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In general Medicine Refining Master medicine refining, the process is very cumbersome. Even for high-level Medicine Refining Master, the limit of medicine refining per day is generally maintained at around 1000.

This point, even in the Medicine God book, is strictly recorded.

Because medicine refining requires a huge amount of Divine Power.

However, a person’s Divine Power is limited. Once the critical point is reached or the breakthrough is reached, a bad one may cause the death of the Medicine Refining Master.

This kind of death, in other words, is actually in the secular sense.

sudden death!

medicine refining sudden death.

In fact, this is still very common in the Medicine Refining Master world.

Because many Medicine Refining Masters pretend to be out of the ordinary, everyone wants to challenge the limit, but the final result is not satisfactory.

A large group of people died suddenly, and only a small part of them survived.

From then on, no one dared to ignore the words in the Medicine God book.

No matter how high-level Medicine Refining Master is, the medicine refining limit per day is only 1000.

However, now in the gorge of Divine Red Clouds, if there are people at this moment, you will find that it is already filled with medicinal ingredients for more than half of the gorge.

What 7 Eighty thousand years King’s blood grass, 100,000 year old Heavenly Dao tree, all kinds of weird, messy 7-8 medicinal ingredients, even medicinal ingredients that have been extinct for a long time, you can see here.

Moreover, none of the medicinal ingredients here is less than 10000 years old.

One after another, they are all Divine Medicine of Yaowang level!

If such a scene is seen by some Medicine Refining Masters of Outer World, I am afraid it will be crazy for it.

Because in this world, let alone the King of Medicine, even the King of Medicine only exists in rumors, basically there is no shadow.

Unless it is Great Sect Sect, there are only one or two collections. In Outer World, it is simply something that you can’t see.

But now here, I can see so much at a glance, and one after another Yaowang placed here, it is like some worthless radish cabbage, thrown on the ground at will.

These medicinal ingredients, of course, will not be included in this small canyon itself, but Gu Zhun moved out from his storage bag and treasure house one after another.

The huge piles of medicinal ingredients pile up here, which can be said to be a visual shock.

Even Xiao Hei was dumbfounded when he watched it impossible to bear.

Let alone ordinary people, even the 10000-year-old Monster Beast like Xiao Hei, the Great Monster who lives in the Thunder Valley, has never seen so many high-level medicinal ingredients piled together in his life.

This is simply heaven!

Xiao Hei is speechless at the unable to bear.

I can’t wait to lie on this pile of medicinal ingredients and eat a few bites.

Even if fiercely takes a sip, he can breathe the turbulent medicinal ingredients Spirit Qi in the air here.

At this time Xiaohei finally felt that it was true that he chose to follow Gu Zhun, otherwise, I am afraid that he would never see such a spectacular thing in his life.

“Big Black, Second Black, Xiao Hei, Old Money, go outside and watch, Young Master, I want to pill refining!”

After Gu Zhun took out these medicinal ingredients, he didn’t grind anymore. At the moment, the sky has entered the middle of the night, so I have to speed up.

Therefore, Gu Zhun directly opened an exit from his treasure house and called out both Big Black and Second Black.

These 4 Monster Beasts are guarded in the four directions of East, South, West, and North in the entire valley. They are very scary guards.

After all, no matter which Monster Beast it is, it has now reached the True God level, Big Black Second Black. Needless to say, these two Black Water Profound Snakes were originally Flood Dragons. After absorbing the Dragon Beads of the two dragon kings, Has broken the mirror continuously, stepped into the True God realm, and became the 2th grade Monster Beast.

Let alone Xiao Hei, he is the Beast King of Leiyang Valley. It was already True God 10,000 years ago, and now it is the Second Layer of True God realm, a true young god king, that is, legendary. Monster Beast of order 8.

As for the old turtle…

Even a young god king like Xiao Hei has to be trembling with fear in the face of it. It has survived in Nine Realms for 3 to 10,000,000 years. It can be said that it has experienced the Ancient period, and even the peerless Great Monster spanning two periods. , The ghost knows what realm it has reached now.

It can be said that these 4 Monster Beasts are here now, just like 4 True Gods. Such a lineup is here. Even if there is a real emperor, it may not come in for a while.

So Gu Zhun can now be said to be here as a golden soup without any worries.

So, at this time, Gu Zhun began to work.

His medicine refining technique is also very irritable.

It is directly raised with one hand, a large amount of vitality lifted into the air with a large piece of medicinal ingredients, followed by Gu Zhun with his hand slapped the cauldron lid of the Black Phoenix Ding.

After half a breath, the Black Phoenix Cauldron immediately uttered a crisp tremor, as if there was a Divine Phoenix flying into the air, surrounding the valley.

A loud phoenix sound stunned 4 Ye, and after that, the Black Phoenix Cauldron was opened.

Gu Zhun smiled and looked at this black phoenix tripod, and admired the impossible to bear.

“Good treasure, really good treasure. Being held by the kid from Tianchong, it’s violent to the heavens. Such a good thing is actually a murderer who left a terrible reputation in the world. It really insults you. “

Gu Zhun slowly said.

In fact, he has always had a strong attachment to Black Phoenix Cauldron.

Because he had been looking for the Black Phoenix Cauldron at first, he was actually one step ahead by the Taoist Tianchong, and he was snatched away by Taoist Tianchong.

As a result, Gu Zhun was also planning how to get the Black Phoenix Cauldron from the Taoist guy Tianchong, but then he had no chance, so he had no choice but to watch.

Fortunately, Gu Zhun finally got the Black Phoenix Cauldron from the hands of Taoist Tianchong during the final battle of the World Domain battlefield.

Now that several 10,000,000 years have passed, this black phoenix cauldron was finally opened by Gu Zhun again.

In fact, in Gu Zhun’s opinion, things like the Tianding ranking are the rankings made by a group of little children who put together some relatively high-end cauldrons.

Really advanced Cauldron, how could a group of little ghosts have met.

Just like the Black Phoenix Cauldron, how could its true horror be seen by a group of little ghosts?

Black Phoenix Ding is actually only ranked fourth on the Tianding list?

This is a joke in Gu Zhun’s eyes.

No one knew Black Phoenix Cauldron better than him.

Maybe outsiders only saw the side of Tianchong Taoist using the Black Phoenix Cauldron to kill people, so they thought that this Divine Cauldron was not suitable for medicine refining, but Gu Zhun didn’t think so, because he knew that the Black Phoenix Cauldron would certainly kill people. It is also very scary, but once used for medicine refining, it will be more handy.

This is much stronger than the so-called Cauldron No. 1 on the Tianding List.

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