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“Pick a flower? Interesting!”

Gu Zhun listened to Wu Lei’s request, he immediately laughed. Although he didn’t know what was in this canyon, Wu Lei offered him such a condition now that there must be something not simple in it.

Therefore, Gu Zhun is smiling at this time, but, no matter what is in the canyon, will he be afraid of Gu Zhun?

It must not be.

Think back then, what mountains of daggers and seas of flames did he not play?

Danger Land in Nine Realms, even the dead, he can come and go freely, how could he be stopped by a canyon of trifling Divine Red Clouds.

In Gu Zhun’s eyes, if there is something obstructing him, just step on it with one foot. If you see him, you will make way for him!

After Gu Zhun finished speaking, he just said nothing, and moved towards the canyon.

At this time, looking at Gu Zhun’s back, the Elders of the South Bank couldn’t help but worry, worried that Gu Zhun was really going to do something inside.

At this time, the faces of the Elders on the South Bank were angry and worried.

The anger is that Gu Zhun is completely out of the way. They are all ready to help this kid to push off this assessment because they know how dangerous this canyon is. Over the years, the Divine Red Clouds discipline has entered Among them, almost all of them are nine deaths and still alive. Among 100 people who go in, 3 or 4 of them are still alive.

That’s why the Divine Red Clouds sect will close this canyon and set it as Forbidden Land. Compared to the Zhu Xinlin just now, it is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth.

If this is really dangerous, Zhu Xinlin just now is like a toy.

Because although Zhu Xinlin is also terrifying, it will not really endanger your life. Even if you are in danger in Zhu Xinlin, you will at most indulge in the illusion that’s all, and you will never die directly.

But this ghost place is different. The Ominous Beast in it is in a pile, absolutely dangerous.

You can even call this Danger Land.

Gu Zhun go in, isn’t this courting death?

Because it was not without the cultivator of Cauldron Power Realm.

Even if Ten Thousand Cauldron cultivator entered, few came out alive.

So looking at Gu Zhun’s back at this time, they were very worried, worried that Gu Zhun would really die inside.

But relatively speaking, Lu Zifeng, Mei Suqin and others, have no such worries, and they are even very leisurely, because they know that Gu Zhun is powerful.

After all, they had entered 10,000 Li Solitary Grave with Gu Zhun.

What is 10,000 Li Solitary Grave?

Nine Realms has a famous dead place, one of the eight dead places, what is that place?

Forbidden Land of True God!

But in such a place, Gu Zhun can walk in safely, and then walk out leisurely. How terrifying is this?

10,000 Li Solitary Grave, a place like Styx has walked safely once. Compared to these, what’s the point here?

Therefore, Song Qingyi and others are not worried about the safety of their Young Master.

Because they know that no matter how thrilling the process is, their Young Master will definitely get through the difficulties and smooth everything out. After following Gu Zhun for so many years, these things have already been imprinted in their hearts.

Gu Zhun’s footsteps have gone farther and farther, and he has entered the canyon.

After entering the canyon, Gu Zhun looked into the distance, here is a tunnel-like passage.

Looking up, it was dark, and there was a layer of black mist on his head.

It gives people a feeling of depression that can’t be said.

However, Gu Zhun disagrees. He didn’t take this feeling seriously, but took a big step directly and moved towards the front.

The tunnel-like passage is still very long, about 1000 meters away. When this 1000 meters walks, there is a huge wind whistling in the ear, with some gravel, hitting the Human Body, if there is no Cauldron Power Realm The above cultivation base, I am afraid that with the strength of these gravel, it can penetrate the Human Body, even this first test can not pass.

But in Gu Zhun’s eyes, these stones are nothing at all. They are no different from the breeze.

Because his physique is too powerful, Void God body, one of the Ancient 5 body refinement techniques.

In the eyes of Void God, these things are no different from nonexistence.

The gravel was very fast, hit Gu Zhun’s body, rubbed his butt, wiped one after another spark, and then was bounced away. Soon, just like that, Gu Zhun easily walked out of this passage.

After stepping out of this passage, my eyes suddenly widened, and there was a plain-like existence, and the whistling wind that had originally been whistling disappeared.

The black fog above my head disappeared completely, and what appeared in front of me was the warm sunshine, the green grass and the beautiful scenery.

But Gu Zhun knows that the more beautiful a place, the greater the hidden danger behind it.

If you are attracted by such a sight and think that there is no danger here, then you will be dead, because you will never know that under such beautiful grass, maybe there are 1000 to 10000 dead bodies.

Flowers and plants, only those that grow on the corpse, will bloom greener and bloom more colorful.

However, no matter what kind of danger, in the eyes of Gu Zhun, it is like an idle cloud wild crane. It is not a concern. At this time, he is carrying his hands on his back, and he starts to walk forward in a leisurely manner. .

When crossing the plains, Gu Zhun could hear the one after another faint groan in his ear.

These low groans are so small that they seem to be whispering, and ordinary people will not be able to detect them if they don’t listen carefully.

But Gu Zhun couldn’t escape Gu Zhun’s ears, but even if he heard these voices, Gu Zhun still ignored them. Since those guys choose to hide in the dark, Gu Zhun also disinclined to pay attention to them.

Just do your own business!

Thinking about it, Gu Zhun continued to walk forward!

Soon, he climbed over a small hill, and on the morning sun side of the hill, he saw a dark purple flower sea.

Above this sea of ​​flowers, I saw densely packed purple flowers. Above each of them, it was like a small sun, and beside this round of sun, sometimes There was a resounding purple thunder arc exploded.

This turned out to be a thunder sun flower forest.

And looking at the area, it was extremely large, and even every plant looked huge, and the flowers were at least three times larger than the one Uray took out just outside the canyon.

Compared with the Leiyang flower here, the one Wu Lei was holding just now is simply a shrinking product!

Moreover, there are a lot of thunder sun flowers here, and Gu Zhun glanced over them. There are all over the sky, estimated to be as many as 100,000.

These thunder sun flowers grow here, swaying the flower body, as if anyone could pick it up!

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