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Things have progressed to the present, anyway, this Yin-Yang Lian Xianjing is in Gu Zhun’s hands.

Gu Zhun put away such a wonderful treasure.

This thing may not have much effect on the treasure master’s side, but it is extremely useful in Gu Zhun!

And this time with one arrow and 3 carvings, not only got the Yin-Yang Refining Mirror, but also understood the third piece of Rat Bite Heaven to open the card, and even rely on the Rat Bite Heaven to open cards to draw to an expert like the treasure master.

With such an expert joining him, Gu Zhun will be sure to go to Outer Domain in the future.

At this time, on the road, Gu Zhun also chatted with Baozhu.

“I haven’t seen it for so many years, Old Guy, I have a lot of good things in my hand, 9 big world treasures and so on, now I should have stock on hand.”

Gu Zhun said suddenly at this time.

At this time, when the treasure master heard Gu Zhun’s words, his expression was strange and laughed.

“What is Gu Sheng talking about? What is 9 Great World Treasure, I have never heard of it.”

Gu Zhun gave this guy a blank glance.

Rolling his eyes repeatedly.

This old bastard still pretends to be stupid with himself, I don’t know if I ask 3?

9 What does Dajiebao do not know?

If this is someone else’s, maybe Gu Zhun would really believe it.

But if the person who said this is the Old Guy, the treasure lord, Gu Zhun will not believe it.

This old bastard, for several 10,000,000 years, does nothing but collect treasures.

9 Dajiebao’s Peak treasure, he doesn’t know?

Unless the sow can fly and the boar goes up the tree, Gu Zhun will believe it.

“You really don’t know what the 9 Great World Treasures are?”

Gu Zhun looked at the treasure master with a strange look.

The treasure master was nodded immediately, and his eyes were more sincere than anyone else.

“Well, I was still prepared. If you know what the 9 Great World Treasures are, then I will show you one of the World Treasures that I have obtained over the years, since you have never even heard of it. ,Then forget it.”

Gu Zhun seemed to shake his head and sighed.

But as soon as he said this, the treasure master’s eyes suddenly widened.

“What are you talking about? You have a treasure on your body? Which one is it? Tell me!”

The treasure master’s eyes widened, and that is, he grabbed Gu Zhun’s hand in one hand.

“Why, didn’t you say you haven’t heard of Jie Bao? Why are you so excited?” Gu Zhun looked at Bao Zhu and smiled.

This Old Guy just won’t die until the Yellow River!

You have to say this sentence yourself before you are willing to tell yourself the truth.

This treasure master was obviously blushing at this time, but he didn’t have any consciousness of being seen through, he just said.

“Well, can I just remember it?”

The old waist of the treasure master has been hard.

“Well, well, I thought you had never heard of it, but you know me. I have never done a bad business. If you want to see my things, then Take out the stock you have in hand, how about it?”

Gu Zhun said bluntly.

The treasure master hesitated for a while, and finally, he also clenched the teeth: “Okay, deal!”

Listening to the words of the treasure master, Gu Zhun also showed such a smile at the moment.

He guessed, Baozhu, who has collected treasures for so many years, how could it be possible that he didn’t have a world-level cramped cargo in his hand.

I knew this Old Guy had a good thing in his hands, but I lied to it!

At this moment, Gu Zhun and the others also bought a few more things at random, and then went straight back to the resting place of Canghai Sect.

The people of Pure Buddha Island arranged a great place for the Canghai Sect. It was a huge residence.

After all, there were so many people from the Canghai Sect, and no single mansion could not accommodate so many people.

What’s more, the Canghai Sect is also a South Sea Peak power, and it is a power on the same level as Pure Buddha Island!

If Pure Buddha Island doesn’t place a mansion with a card to the Canghai Sect at this moment, isn’t it equivalent to pour stinky water on yourself?

So, for this card, the Azure Sea Sect still needs to have it.

Although Pure Buddha Island and Canghai Sect are secretly at odds with each other, there has even been a great conflict recently, but in this kind of on the surface, the two sides have not yet cast aside all considerations for face.

And looking at treasures at the level of Jiebao, it is naturally impossible to take them out on the street at this time.

Gu Zhun and Baozhu would not be willing.

After all, this thing is very important.

Although they have these 2 Peak powers here.

But within Nine Realms, there are many experts, and there are too many old farts hidden in them.

Even in the ancient times, no one knows whether there is any remnant still survived in the world.

Pure Buddha Island is not a small place either. 10000 Once there is such a level of darkness and power to hide in it, when the time comes, when Jiebao is taken out in such a crowded place and is snatched away, it will be ashamed and thrown to grandma. Home now.

Therefore, even if Gu Zhun and the treasure master 2 are here, they are still cautiously, so they should return to the Canghai Sect first.

Back in the mansion of Canghaizong, Gu Zhun chose a different courtyard.

Two people with Baozhu entered the other courtyard, and Gu Zhun did not even bring Laogui Kunpeng.

Directly ordered them to guard outside the courtyard, and then entered the other courtyard with the treasure master, walked into the main hall, and closed the hall door.

Obviously, this is a very secret thing.

The reason why Laogui and Kunpeng were not even brought along was not because Gu Zhun didn’t believe them.

It’s because the two of them haven’t reached that level yet, this thing about Jiebao, they have too much understood, but they are not good.

Entering the main hall, Gu Zhun and Baozhu 2 slowly sat down and drank a cup of tea.

Gu Zhun looked towards the treasure master.

“Han Sheng, can you start.”

Baozhu, this guy, his own surnamed Han, has a single name with Tao.

Han Tao!

This is the name in the world before the treasure master stepped into the immortal dao.

In the Nine Realms of the Ancient period, there were not many people who knew the real name of the treasure lord, and they added up to only ten fingers!

Gu Zhun knows that’s all.

And Gu Zhun treasure lord, this level of power, is called each other by the holy character.

Therefore, the treasure master called Gu Zhun Gu Sheng, and Gu Zhun called the treasure master also called Han Sheng.

At this moment, the treasure master listened to Gu Zhun’s words and naturally knew what he was talking about.

At this time, the treasure master will not be inked.

Since Gu Zhun has promised, people of his level will naturally not regret it.

At this moment, he also directly touched his hand into the void.

At the level of Gu Zhun and others, in fact, low-level storage bags such as storage bags are no longer used.

What they usually put is directly stored in the void.

Just like Gu Zhun’s Void Treasury, the treasure master also has the same means as Gu Zhun.

Storing treasure directly in the void is safer than storing it in a storage bag.

Because there are countless layers of space in the void space.

It’s like a 1000-layer pie. You can put things in a certain position, and on a certain layer, if you are not yourself, even if it is Gu Zhun’s level, it will always be impossible to find other treasures that can be hidden.

The treasure owner obviously also used this method of hiding things.

However, at this time, Gu Zhun is actually very curious, if there is an opportunity, he really wants to go to the treasure house of the treasure master, Old Guy.

After all, he wanted to see what kind of treasure the treasure master possessed for so many years!

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