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“Well, 1000 Buddha Child got 9 bodhi fruits, I understood, then what?”

Looking interestingly at the little god child struggling to jump in front of him, Gu Zhun just smiled slightly, and then asked.

The little god was taken aback by what he said, but he quickly realized that the kid was lustful and wanted to borrow a donkey from the slope.

But it’s not that easy. I saw the little god child straight back and said: “The surname is Gu, you don’t have to come with me. At the dinner party before, you offended our 1000 Buddha Child, dare you dare Compared with us, who has more bodhi fruit than you and Buddha Child?”

The little god son sneered and said to Gu Zhun.

It’s just that as soon as the little god child said this, the originally quiet Heaven’s Chosen in Four Domains immediately started talking again.

“What kind of comparison is this? It’s too bullying. You have to pick more Bodhi fruit than the 1000 Buddha Child. Isn’t this bullying?”

“That is, not to mention that the 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child has been harvested. Besides, the Bodhi tree is originally a thing of Buddhism. The 1000 Tibetan Buddha Child also happens to be the unborn Buddha Child of Pure Buddha Island. This is the Bodhi fruit harvesting. 1000 Buddha Child has already taken advantage of it. At this time, Ominous Person is compared with him, isn’t it a loser?”

“That little god child is really insidious. Use this move to deal with the Ominous Person. I just don’t know if the Ominous Person will agree!”

“If I don’t agree, this kind of competition is not fair at all, and a fool would agree.”

The crowd became lively, and all of a sudden everyone looked towards Gu Zhun and the little god son. They were very interested in the competition that the little god son said, and they just wanted to see this competition, that Ominous Will Person agree?

Sure enough, at this time, Gu Zhun has never disappointed people. At this time, he directly said indifferently: “Compared with picking bodhi fruit, this matter is too simple for me. I just have to hook my fingers. It can be done. It would be too boring just like this. How about this. Since we all have to compare, then we can do it thoroughly. How about adding a bit of color to this competition?”

“Oh? What color do you want?”

Listening to Gu Zhun’s words, the little god child’s face also showed a weird smile, because at this time he could already hear from Gu Zhun’s mouth, the kid seemed to agree and was asking about Caitou.

This is in the eyes of the little god, Gu Zhun seems to have begun to take the bait, he has made up his mind, no matter what the winning prize is when the time comes, he will respond, because this is a must-win bet.

9 Bodhi fruit, this surname Gu can do it, sows can go to heaven!

“Well, it’s meaningless to lose the lottery. I am a poor person. I am almost a poor person. We don’t bet on anything else. If we bet on something elegant, we will bet on Spirit Stone. How about?” Gu Zhun smiled. The little god child said.

It’s just that when his bet was said, it was immediately scorned by many Four Domains Heaven’s Chosen.


This Ominous Person is a bit too to have no shame. If you bet on Spirit Stone, you bet on Spirit Stone. It’s elegant!

When did Spirit Stone become an elegant thing?

“Okay, then bet on Spirit Stone, what about a 10,000,000 10000 Spirit Stone?” The little god son said a number, and at the same time, he smiled and looked towards Gu Zhun.

A 10,000,000 Spirit Stone, this is his valuation of Heavenly Eye Sect, if Gu Zhun should play and lose the game, if he can’t afford it.

The little god child can go back to the South Sea and directly mobilize the expert of 1000 God’s Mansion to ask Heavenly Eye Sect for money. With the power of Heavenly Eye Sect’s whole family, he can still afford this 10,000,000.

So when the little god child made a bid, he had already considered all aspects, and even plot everything against it.

And Gu Zhun also glanced at him at this time, and then shook the head.

The little god son saw Gu Zhun shook his head at this time, and immediately disdainful smile: “Why, dare you? Can’t I get a 10,000,000 Spirit Stone?”

The little god child was about to laugh at Gu Zhun 2 sentences, but at the next moment, Gu Zhun spoke.

“I mean, one 10,000,000 is too little, this lottery bet is boring, if you want to bet, then bet a big one, how about a 100000000?”

“200000000 Spirit Stone! Asshole, the surname is Gu, can you get it!” The little god son turned black immediately, thinking that Gu Zhun was playing him by quoting the price.

200000000 Spirit Stone!

This price is too big, let alone Gu Zhun, it is not easy for him to take out his 1000 Shenfu.

Is Spirit Stone really a Chinese cabbage?

So Gu Zhun said the amount of this bet, and the little god son suddenly became violent, thinking that Gu Zhun was playing with him from beginning to end.

However, Gu Zhun laughed at this time: “Don’t worry about whether I can get it. This is the token of Heavenly Eye Sect’s Supreme Elder. Please Yanling Princess to testify here. If I can’t get it out, you can go. Heavenly Eye Sect takes the money. The question now is, do you dare to bet, if you don’t dare to bet 200000000 Spirit Stone, I advise you to go back for milk as soon as possible.”

Gu Zhun said, at the same time, he threw the Heavenly Eye Sect token in her hand to Yanling Princess. It was not the first time that Yanling Princess saw this token, so after receiving the token It is also nodded, confirming that this Heavenly Eye Sect Supreme Elder token is indeed genuine.

After that, everyone moved towards the little god child and looked over.

Because at this time, Gu Zhun has already expressed his attitude, and his mouth is 100000000, and even Heavenly Eye Sect has come out as a guarantee.

Now it can be said that he has pushed this little god child to an absolute path. If he is counseled at this time, he may not be able to raise his head in 1000 God’s Mansion in the future, because now here, it is the highest batch of Heaven’s Chosen in Four Domains , From the 1st Rate Sect of each major domain.

If you are ashamed here, you will be ashamed of your grandma’s house.

So at this time, the little god son is also in his heart.

“I’ll gamble, I’m is it possible that I’m afraid of you? Just bet 100000000 million!” He really didn’t believe it, is it possible that Gu Zhun can really get 9 Bodhi fruits from the Bodhi tree in one breath.

In his view, this is an impossible thing, unless Gu Zhun can exceed the 1000 Buddha Child in Buddhism. Of course, is this possible?

This is definitely an impossible thing.

If Gu Zhun could do it, then he would not be an Ominous Person, and he would have taken the place of Buddha Child on Pure Buddha Island a long time ago.

Thinking of this, the little godson seemed to be sighed in relief immediately.

Just now, I was almost frightened by this guy named Gu. Now it seems that the chance of winning the guy named Gu is zero.

As for the bet on a Spirit Stone of 100000000 million, this kid took it out to blow himself up. The little god kid was also lucky at this time. Fortunately, fortunately, he was not fooled just now.

If you really bluff the kid by telling you, then that’s a shame.

At this time, everyone saw that Gu Zhun also moved at this time and walked directly towards the Bodhi tree. At the same time, the corners of his mouth also outlined a smile.

Sorry, this 200000000 Spirit Stone, I’m going to order it!

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