
"You go to do your work."

Ning Tianlin smiled, didn't care, "There will be You can find me for anything."

"In this Academy, there is no such thing as I can't settle."

Ning Tianlin doesn't know how he would say such a sentence. In the past, he would not say that, or to others. In the impression of others, he is indifferent and domineering, but not ostentatious.


Ruo Meng'er also smiled, nodded. But she didn't think that Ning Tianlin was talking big, the kind of horror that almost swallowed the sky when she saved her that day, and in Fuchun Tower, even the powerhouse ranked in the top 100 in the Academy was killed.

In addition to the eight-legged spider who is crawling on his shoulders and saved his life several times, he, Big Brother Ning, has this strength!

"Big Brother Ning, give this back to you."

Speaking, grabbed the neck of the eight-legged spider on the shoulder and handed it to Ning Tianlin.


Ning Tianlin smiled and reached out to take it.

"Then Big Brother Ning, I...Goodbye."

"I will go through the enrollment procedures first."

Although there are differences She said, but Ruo Meng'er turned and left slowly after she finished speaking. Yes, Big Brother Ning is also a student, always staying at the Academy, and there will be more time to meet in the future.

Looking at Ruo Meng'er's back, Ning Tianlin easily contained the eight-legged spider in his body. This is also the first time Wanzu Centipede has left himself, but has helped others.

Ning Tianlin doesn't know why he wants to do this. It stands to reason that he is too lazy to take care of general nosy and irrelevant matters.

"Now, after waiting ten days, the Academy will start the competition tournament."

"The top ten will have the opportunity to represent the Academy to participate in Namzhan Palace, and others County talent competition!" Ning Tianlin not only knows that this is the real 1st step in the Galaxy Martial Dao competition, but also knows that there are too many geniuses wanting to compete in this Martial Dao competition. In the middle of the head, shine in the galaxy.

Even the final participant is not necessarily only Human Race!

"Ning Tianlin, come out for me!"

Not long after Ruo Meng'er left, an old voice echoed throughout the valley, and he could not help being frowned because of this Voice, domineering, impudent, and even more disrespectful!

Divine Consciousness was released, and three old men stood in the void, staring indifferently at the valley.


What makes Ning Tianlin feel strange is that these three old people are all women!

The leader in the middle, leaning on an ominous beast head crutch. The eyes of ominous beasts, the red color, although they are made of materials, Ning Tianlin estimates that there should be an ominous beast's soul sealed.

On the left and right, there are also women about her age, one holding a sword, the other holding a knife, and they are all wearing the ancient palace costumes of Earth. Although a little surprised, they are generally similar.

Furthermore, on the clothes of these three people, on the left side of the chest, are printed with a piece of bamboo, with some bamboo leaves growing on it.

"Who are these people?"

Ning Tianlin was puzzled, he didn't remember, he had hatred with these three people in front of him. At such an age, it is definitely not a student. And the clothes of these three people are not very different, they should be the same kind of people, and it is very likely that they are not teachers and the like.

"But since I'm not a teacher or a student, I can still appear in Jiumu Academy so ostentatiously to find someone, then there is only one kind of person, Fuchun Tower!"

" People in Fuchun Tower, they are looking for their own revenge!"

I killed several Steward in Fuchun Tower, and in the end they didn't know if they had paid the bills. They would definitely not give up.

"It's just didn't expect, you guys are really late."

After thinking about everything and knowing the person, Ning Tianlin doesn't care much anymore. Squint, he originally thought that the other party would avenge immediately, but never thought that it has been more than ten days or twenty days before the other party found his own hands.

The reaction is really slow.

If in the past, he still had some scruples about acting at Jiu-Mu Academy and couldn't let go, but now, the real controller Jiu-Mu is in his hands, what else is there to worry about.

"Ning Tianlin, come out!"

"Give you thirty seconds, if you don't come out, I will level your valley."

Hearing no response, the headed Old Lady, shouted again.

The sound shook all over the valley, and it attracted some people from outside the valley. After all, such a big battle is impossible, no one does not know.

"Who are they?"

"Should not be from Academy?"

In a moment, sixty or seventy students gathered around. But none of them are close, they are all pointing fingers outside. They also recognized that the clothes on these people were not from the nine-eye Academy. I'm afraid there are more people from outside.

But how can someone from outside enter the Jiumu Academy?

You must know that today is the day of the Academy freshman assessment. Although it is over, the gatekeeper must still be there. I don’t know how much stricter than before, how these people got in.

But doubts turned to doubts, these onlookers did not intend to come forward to help and ask questions. Because they all know that this is the site of the pet lineage teacher Jinglinger.

She is a good person, but she is not much better.

Plus the rumors that the pet lineage is a weak chicken, they really want to see how Ping Ling'er, as a teacher, would deal with such a thing!

Spread it on her site, will it be shot out!

"Just who is this Ning Tianlin? How did you get the women outside?"

A young student just heard clearly, but these three women shouted directly The other party's name is out, Ning Tianlin. At the same time, "If you want me to see, this Ning Tianlin is definitely not something, and it will bully some old and weak women and children outside."

"No, the old people are here!"

"And I guess, this Ning Tianlin must be a coward. The old man has shouted for so long, and still hides in the valley and can't come out. I think it must be the teacher who asked Jingling to give him a blessing! "

"It's a student of pet lineage, it's very rubbish!"

There is sarcasm in this person's eyes. He despises pet lineage from the bottom of his heart. He has no battle strength. Just rely on some ominous beasts to support the scene. But what is the use of your ominous beast training, you don't have any battle strength, if you are sneak attacked, you don't know how to die!


"You say it again?"

"Whose name did this old man call?"

Just As soon as he finished speaking, a student who had just arrived next to him was complexion changed. He seemed to hear something incredible, and at the same time he was extremely excited. He asked the person who had just spoken and satirized Ning Tianlin, "Hurry up."

"This old man, is he calling Ning Tianlin again?"

"Is he calling Ning Tianlin?"

This student, but knows that the Academy has happened recently For some of the major events, the names of the parties are firmly remembered.

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