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The old man’s words echoed in the third floor at this moment.

The dudes who faced the table suddenly looked uglier than they were painted with white wax.

This feeling is almost like someone slapped their face fiercely, and their faces are full of fierce pain!

These dudes grew up so big, and they all had their backs behind. Which one is not the 1st Rate power in Four Domains?

Through childhood, I have never suffered such a loss. At this moment, when a few people are here, how can these dudes be able to bear it.

Immediately, the guy who took out the phoenix fragrant slapped the table before, and stood up, pointing to the old Human Path: “old man, don’t think I don’t know, why do you keep talking for them? 80 % You are the nursery of these people! How dare you to tease Young Master? Believing or not Young Master will kill you?”

This dude can be considered anxiously jumping the wall.

There are many people on Gu Zhun, and there is Qian Qingluan standing there. This dude can’t offend Qian Qingluan, so he also aimed at the old man who had spoken before and cursed.

Anyway, it was just an old man, and he just turned off the topic.

However, what made this dude didn’t expect was that at this moment he said to the old man that the old man was immediately coldly snorted, and he was also a master who didn’t suffer.

The old man stood up directly, his subordinates used force, and he directly patted the table into powder in one breath.

Suddenly, a horrible atmosphere was revealed.

The entire Da Shi Zhai in the Earthquake was buzzing, and this kind of terrifying aura is definitely not reachable by ordinary cultivators.

Surprisingly, it has reached the top of True God.

It doesn’t look like a mountain or leaking water. The ordinary old man is actually the power of True God level!

True God is the pinnacle of battle strength in Nine Realms!

I actually met one here at the moment.

These dudes each and everyone’s eyes are going to fall down.

What the hell is going on?

Didn’t you read the almanac when you went out today?

Why did you run into such a god head-on?

“Boy, did you just say that the old man is a support?”

The old man had a kind eyebrow just now, his face turned and he became fierce.

True God gets angry, even the Heavenly Profound Realm cultivator will tremble in his legs, let alone these dudes.

At this moment, their legs are weak, and they all stand does not raise.

His face suddenly paled: “This, Senior, this is all a misunderstanding! We didn’t mean it, a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!”

These dudes are also really scared at this moment.

Because this True God is not like Qian Qingluan.

Qian Qingluan’s terror is terror.

But Qian Qingluan’s real horror is also the forces behind her, that is, the horror of the Canghai Sect behind her.

But Canghai Sect is after all Canghai Sect, Qian Qingluan cannot represent all the will of Canghai Sect.

At this point, even Qian Qingluan’s Father, that is, the contemporary Sect Master of the Canghai Sect, may not be able to represent the will of the Canghai Sect.

The Canghai Sect will not offend another 1st Rate force just because of one Qian Qingluan.

Therefore, although these dudes are in awe of the Canghai Sect, they are not afraid of Qian Qingluan.

Because Qian Qingluan’s own strength is not strong.

But this True God is different.

Face a True God!

In the hands of True God, it is the genuine that holds the power of life and death within Nine Realms.

Why is a True God so scary in person?

It is because True God itself represents a power.

True God stood there, he was a piece of Heaven and Earth.

There is such a sentence in Nine Realms.

If you are from a Great Influence background and have infinite background behind you, then you can slap an Earthly Profound Realm cultivator directly, or you can walk unhindered in front of a Heavenly Profound Realm power.

But if you are crying in front of a True God.

So sorry, this True God can slap you to death on the spot.

True God shoots, he doesn’t care what is behind you.

Even if you are backed by 100 True Gods, so what?

Can someone not beat it and run it?

After shooting you to death, this True God runs straight away, a True God who insists on running away, no one can help him.

Therefore, True God has always been so terrifying within Nine Realms.

The same goes for these dudes. Seeing that they provoke a True God Old Ancestor, they almost frightened them.

I was afraid that this True God slapped them down at this moment and patted them directly into flesh.

But this True God Old Ancestor is not a child.

Although he looked down on these dudes, he was also disinclined to pay attention to them.

If it weren’t for these idiots who insisted on saying that they were a trustee, the old man didn’t even want to expose his True God level cultivation base.

After all, he actually just stopped by for a meal.

“Hahaha, it’s wonderful! It’s wonderful! These idiots think they are smart, they didn’t expect this time to kick the iron plate, they actually provoked a True God power!”

“Yes, I have never seen anyone who can hire a True God Old Ancestor as a trustee. When is the Old Ancestor of True God level so worthless?”

There was noisy surroundings, and there was an eager discussion among the crowd on the 3rd floor.

This discussion directly caused those niece and everyone who were at the table just now to blush, but even so, they still dare not let go.

I can only face down and prepare to escape here.

Even if there is a seam on the ground, they all want to find a seam to drill out.

This bunch of dudes ran away dingy.

But just when they came downstairs, Gu Zhun was indeed laughed.

“Go? The person who scolded me also wants to walk to walk?”

Gu Zhun is coldly snorted, and it’s time to do it directly.

Flicks with the finger, a Spirit Qi squeezed to the extreme, shoots out, directly hitting the back of these dudes.

When everyone hadn’t reacted yet, even the old man hadn’t reacted.

These dudes groaned immediately, and then screamed.

Immediately afterwards, the 7 8 dudes rolled down the stairs one after another.

“Ahhh !”

A scream came from the stairs.

This sound made people shudder. Someone looked down the stairs at this time. Gu Zhun directly interrupted the hands, feet, and spine dragons of those few dudes just now, looking at the soft limbs.

The bones of the whole body were crushed by Gu Zhun’s finger just now.

And it’s not a normal split, but the bones of the whole body shattered.

At this moment, a cultivator went to check these dudes’ within the body. It’s fine if you don’t check it. Under such a check, the cultivator immediately complexion greatly changed.

“Dantian is dead!”

As soon as he said this, everyone looked strange.

Suddenly, many people stared at Gu Zhun again.

This guy, it would be too cruel to start!

2 Apart from anything else, casually, dantian was directly destroyed, and the whole body bones of 7 people were broken.

What hate and blame?

Demon Sect cultivator is not so cruel!

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