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These thunder sun flowers bloom here, beautiful and mysterious, and there is a hint of danger in the mystery.

Gu Zhun is now less than 500 steps away from this thunder sun flower bush. It can even be said that as long as he is willing to reach out, he can pick these large thunder sun flowers anytime and anywhere.

The content of the assessment that Wu Lei gave to Gu Zhun Second Level is that as long as you pick any thunder sun flower in this canyon and take it back, it can be said that now Gu Zhun just walks over and picks one. Flower, his second assessment is complete.

However, if it is an ordinary person, it will definitely not pass now, because anyone who knows a little about the Thunder Valley of Divine Red Clouds knows that Thunder Valley is very dangerous.

The more brilliant the thunder sun flowers bloom here, the more Ominous Beasts gathered around. There may be several 100 Ominous Beasts hidden in the dark glare like a tiger watching his prey.

If it’s someone else, now they will definitely choose not to be stunned by the impulse, and just jump over it, but cautiously hide aside, observe and observe first.

But is Gu Zhun an ordinary person?

That’s definitely not the case, so his approach is often to do whatever he thinks of, because there is nothing in this world that can stop him.

So at this time, Gu Zhun walked directly over, without stopping, just so slowly and swaggering over.

As for Ominous Beast and so on, he actually didn’t pay attention to it at all, because Ominous Beast was a thing, he saw too much, and the Beast Wave in Great Zhou City at the beginning was nothing more than pediatrics. that’s all.

What kind of Beast Wave hadn’t seen him in the Ancient period?

The riots in the 100,000 Great Mountains, the beasts, he has not never seen the destruction of the Dragon Phoenix 2 group, among them Gu Zhun is behind the push.

Therefore, Ominous Beast may definitely be a threat in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of Gu Zhun, it is nothing at all.

Therefore, he is now directly ignoring these smart Ominous Beasts who may be hidden in the dark, and walks directly over.

At the distance of 500 steps, at the feet of Gu Zhun, it takes just one breathing time, one step to leap, and it is directly over.

When his figure reappeared, Gu Zhun was already in the middle of the thunder sun flower bushes, watching the bright thunder sun flowers blooming around him, Gu Zhun also calmly bent down and stretched out. He took out one of his hands and went to pick it.

However, before his hand touched the thunder sun flower, in Gu Zhun’s ear, a thunderous beast roar suddenly remembered.

When a fishy wind hit, Gu Zhun could feel that his all around and all directions appeared a pair of red eyes, and then, a huge Monster Beast rushed towards him. Gu Zhun must be torn into pieces.

But at the next moment, Gu Zhun laughed, and followed closely, and saw his body shake. These Monster Beasts just pounced on him, and Gu Zhun’s body was shaken for a while, and the whole person was instantly disappeared and appeared. It is 100 meters away.

This is the innate talent Divine Ability of the Void God body, Void Transfer.

Gu Zhun has not moved his figure, the whole person has moved a long distance, if there are outsiders here now, I am afraid I will be shocked as a heavenly man, because this ability is too terrifying, such a terror shift, it is simply It’s a magical skill!

But in Gu Zhun’s Void God body, it is a kind of ordinary Divine Ability that’s all.

Gu Zhun’s figure shifted, and beyond 100 meters, the group of Ominous Beasts rushed to the air, but did not respond at once, because although the group of Ominous Beasts were terrifying in strength and large in number, their IQ was not high. So now even if Gu Zhun moved out all at once, they rushed for nothing, but they still didn’t react.

When the reaction came, these Ominous Beast eyes gathered on Gu Zhun again.

However, at this time, Gu Zhun’s gaze swept across the group of Monster Beasts. He looked interested. He was looking for a way to deal with the large group of Monster Beasts. Gu Zhun had his own method.

This is the most direct and effective way to deal with Ominous Beast that he has organized over the years.

This method is actually very simple. Such a large group of Ominous Beasts must have a leader in such a large-scale collective attack. In other words, this leader is the leader of this group of Ominous Beasts, or the existence of the “Beastmaster”. !

Such a beast king is equivalent to the leader of the flock. As long as you lead the leader and let the leader obey you, then these remaining Ominous Beasts are not a concern.

This is the principle of legendary to catch brigands, first catch their king.

Therefore, Gu Zhun is searching at this time. It is very difficult to find a Beastmaster among the 1000 Ominous Beasts.

But here in Gu Zhun, it was not difficult. Soon, his gaze was focused on a body that resembled the demon bear Ominous Beast.

This Ominous Beast is taller than Gu Zhun’s Big Black Second Black. It can be said that this bear standing in the Monster Beast group is also an existence that can support both heaven and earth, as if it were A huge Black Mountain stood there.

It can be seen that all Monster Beasts are lined up around this black bear, like stars holding the moon.

And the imposing manner of this black bear is also very different from other Ominous Beast temperaments. Gu Zhun can also perceive the faint royal aura on it.

So Gu Zhun’s goal was immediately targeted at this black bear.

If he reads it correctly, this one should be the Beast King who leads this group of Ominous Beasts.

Or call it bear king, there is nothing wrong with it!

Finding the bear king, the rest is much simpler, as long as the bear king is defeated, then the remaining Monster Beast is of course not a concern.

But the only problem now is that the strength of this bear king is too strong.

As everyone knows, the strength of the bear is inherently incomparable gigantic, not to mention this kind of big guy who can rule so many Monster Beasts, under the hands of this beast king, there is no Monster Beast that is comparable to the Heavenly Profound Realm Human Race cultivator. , Let alone the strength of the Beastmaster, I am afraid it is in the True God realm.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary True God.

It may be in the young god king realm.

If Heavenly Profound Realm goes up, it can be called True God.

In the True God realm, there are 4 small realms.

Corresponding to 4 kinds of True God respectively.

The first realm is the True God realm, and the second realm is known as the young god king, and so on, the third is the god king realm, and the last is the God Sovereign Realm.

Among these 4 kinds of realm, for example, the Lin Emperor of Yellow Springs Sect that I encountered in the ancient city of 9 songs, although it is also on the Heavenly Profound Realm, but at best can only be regarded as an ordinary True God realm, not even the young god king, so in front of Gu Zhun, the so-called Lin Di is so unable to withstand a single blow, it can be said that he is fragile and does not even have anything.

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