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At this moment, the 1000 Buddha Child, accompanied by this Buddhist language, suddenly had countless Buddha’s radiances spewing out. In this brief moment, he almost turned into a real Buddha.

Countless Buddha’s radiances are intertwined, making the imposing manner of the 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child immediately changed, becoming more Buddha-like.

“God, this is the foundation of Pure Buddha Island, it is worthy of being the 2 Buddha Child of Pure Buddha Island. The profoundness of Dharma is simply the living Buddha!”

“The Bodhi tree is also the Supreme Treasure of Buddhism. The 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child is indeed a very wise person. He wants to use his own Dharma to communicate with the Bodhi tree, but I don’t know how many bodhi fruits will eventually come down!”

“I guess at least four.”

“You too underestimate the 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child. Although the reputation of Yuwenxing and 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child is not much different, don’t forget that the 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child’s time to fame is much longer than that of Yuwenxing, and The Bodhi tree is the treasure of Buddhism. For the sake of the same door, the Bodhi tree will definitely give 1000 Buddha Children a face. I guess at least 5 Bodhi fruits!”

“Yes, 1000 Buddha Child is one of the most powerful Heaven’s Chosen in the South Sea, I guess at least six.”

Seeing the 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child casting spells and communicating with the Bodhi tree, Heaven’s Chosen of Four Domains immediately quarreled, arguing over how Buddha Child would get a few bodhi fruits.

Some people say 4 pieces, some say 5 pieces, and some say 7 pieces directly.

Of course, looking at these people’s quarrels, each and everyone blushed and their necks were thick. Gu Zhun was standing at the end at the moment, all directly unable to bear rolled the eyes.

Sure enough, there are still the most people in this world who are idle and doing nothing. What does it really matter to you that others can get a few bodhi fruits?

No matter how much others get, you won’t get a point, and no matter how little others get, you won’t lose anything.

In a word, this is idle.

Gu Zhun skipped the gossip of these people, and then quietly stared at the Bodhi tree.

At this moment, I saw that 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child suddenly gave a low voice.

Suddenly, the 10,000 Feet Buddha’s radiance that was originally entwined within the body immediately rose up into the sky, moving towards the Bodhi Fruit Tree covering the sky and sun above everyone rushed away.


A Buddha’s radiance passed by, and at this time, the Bodhi tree really reacted, with countless branches waving, which was different from the reaction that anyone had received during the exercise before.

Even when Yu Wenxing showed his avenue before, although Bodhi tree reacted, it was nothing more than the sound of leaves.

But now, the whole branch of this Bodhi tree is waving, as if it is resonating with the 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child.

Immediately afterwards, a avenue of cyan-green rays of light slowly descended.

Someone from Heaven’s Chosen of Four Domains immediately called out: “Look, the bodhi fruit is down!”

As soon as this voice came out, it immediately attracted many people to watch.

Including Princess Yanling, because they are all curious as to how many bodhi fruit the 1000 Buddha Child can get.

Can you surpass Yu Wenxing, who is as famous as him in Four Domains?

The answer was quickly revealed.

After not having enough breaths, one after another bodhi fruit on the Bodhi tree fell down and flew into the hands of 1000 Buddha Child.

Some people counted the number of Bodhi fruit, and after they said the number, the whole piece of Heaven and Earth immediately became quiet.

Because this number is too scary, just to say it makes everyone silent.

“Nine Bodhi Fruits!”

“It turns out to be 9 Bodhi Fruits! Damn, Laozi only got one Bodhi Fruit after working through her Martial Arts so hard. Why! Bodhi tree is eccentric! Why can 1000 Buddha Child get 9 in one go? , Is this the gap between people?”

“You still have at least one bodhi fruit, are you still selling it miserably? Laozi didn’t get one, who would I cry to?”

“The Buddha Child of Pure Buddha Island, really terrifying, even the Bodhi tree dropped 9 bodhi fruits. This is probably the strongest batch of Heaven’s Chosen between Heaven and Earth.”

“1000 Buddha Child, who is destined to become True God in the future, or has already reserved the position of True God, he can get 9 Bodhi fruit, which is not surprising.”

Seeing 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child got 9 bodhi fruits, the people in Four Domains suddenly became lively like boiling water.

Among them, some are jealous, some are envious, some are sighed, some are helpless, and some are admired.

Various emotions gathered together, and the air was immediately filled with a sour smell.

There are other Heaven’s Chosen looked towards 1000 The big handful of Bodhi fruit in Buddha Child’s hand, the eyes are red, and they can’t wait to replace it, but at this time their desire is fortunate that they have not broken through their sanity.

These people also know in their hearts that they are absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the 1000 Buddha Child, even if it is the Pure Buddha Island behind it, they can’t afford it.

So even if the 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child gets so many bodhi fruits, they are just jealous and suppress the thoughts in their hearts. No one dares to make a mistake.

At this time, the little god child also came to the side of the 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child, looked at the bodhi fruit in the Buddha Child’s hand with envy, and said that he didn’t want it.

Only after the little god child got the bodhi fruit did he know the magic of this bodhi fruit, and if he got one, he could save 100 years of penance.

It’s a pity that I only got 2 of them, and the 1000 Buddha Child got a total of 9 of them. If they can all belong to me, then I’m afraid it will save me a whole 1000 years!

What does 1000 years of penance mean that he can be a big step ahead of his peers, and it is not impossible to surpass 1000 Buddha Child in the future.

It’s a pity that the little god child’s thoughts are just thinking about it in his heart, and he dare not do it, because the 1000 Buddha Child is too powerful, and he doesn’t even dare to even think of transcending, so this thought can only be Think about that’s all.

But at this time, he swept his gaze all around, as if he was looking for something.

Finally, after scanning the crowd, the little god of 1000 God’s Palace found someone.

This person, hiding to the end of the crowd, was watching from a distance at this moment. The little god child recognized this person’s face at a glance, and then he was sneaked in his heart and walked towards Gu Zhun.

“The last name is Gu, so you are here, why, what are you doing here? Afraid that your innate talent is too low to get a bodhi fruit? Hahaha, I tell you, 1000 Buddha Child is enough to get 9 Bodhi fruit!”

The little god son moved towards Gu Zhun, he walked and talked, his brows were full of pride. If you don’t know, you might think that the person who got the 9 Bodhi fruits just now is not 1000 Buddha Child, but his little son.

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