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The black phoenix cauldron, the true origin, not at all people know, only know that when this black phoenix cauldron first appeared, it was already in the hands of Taoist Tianchong.

The Tianchong Taoist used it for the first time, also in a very famous battle on the World Domain battlefield.

Battle of the Hunting God.

In that battle, True God died in large numbers, and there were even 6 god kings who died in that battle of hunting gods.

And Tianchong Taoist, also during that time of Great War, opened the Black Phoenix Cauldron for the first time and burned to death a god king, 12 young god king, and became famous in the first battle.

Since then, he has been promoted to one of the peak cultivators on the World Domain battlefield.

That was the time when Black Phoenix Cauldron entered the eyes of the world.

Later, Taoist Tianchong also used the Black Phoenix Cauldron to kill a lot of True Gods.

As a result, many people mistakenly believe that a treasure like the Black Phoenix Cauldron was originally from the hands of Taoist Tianchong, who refined it to deal with True God’s ultimate weapon.

Instead of the kind of pill furnace used for serious pill refining.

However, Gu Zhun knew that the Black Phoenix Cauldron was actually at first and was not owned by Tianchong Taoist at all.

After all, how could such a treasure be made by a kid like Tianchong?

The history of the Black Phoenix Ding may be traced back even longer, even to Ancient Desolate Era.

Once, Gu Zhun had reached a place, which was discovered by Gu Zhun in a Secret Realm in the Ancient period.

At that time, the World Domain battlefield had not yet opened, and Gu Zhun was not yet the greatest Demon of the Ancient period.

Gu Zhun and a few friends discovered a Secret Realm together. When they joined forces to explore the Secret Realm, they discovered such a place.

This is a lost ruin built underground. The exact age of the ruins is unknown. Even many things in the ruins have been corrupted or dried out.

But even so, Gu Zhun and the others found something useful in this ancient ruin.

Among them, there is a black iron sheet, and a mural carved on the wall.

This is a complete mural, except that the first half of the mural was damaged by something, which made it fuzzy.

But the latter part vaguely records a story like this.

That’s the origin of this Black Phoenix Cauldron.

It is said that in the ancient times, after the age of the gods, the world was in chaos and the two tribes conquered each other, but at this time, from a mountain, a black Phoenix with seven tails flew out of the mountains, and chaos In the world, 2 surname pictures were victimized.

The black phoenix was a disaster for Nine Realms. Finally, it angered the leaders of the two tribes. The two tribe leaders only once joined forces to kill the black phoenix together, and used the body of this black Phoenix to create A Divine Cauldron, and a phoenix blood sacrifice tripod, 2 days later, when the tripod was completed, Heaven and Earth changed drastically.

Later, these two tribes were bounded by this cauldron, and the two parties cultivated and lived, and the alliance did not fight for about 2 years. This was the original Black Phoenix Cauldron.

Many people with Gu Zhun at that time were not very interested in this mural, but were more interested in the black iron piece in the ruins.

But Gu Zhun thinks this mural is very strange, and he is very curious about the first half of the mural that is covered up.

If Gu Zhun remembers correctly, the first half of this mural should be about the origin and origin of this black phoenix.

But it was hidden.

Because the age was too long, and the hidden traces were made perfect enough, even Gu Zhun at that time could not restore it, so this matter later fell away.

However, it is worth mentioning that the only piece of iron found in the ruins that year, Gu Zhun and others later used many methods, and they did not separate the piece of iron. It can be said to be an anomalously strong piece of Divine Iron.

In the end, Gu Zhun, the strongest person at the time, occupied his income pocket alone.

And it is very coincidental that this piece of iron later became one of the materials used to make Qingyuan ancient sword at that time.

In order to refine the Qingyuan ancient sword, Gu Zhun also resorted to all one’s strength. I don’t know how many ancient books he read before he found a way to dissolve that piece of iron.

Moreover, Gu Zhun was still skeptical at the time that the piece of iron that he had incorporated into the Qingyuan ancient sword might be some scraps left over from the two tribes on the mural when they refined the Black Phoenix Cauldron.

Because after the Black Phoenix Cauldron appeared, Gu Zhun also discovered something, that is, that piece of iron back then was indeed very similar to the material used to make the Black Phoenix Cauldron.

But because the Black Phoenix Cauldron is in the hands of Gu Zhun, the iron piece from that year has been smelted away, so it is impossible to compare.

Therefore, Gu Zhun is just speculation, there is no evidence.

When the Black Phoenix Cauldron was at first, it was supposed to be used by those two tribes for offering sacrifices to the heavens. Later, they were acquired by the Daoist of Heaven and used the fire in the cauldron to hunt True God.

It is now in the hands of Gu Zhun, but it is used for pill refining. It can be said that this can be considered to make the best use of the Black Phoenix Cauldron.

The black phoenix divine fire in the black phoenix cauldron is itself the flame on the 7-tailed black Phoenix.

You can burn all 10000 objects, dividing metal breaking stone, just waiting for you, let alone smelting some medicinal ingredients.

I saw that Gu Zhun held the furnace ears at this time, controlled the Black Phoenix Divine Fire, and began to melt medicine refining materials.

Gu Zhun can almost feel that the moment he put the medicinal ingredients into the Black Phoenix Cauldron, the moment the medicinal ingredients of the medicine king level just touched the Black Phoenix Divine Fire, they were already eaten up by this black flame. Make a medicinal liquid.

With such a sight, Gu Zhun couldn’t help but slapped his mouth, and sighed.

“A good fire is a good fire. It deserves to be the sixth flame on the Heaven and Earth 10000 fire list. The formidable power is really not bad, even if it is facing the medicine king, the formidable power is still not reduced.”

Even Gu Zhun said “unable to bear”.

Because he didn’t have a pill furnace at the level of the Black Phoenix Ding before. For medicinal ingredients at the level of the Medicine King, use a normal medicine stove. If there is no strong flame, it will take a long time to melt. medicine refining material.

With so many medicinal ingredients, even Gu Zhun, it takes at least several minutes to smelt, let alone ordinary people.

The general Medicine Refining Master may take several days and nights, even 10-15 days, just to melt these medicine kings.

But now using Divine Cauldron like Black Phoenix Cauldron, it doesn’t even need half a breath, and all the medicinal ingredients have been melted into medicinal liquid.

This is not to blame Gu Zhun’s admiration.

Divine Cauldron is easy to use!

Gu Zhun is impossible to bear nodded.

Seeing that the Black Phoenix Divine Fire is so convenient, even he was a little moved by Unable to Bear at this time.

You know, even flames like the Black Phoenix Divine Fire rank 10000th in the Heaven and Earth 6 fire list. Should I take the time to find these flames?

This is an interesting thing.

Moreover, to solve Guanyue’s Death Chill Curse, it seems that a kind of flame on the 10000 fire list is also used…

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