, there is only one ending, there will be no second result, that is, you die, I won’t have anything.”

“Good boy, really arrogant! Do you really think that no one in this Eastern Wilderness can help you fail?”

Gu Zhun: “Sorry, you are right, no one can do anything to me in Eastern Wilderness.”

“There is a Jade Tail Scorpion that you don’t need you. The old man will take your head within 3 knives!” Yan Patriarch said.

After he said this sentence, Gu Zhun was also unable to bear to look at this person more, the expression in his eyes was very meaningful.

Originally thought that this person was a reckless man, but didn’t expect was a smart person, knowing that he could not deal with Jade Tail Scorpion, at this time deliberately wanted to arouse himself not to use Jade Tail Scorpion to fight him.

Sure enough, a good calculation!

Gu Zhun laughed.

However, it is a pity that no matter how good the abacus is, some clever ones are it’s empty in the face of absolute strength.

So at this time, although Gu Zhun saw the purpose in his heart at a glance, he refused at all and instead agreed in one go.

“Well, since you have said so, I don’t need Jade Tail Scorpion, but I want to see what you call Blade Art.”

Gu Zhun happily said, at this time, he also turned over the palm, and as expected, he put away the Jade Tail Scorpion, as if he didn’t care at all.

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