The cheers and shouts soaring across the sky.

It's just that Ruo Meng'er didn't scream with these people, because she was wondering, what only stayed in the earth formation, she had clearly tried her best to form two formations, the golden formation and the water formation!

Even she didn’t know how she came to this soil!

I couldn't help but looked at the eight-legged spider lying on his shoulders again.

Perhaps, only it knows all the answers.

But unfortunately, although it can understand what people say, it will not say anything.



"Let’s go to the North Area to go through the procedures!"

"Go through the procedures !"

Soon, too many people took off and flew towards the north direction. They were very eager to become students of Nine Eyes Academy now. from now on, they are the masters!

Heaven's Chosen Child!

A few years later, they graduated from the Jiumu Academy, and they will even become the consuls of some planets in Jiumu County! In charge of the destiny of countless people!

"What the hell is going on?"

"What happened?"

Perhaps, the most confused, only she Ruomenger, Obviously experienced a lot of Formation, why these people say it is one, but it is also very fast, she shook the head.

Yes, let him go!

She passed the Academy's assessment!

From now on, she is a student of Jiumu Academy!

"Dad, mom, younger brother, have you seen it? I am a student of Jiu-Mu Academy, and I am finally a student of Jiu-Mu Academy!"

Suddenly, Ruo Meng'er knelt directly on the ground, big drops of tears fell from the corner of her eyes and sank into the ground.

No one knows what kind of pain and pressure she has endured in the past few years. Her parents and family have been slaughtered. Her only thought is revenge!

For this, she has slept in a dirty garbage planet, ate the worst meal, and did the hardest thing. Her only goal is to enter the Nine Eyes Academy! Because only Jiumu Academy can train her into a powerhouse and a Martial Artist with battle strength!

Only then have the opportunity to take revenge!

Along the way, she doesn't know how many pairs of shoes she wears, and even because she has no travel expenses, she makes money by doing business on the road all the year round. Even if she hadn't met Ning Tianlin in Waiyou, she would have been swallowed up by the starry sky tornado!

"Dad, mom, don’t worry, I will definitely cultivation in the Academy, and increase the battle strength the fastest!"

Ruo Meng'er doesn’t care if people around her look strange. Looking slowly, leaning over, putting his forehead against the ground, in the heart made the heaviest oath, "Dad, mom, younger brother, if Meng'er swears, I will surely kill the enemy and help you Revenge!"

"In this life, I will kill the barren peak pirates cleanly! Leave none!"

In the past, she also wanted to send such a revenge. Oath, but she dare not do anything else, because she simply doesn't know if she has this opportunity, if she can't even go to the Nine Eyes Academy, or can't enter, what is the use of her vow!

But now, she has stood here and has become a student of Jiumu Academy, she has this qualification!

Although she still doesn't know how long and how long it takes to get revenge, she is already on this platform, and she has this opportunity after all!

"Also, even if I can't avenge my revenge, if anyone can slash my enemies for me, I will be hers in this life and this life! Work extremely hard for him, and don't hesitate!"

Silently, Ruo Meng'er swears in the heart again, because she is not sure that she has such a battle strength to revenge, after all, she doesn't know what battle strength the pirates of Huangfeng have.

But now she has a chance at Jiumu Academy.

Here is powerhouse as clouds, if she can’t, she will ask for help!

For this, she can give everything!

She even couldn't help but, in her mind, the appearance of Ning Tianlin emerged. I don't know whether he will help if he won't succeed in the end.

If it's him. . . . . . .

She is really willing and willing to give everything.


After doing everything, Ruo Meng'er stood up from the ground, then turned sideways, glanced at the eight-legged spider still lying on his shoulders, and even stretched out his hand , Grabbed it in the palm of his hand.

With tears on his face, he smiled and said, "Let’s go, go and see your master!"

"You little thing, probably miss your master too Come on!"

She doesn't know what's wrong. Now she wants to tell Ning Tianlin the good news of being admitted to the Academy, the life saving benefactor that helped him and saved her! I even plan to wait until I will go to the Academy to report and go through the formalities.

Furthermore, she used to be a little afraid of eight-legged spiders. When she first saw it, she even frightened her. But now, the more she looks, the more kind she gets, and she even reaches out her hand. , Stroked its hair.

At the end, I picked it up to my mouth, fiercely kissed it!

"Let's go."


After kissing, smiled, moved towards the valley where Ning Tianlin was and flew away.

"I was forced to kiss by a beautiful woman..."

The eight-legged spider turned into by Ning Tianlin was a little dazed at the moment. He was actually given After kissing, although the other party did not know that it was an ominous beast that he had turned into, even though the other party did not know that it was an ominous beast, but mouth to mouth is a fact.

"However, it is also very fragrant."


Ning Tianlin's nose moved, he laughed in his heart, and then his thoughts flashed Moved, began to transform the body, leaving the eight-legged spider with the centipede change here, and it has appeared directly in the valley.

Otherwise, if the dream arrives later, you will simply not be able to find yourself.

. . . . . .

"Big Brother Ning, I have passed the test, and I have passed the test!"

"I am now a student of Jiumu Academy!"

As soon as she saw Ning Tianlin, Ruo Meng'er said it out loud happily, and even before Ning Tianlin's reaction, she ran directly to Ning Tianlin, opened her arms, and gave her a heavy hug.

And it's the kind of hug that hasn't been separated for a long time.




Ning Tianlin was taken aback , Unexpectedly, as soon as he came up, he was hit by a beauty. If he changed to someone else, he might just push away, but somehow, facing Ruo Meng'er, he didn't have the idea of ​​pushing away.

On the contrary, some nostalgia for this kind of tenderness.

"Thank you."

"Thank you Big Brother Ning."

"Really thank you."

Ruomeng's His forehead, lying on Ning Tianlin's shoulders, solemnly thanked him, his voice whispered, with endless gratitude.

"You are welcome."

Ning Tianlin didn't know what to say, the right hand raised up unconsciously, and then, slowly, on the back of Ruo Meng'er When she was patted, she said softly, "Well, we will be the senior junior sister in the future."


If Meng'er was nodded, she only noticed it later. , I was now lying on a man's shoulder, and couldn't help but stand upright, his face slightly red, and some didn't dare to look directly at Ning Tianlin's gaze.

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