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Rat bites the sky to open the cards!

The patterns and patterns of this thing are so special that Gu Zhun can recognize them almost at a glance.

Because Gu Zhun has only got 2 brands for so many years.

And the text of Outer Domain is very special, completely different from the text of Nine Realms.

Moreover, on the opening card of Mouse Bite Heaven, the seal engraved is not the ordinary Outer Domain characters, but the ancient characters of Outer Domain, which is highly recognizable.

Therefore, it is impossible to imitate the rat bite the opening card.

The treasure master took out this brand, and Gu Zhun directly recognized it.

Later, Gu Zhun also directly took out his two brands.

The treasure master’s eyes turned round.

“Do you have this thing too?”

Gu Zhun: “After so many years, I got 2 pieces by chance. This piece was just recently obtained, but there is indeed a big secret in this thing, and this secret involves the Outer Domain, but the complete rat bite In all 6 pieces, I have 2 pieces here, one piece on your side, and 3 pieces. If I guess right, they should all be in the Outer Domain!”

Gu Zhun said so.

The treasure master is hearing this frowned.

Obviously he didn’t know the specific circumstances of Ratbite’s opening card.

Moreover, it was purely a coincidence that this treasure master got this rat bite the sky opening card.

Unlike Gu Zhun, he really went to Outer Domain to make a pass, and the first broken card was also obtained in Outer Domain.

Therefore, the treasure owner is not clear about the brand. He originally thought that this thing would be divided into 3 4 pieces at most, but didn’t expect, learned from Gu Zhun, that the brand was actually divided into 6 pieces.

This is interesting.

The treasure owner originally liked to look for treasures and the like. At this time, he heard from Gu Zhun the specific situation of the rat biting the sky.

This treasure master was immediately excited.

This Outer Domain, he also decided.

And at this time, Baozhu is still pestering Gu Zhun to ask him to pick up the two signs in his hand.

The treasure owner is also very curious and wants to study.

Because at this time the treasure master discovered that one of the two brands in his hand and one of the two brands in Gu Zhun’s hand seemed to be directly connected.

So the treasure owner is also curious at this time, wanting to see what these two brands will look like together.

Therefore, the guy Baozhu was also entangled with Gu Zhun at this time, and he wanted to take the brand from Gu Zhun’s hand to study and study.

However, how could Gu Zhun not know the thoughts of this guy.

Things are in the hands of this kind of collecting crazy demons, and then want to come back, it is not that simple.

So Gu Zhun ignored the treasure master at all.

He wouldn’t give him a card at all.

But at this time, the uncomfortable is the treasure master.

If it was someone else, the treasure master might have started directly at this time.

Because in this respect, this guy has paranoid needs, but the treasure owner pondered it again and evaluated it based on Gu Zhun’s various previous records.

Baozhu himself did not believe that he could beat Gu Zhun.

Even if Gu Zhun is now Immortal Body self destructed, the treasure master is still very virtual.

So at this time, the treasure master directly stopped the idea of ​​starting with Gu Zhun.

From this moment on, he was determined to follow Gu Zhun.

Until Gu Zhun got the rat bite the sky and opened the card.

In this way, the entire group left this street directly and walked forward.

Along the way, Gu Zhun also introduced to them the origin of this precious mirror obtained from the treasure master.

This precious mirror was originally called the Yin-Yang Refining Mirror.

It is a Supreme Treasure from the Ancient period.

Even the history of this treasure can be traced farther back to the ancient period.

Regarding the specific origin of this treasure, Gu Zhun does not actually clear it.

Even the previous owner of this treasure.

He didn’t know very well, just got this treasure from that place.

And for this treasure, the treasure owner only knows some signs.

I only know that this precious mirror has something to do with the 9 Dragon Viewing Mirror, one of the 9 Great World Treasures.

There is even such a sentence in the Nine Realms of the Ancient period.

Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang is divided into 2 mirrors.

Of the 2 mirrors mentioned in this sentence, one of the mirrors is one of the 9 Dragon Viewing Mirrors.

The 9 Dragon Viewing Mirror is also the sun mirror in the Yin-Yang 2 mirror.

As for the shadow mirror, this is the Yin-Yang celestial mirror.

This mirror was originally dug out when the treasure owner was digging a sacred mine in a mountain range.

At that time, Baozhu dug a whole piece of sacred mine, and finally, accidentally dug out this Yin-Yang Refining Mirror.

When this mirror was dug out, the Heaven and Earth mutation, Purple Qi Donglai 80,000 li, scared the treasure master himself.

Because even if Jiebao was born at the beginning, it is estimated that this is the case.

There are 2 ways to use this Yin-Yang magic mirror.

The first can reproduce various Martial Arts.

Even heaven defying has reached the point where even Emperor Grade Martial Arts can be reproduced.

And the re-enacted Martial Arts can be used again, that is, it is sent by the other way.

But unfortunately, you can only use it once for each engraving.

As for second, in addition to Martial Arts, you can also engrave various magic weapons.

But unlike Martial Arts, if it is copied on site, it can only be used once.

If it is completely copied, it can be used all the time.

The above two usages were used by Gu Zhun when there was no Old Ancestor before.

As for the last use of Yin-Yang Immortal Refining Mirror, it is legendary refining immortals.

Legend has it that this mirror was truly made by Immortal in the ancient times.

In the ancient times, Nine Realms has not been divided. In that era, it is said that there was an Immortal, and a Great Expert used this mirror to refine a True Immortal alive.

But in the end, this matter is true or false, but no one has always known, but Gu Zhun has witnessed the two functions of the mirror.

So long ago, Gu Zhun had been greedy for this mirror.

But at that time, he had been squeezed in his hands by the treasure master, and Gu Zhun couldn’t get it.

But now, the guy, Baozhu, sent all these things out in order to go to Outer Domain.

It can only be said that Gu Zhun picked up a leak.

If it is normal, this kind of treasure will not be given away by the treasure master no matter what.

In fact, the treasure owner also knows that places like Outer Domain are too dangerous.

I am afraid that if you look at the entire Nine Realms, Gu Zhun has also been there, and he has retired completely.

So I can only ask Gu Zhun here.

Yin-Yang refining the fairy mirror, this thing Gu Zhun said is not good, the formidable power is probably comparable to the world treasure.

Even if it is not as good as the Jiebao, it is actually not weak. After all, it is something that can be copied by Heaven and Earth 10000. No matter how bad it is, where can it be?

Therefore, Gu Zhun attaches 10000 points to the Yin-Yang Immortal Mirror.

This thing, I’m afraid he might be able to use it in the Outer Domain in the future!

So, this time is actually too many thanks, treasure lord this guy!

Moreover, in fact, even if the treasure master did not deliver it this time, Gu Zhun would definitely go to the treasure master if he had the opportunity in the future. He almost certainly got this thing!

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