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Leiyang Valley, Eastern Wilderness has existed for more than 10,000,000 years. In the Ancient period, Leiyang Valley actually existed, but at that time, Leiyang Valley was just a small valley that’s all unknown. .

And at that time, Nine Realms was rich in resources, and Leiyang Valley was not the only place that grew the treasure of Leiyanghua.

Therefore, in Ancient Era, Leiyang Valley is not well-known.

Later, with the collapse of the Ancient God Demon Era, many resources gradually became extinct, and Leiyang Valley gradually grew up, and because of coincidence, Leiyang flowers began to grow here, until 10,000,000 years ago, here The Leiyang Flower gradually flourished.

Later, a large number of Monster Beasts were attracted by the breath of thunder sun flower and came here for cultivation.

Still later, 3 10,000 years ago, an ancestor of the Divine Red Clouds sect discovered this place. Through the method of observing the mountain, he realized that this is a treasure land, so at that time, the Sect of the Divine Red Clouds sect was placed here. , And summarized the Leiyang Valley, as his own.

At that time, the name Leiyanggu came into being.

In general, Leiyang Valley did exist in the Ancient period, and it was 10,000,000 years ago that the Leiyang Flower was bred, so it is conceivable that the strength of Thunder accumulated in this place under the ground. How horrible it is.

Most people simply dare not touch such a strength of Thunder.

Just imagine, a Cauldron Power Realm cultivator can be killed by a single thunder sun flower, let alone the strength of Thunder accumulated over the years!

Ordinary person can’t finish playing with it?

However, Gu Zhun does not care so much.

The things he has touched over the years are much more dangerous than this.

What is the strength of Thunder of trifling?

So Gu Zhun didn’t think too much and just started it.

He opened his five fingers, and several Spirit Stones were driven into the ground by him. Then, a whirlpool-like whirlpool appeared in his palm.

Finally, a horrible suction emerged. Gu Zhun jumped from the shoulders of the Black Bear King and directly jumped into the center of the Spirit Stones, with his palms against the ground, directly using his palm energy to suck the earth core. Among the strength of Thunder.

This scene, the black bear king I saw was all trembling.

Their Monster Beast Race has been entrenched here for millions of years, and they know nothing more about the things in Leiyang Valley.

How could I not know that the strength of Thunder underground in Leiyang Valley is the strongest?

But for so many years, I have never heard of anyone who dares to absorb the strength of Thunder within the core of the earth. Even the previous Beast Kings dare not, and the Black Bear King avoids it.

There is no other reason, it is because the strength of Thunder in the core of the earth is too terrifying, there are too many thunder and lightning, and the Fleshy body of the Black Bear King cannot bear it.

But now Gu Zhun dared to do it well. Isn’t it a courting death?

The black bear king was terrified, and just wanted to say something, what happened next moment, let the black bear king take the initiative to shut up.

I saw the Black Bear King just stepping forward when he wanted to speak.

Suddenly, there was a shock under the ground.

Then, a white electric arc appeared out of thin air, rushing out of the earth’s core and making a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, another white arc appeared.

After that, densely packed electric current gushes out like spring water.

Suddenly, as if activated, the terrifying current spread all over Gu Zhun’s directions.

The current Gu Zhun is almost like a lone boat surrounded by the center of the electric current. In the eyes of the Black Bear King, Gu Zhun seems to be overturned at any time.


When these white arcs converged to a large enough size, they finally started to move towards the center of Gu Zhun.

It’s as if a power grid was opened, and moved towards Gu Zhun.

The pressure brought by the terrifying current is huge.

Even a beast king at the level of the Black Bear King, standing far away at this moment, can feel a kind of numbness in the body, one can imagine how terrifying the current is.

Let alone Gu Zhun who is standing at the center of thunder and lightning at this moment. This is a trend to crush Gu Zhun!

The black bear king could not help but hang a heart for Gu Zhun.

After all, the big brother I just recognized, it would be a shame if he died like this, he also counted on Gu Zhun to help him break through the next realm!

You can 10,000,000 don’t die!

Black Bear King in the heart said.

However, the worries of the Black Bear King are obviously redundant. Who is Gu Zhun?

When will he do things that are uncertain?

Gu Zhun had anticipated these thunder and lightning a long time ago, so he didn’t take it seriously.

When this power grid is pulled up, Gu Zhun is ready.

The huge power grid overturned and pressed on Gu Zhun’s body, and his physique was automatically turned on.

Void God body broke out!

In an instant, when even the Black Bear King did not react, the initiative on the scene was suddenly subverted.

Gu Zhun, who seemed to be defeated at first, turned the situation around.

With the blessing of the Void God body, these originally turbulent strength of Thunder seemed to instantly become Gu Zhun’s nourishment.

Being dragged by the Void God body, pulled into Gu Zhun’s within the body.

After a while, such a huge strength of Thunder was swallowed by Gu Zhun.

After devouring so much strength of Thunder, Gu Zhun even unable to bear smacked his mouth, “Appetizers, the taste is average!”

The horror of the Void God body, how can these strength of Thunder know?

Not to mention such a little strength of Thunder, Gu Zhun can eat even more thunder and lightning.

After devouring these strengths of Thunder, Gu Zhun’s next step is to continue to aim underground.

I saw that he had swallowed most of the strength of Thunder, and there was still a small part of the thunder and lightning fleeing, as if afraid of Gu Zhun, he moved towards the underground and fled in a certain direction.

Gu Zhun looked at the direction of these strength of Thunder’s escape, a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

If he really wanted to swallow the strength of Thunder all, then with the horror of his Void God body, how could these strength of Thunder escape?

The reason why he let go of these strength of Thunder is actually because he has other purposes.

Now it seems that he didn’t unexpectedly, all these strengths of Thunder moved towards the same place and fled.

As soon as they escaped with their front feet, Gu Zhun’s hands moved towards this place in the next second and chased them.

At this moment, Gu Zhun’s palm directly seemed to be transparent. It stretched out indefinitely, went deep underground, and began to move towards the strength of Thunder where he had escaped. It stretched out, trying to grab something!

At this time, Gu Zhun’s right hand went deep into the ground, broke through the soil, and directly moved towards a direction to grab it. I don’t know how long it took. Finally, he encountered something that hindered him.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Zhun’s eyes lit up, and he grabbed the thing in his hand.

caught you!

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