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When Gu Zhun’s tea cover was opened, the fragrance of tea almost poured over the entire restaurant.

The entire restaurant seems to be covered by a very strong tea fragrance.

At this moment, it’s not just the guests on the 3rd floor.

Even the customers on the first and second floors were completely stunned.

I don’t know what happened to this restaurant at the moment.

After all, such a strong tea fragrance is here, and ordinary fairy tea is basically impossible to cause this tea fragrance.

What the hell is it?

“What happened?”

“What’s the matter? Where does this tea fragrance come from?”

“This King has tasted fairy tea for so many years, not 10000 or 8,000, but this kind of tea was still unheard-of before, why even this King has a feeling of a breakthrough soon.”

The guests on the first floor, the second floor and the third floor seemed to have exploded the pot at this time, and they were noisy.

After all, they had never encountered this natural phenomenon before.

Some people even speculated that the tea was hidden by the boss of the restaurant, but when they caught Xiao 2 and asked, Xiao 2 shook his head repeatedly.

They didn’t know what was going on.

How could it be their tea?

At this moment, someone finally discovered that the source of the tea fragrance was floating down from the third floor.

At this time, everyone suddenly realized.

Could it be a guest on the 3rd floor?

If this is the case, it makes sense.

Those who can enter the third floor of Da Shi Zhai are all great characters.

Probably only such a character can come up with this exquisite fairy tea.

Many people looked towards the 3rd floor with envious eyes. How good would it be to let them have a sip of such tea at this moment?

At this time, on the third floor, everyone’s eyes seemed to shine, moving towards Gu Zhun to look over here.

To be precise, it was moved towards his hand to look over.

The tea made by Gu Zhun at this moment.

No need to say anything, exquisite!

This is the real gem!

No, this kind of product should no longer be a gem, but Divine Grade!

Divine Grade fairy tea!

Such a terrifying tea fragrance.

Any tequila, phoenix fragrant, have to stand aside!

Compared with this kind of tea, Fengweixiang is really rubbish!

Gu Zhun is right. It turns out that people are not in boasting, but there is something to do.

This tea fragrance, just by these people taking a sip from a long distance, suddenly seemed to be ecstatic.

There is a feeling of being close to the avenue and intimacy with the avenue.

Even let the cultivator have a way on the verge of a breakthrough, and found a way to break their bottleneck.

It’s like seeing a ghost!

What kind of tea is this?

What kind of tea can have this effect?

At this moment, someone asked: “This gentleman, dare to ask what kind of tea is this? Why hasn’t the old man seen it before?”

The question was an old man in the corner of the third floor. Obviously he was also a good tea person, but even if he had seen more than 3 tea leaves in his life, he had never seen such a kind of tea.

Gu Zhun just smiled, and after a while, he slowly said, “This tea is called Dao Cha.”


After listening, the old man wrinkled frowned and finally shook the head.

Dao tea, never heard of this kind of tea!

“What kind of tea? Made it yourself.”

At this time, the dudes at the table did not believe Gu Zhun at all.

Because of this name, they have never heard of it.

If it is really precious tea, they should have heard of it.

It’s like phoenix fragrant.

This kind of tea is very precious and rare, but it is still well-known in Four Domains, so when the phoenix fragrant is taken out, many people directly recognize it.

However, they had never heard of the Taoist tea in Gu Zhun’s mouth, and none of them had heard of it.

Therefore, these dudes also think that this kid is simply boasting.

I don’t know where I got a piece of tea, and then I messed up my name.

However, these dudes didn’t wait for anything to say.

The old man who had spoken before stood up with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, he cried out in surprise said.

“Dao tea! Diao tea! I remember it! It turned out to be that kind of tea! I said how familiar, why didn’t I remember it just now!”

The old man exclaimed directly at this time.

Then he continued: “Legend, in the ancient period, in the fourth world of Nine Realms, a strange tea tree grew in a corner of the North Sea. The trunk of this tea tree is golden. The tree was born for 4 years and sprouts, and then 10000 years for sprouting. Only 10000 tea leaves were grown for 10000 years. When the tea was fully mature, Purple Qi came to the east and was favored by Heavenly Dao. Therefore, the tea tree was named Dao tree, and the tea on the Dao tree was also called Dao tea.”

“Legendary tea, you can feel Heaven and Earth with one sip, and you can get in touch with the road and enter the state of sudden enlightenment. Even if ordinary people drink it, it can increase life essence by 1000 years. It is a rare Divine Grade. Fairy tea!”

The old man said so.

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere of the entire third floor suddenly changed. Everyone immediately looked towards the tea in Gu Zhun’s hand with an extremely powerful and arrogant gaze.

This is the legendary tea?

There are such Divine Grade teas in Nine Realms!

But not in this world, no wonder they have not heard of the so-called Dao Cha.

It turns out that this tea tree does not grow in Four Domains at all but in the 4th world!

Their Four Domains is Six Worlds in Nine Realms.

This thing is actually a product of another world!

However, no matter which world it is, they know the origin and use of this tea, and they can actually get close to Heavenly Dao, and they can understand Heaven and Earth, the avenue of affinity with one sip.

At this time, many people are also thinking about Gu Zhun tea.

For this Divine Grade fairy tea, fight it’s worth!

At this time, listening to the old man’s words, he was obviously dissatisfied with the dudes at the table.

Their phoenix fragrant is actually no better than this guy’s few leaves?

What is this?

is it possible that what kind of so-called tea is more precious than their phoenix fragrance?

Their phoenix fragrant tea cakes have also been sold for the sky-high price of several millions Spirit Stone!

“Hmph, Tao tea, I really don’t believe it. What kind of Tao tea you so-called is really worth more than my phoenix fragrant? My phoenix fragrant can be sold for 5,000,000 Spirit Stone! Your tea can sell 1000000 Spirit Stone?”

One of them dumbfounded.

He really doesn’t believe it, these few leaves can be so valuable!

You know, his phoenix fragrant is Four Domains’ extremely prestigious tea!

But at this time, the boy said this sentence.

Then a sneer sounded.

Everyone saw that it was the old man just now, and saw that the old man sneered directly, and after a while he dismissed it.

“Idiot, what is Fengweixiang compared to Tao Cha? Have you ever won throwing an egg at a rock? Not to mention that today’s Tao Cha has disappeared even in the 4th world. It’s a piece of Dao Cha tea. The base price is at least 10,000,000 Spirit Stone, and the transaction price is at least 100000000! Your phoenix fragrant is really like rubbish.”

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