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This is a flat object resembling a peach-core shape. It has been flowing through the ground of Leiyang Valley for so many years, absorbing a lot of things created by the strength of Thunder.

Such a thing can be said to have gathered a large number of strength of Thunder, and the strength of Thunder flowing in it is extremely terrifying.

If this thing had to give him a name, then perhaps the name Lei He was the most suitable for it.

For most people, this thing is something that can be met but not sought.

Because at least tens of thousands of years can be produced.

Moreover, it was a coincidence that it was possible to grow in the strong underground of Strength of Thunder.

It takes at least 100,000 years for a thunder core to mature. It is extremely rare. Even if you are lucky enough to encounter such a thunder core, it is extremely difficult to catch it.

Because let alone the Heaven and Earth spiritual object like Leicore, even if it is a pig, if you let it live for 100,000 years, it will probably become a pig essence.

After 100,000 years of growth, things like Lei He must have their own spiritual wisdom.

Underground, it is the lair of the mine core. As long as the mine core feels threatened, it will begin to evade hunting.

Moreover, the mine core itself will release extremely terrifying lightning. How terrifying is the strength of Thunder compressed in 100,000 years? This need not be described.

A little arc can kill a Ten Thousand Realm cultivator at will. Even the power of Origin Sea Realm, if it encounters a full-fire thunder core, it will be completely hanged.

Therefore, it is even more difficult to grasp a mine core when it is difficult to encounter a mine core.

Don’t look at Gu Zhun. It is very easy to catch this mine core now, but how many Gu Zhun are there in this world?

How many Void God bodies are there?

After Gu Zhun grabbed the thunder core, he pulled out his hand deep underground.

Then, Gu Zhun spread out his right hand, and saw his right hand. At this time, there was a turbid purple mine lying in it.

This thunder core lay in the palm of Gu Zhun’s right hand, as if it was still beating slightly, all around the thunder core, and one after another black and white, two colors of thunder and lightning continued to blast around.

Obviously, this Lei core has its own spiritual wisdom. After so many years of cultivation, it is naturally unwilling to be caught by Gu Zhun.

In his palm, he began to struggle.

But every struggle, in Gu Zhun’s eyes, is just like a joke. The more intense this thunder core struggles, from within Gu Zhun’s palm, there are 8 things like crimson’s chains flying out immediately. This mine core makes the lock stronger.

Until the end, this mine core seemed to perceive something, thinking that he was impossible breakthrough Gu Zhun, and simply gave up the struggle and began to admit his fate.

“Master, this is …”

At this time, Monster Beast also collected Leiyanghua almost. According to Gu Zhun, most of the Leiyanghua was directly moved back to Gu Zhun’s treasure house for storage.

Only a part of it was put into Gu Zhun’s storage bag. Then, Big Black Second Black came to Gu Zhun’s side. Two huge True Dragons surrounded Gu Zhun’s side, breathing the dragon’s breath. For outsiders to see it, I’m afraid I don’t know how many people’s eyes will be surprised.

But here, Gu Zhun disagrees.

Big Black Second Black can naturally feel the huge energy contained in the thing in Gu Zhun’s hand, so they are very curious at this time.

Gu Zhun glanced at them and said, “Leihe, this is a good thing.”

After speaking, Gu Zhun flipped his hand and threw the mine core directly into his storage bag.

Gu Zhun didn’t plan to give this thing to Big Black Second Black. This thing is useful to him and he wants to keep it.

After doing this, Gu Zhun looked up towards Leiyang Valley.

The current Leiyang Valley is quite different from the previous ones. The thunder sun flowers that were planted here are all thoroughly picked.

Only a large piece of bare ground and hills remained.

These Leiyang flowers were all included in his own treasure house by Gu Zhun. Gu Zhun looked at the bald patch of this place, nodded with satisfaction.

After that, he just waved his hand, counting 10000 Spirit Pills and scattered them to these Monster Beasts.

Gu Zhun has never been the kind of stingy person, not to mention that he took all the thunder sun flowers here in one breath, cut off the chance of these Monster Beasts, just said that these Monster Beasts helped themselves to pick thunder sun flowers, Gu Zhun just You can use Spirit Pill to feed them back.

These Spirit Pills are not ordinary Spirit Pills. They are almost the same as the complex Spirit Pill that was eaten by the Black Bear King. They are all refined with 100,000-year-old Medicine King as the main medicine. The difference is that they are different from the Spirit Pill. Spirit Pill, a medicine pill, is used to break through the realm world.

After taking one, the bottleneck of the next realm will loosen, enough to make one breathe through to the next realm.

It can be said that this is a very scary medicine pill.

If placed in Outer World, this is a kind of divine medicine.

Just imagine, it is possible to unconditionally break through a medicine pill of a realm. What is this not divine medicine?

But Gu Zhun is now spreading out like beans, this kind of prodigal method, the black bear king is considered to be convinced.

Sure enough, after Gu Zhun issued so many Spirit Pills, those Monster Beast who swallowed medicine pill all started their own breakthroughs.

After leaving the opportunity, Gu Zhun will not stay here any longer.

After receiving 2 more Monster Beasts under the Black Bear King with True God level and putting them into the treasure house together with Big Black Second Black, Gu Zhun turned over and sat on the Black Bear King and moved towards the return journey outside the valley.

There are two reasons for leaving the black bear king.

First, because the realm of the black bear king is not low, it has the strength of the young god king level itself, and it is good to bring it around at any time.

The second point is because Leiyang Valley is not a small place. Gu Zhun walked all the way when he came, and he couldn’t walk back like this when he returned.

It’s good to leave the black bear king for transportation.

Walking on the road, Gu Zhun began to play with the thunder core in his hand.

At this time, the black bear king under Gu Zhun’s ass talked to this time.

I saw this black bear king with a big smile, and while walking, he discussed with Gu Zhun.

“Master, that, Spirit Pill, do you have any more here?”

This black bear king was signed a master-servant contract by Gu Zhun when he was in the hinterland of Leiyang Valley, so at this time, it naturally calls Gu Zhun the master.

Gu Zhun listened to it and looked at his black bear with a strange look.


Seeing Gu Zhun’s response, the Black Bear King hearing this continued.

“If there are any, can you also reward the smaller ones? Frankly, master, I have been stuck at the young god king level for 50,000 years!”

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