"Ning Tianlin VS Three Treasures of the Family."

"Be prepared and start in 3 minutes."

The referee’s voice was loud and shocking. Through the sky.


Ning Tianlin did not hesitate, body flashed, and appeared on the ring. Even he felt that the incident was really amazing, and he was able to meet the three brothers all at once.

Just now their conversation, with his ear power, has long heard clearly. I also know that these three people are pro-three siblings.

But the three treasures of the family did not leave immediately, and his complexion became extremely ugly. What kind of luck, their three siblings and this Ning Tianlin are really on the bar!

"Forget it, Sambo, don't go."

"Give up."

"Sometimes you just take it back."

Dabao Erbao persuaded him.

Although the Three Treasures have promised just now that they will definitely stand on the ring and come to him for a Heaven and Earth turning upside down, but now this will definitely not be realized. This Ning Tianlin, simply is not what they can win, they are not at the same level.


"Just now, I won’t take it back!"

"It’s only a hundred years since we have this kind of opportunity. Could it be that we three Have you all given up like this?"

"Even if I lose, I have to be defeated too!"

"Besides, if you say something, like spilled water, you won’t be able to take it back. Now, I must keep the promise!"

My family's Three Treasures condensed and made up their minds. Even though she knows the other party's vicious and merciless, she wants to give it a try!

If you lose, you must lose with dignity!

"Ten seconds left!"




And soon, the referee on the ring has started the countdown. In the last three seconds, the three treasures of the family flickered and appeared on the ring.


Ning Tianlin raised his brows and glanced at the other party, but he didn't expect her to actually come.

He heard the words of the three siblings just now. He couldn't think of this woman, who was really a stubborn lord and didn't even care about her life.

However, I am really so unreasonable. Is everything killing? Is he really such a scourge?

If this were the case, Zhu Gongxin, who had been kneeling outside the valley, would have been killed long ago. How could she have a chance to become Ruo Meng'er's servant.

"Master Ning, are you ready? Can the game begin?"

Since both sides have arrived, the game is ready to start, but the referee will focus on He touched Ning Tianlin's body, please ask. He even asked Ning Tianlin if he was ready?

"You don't know if it starts or not?"

Ning Tianlin is a little puzzled, you should be the one who said this. Besides, what he needs to prepare, he has enough centipede to cope with everything.

His current identity is still the pet master of pet lineage!

"That... will it begin?"

When the referee heard Ning Tianlin's questioning, he was not only not angry, but even more cautiously.

No way, this person must serve as a grandfather, but even Dean Jiumu has to call him the Lord of the adults! If you are not satisfied, no one will dare to seek justice for him if he is killed by the referee.

"Let's start."

Ning Tianlin speechlessly nodded.


As soon as his words fell, the centipede on his shoulders had already shot out like lightning, and went straight to the body of the three treasures of the family. When she reacted in horror, she opened her mouth and bit on the tender meat on her arm.

In an instant, the hands of the three treasures of the family holding the weapons became swollen, and even the weapons involuntarily fell to the ground.

Subsequently, the body of the three treasures of the family, with a speed visible to naked eye, filled with a black air, starting from the hands, it quickly spread all over the body. After a while, he fell heavily on the ring.

"Three Treasures!"

"Three Treasures!"

Two exclamations came from under the ring, and the two treasures of the family were madly trying to rush forward. The younger sister took it away, and they also saw that the Sambo was poisoned! The situation is very bad!

If you go slower, there will definitely be life concerns!

But their bodies were blocked long ago! The game is not over yet, how can you go up? Annoyed Ning Tianlin, he also left you two on the ring.

Especially the referee on the ring, Fiercely gave them a glare. The game is not over yet, who dares to be impudent here. But seeing that both of them were under control, they didn't run to the ring, and didn't say anything.

"So fast!"

"Quick like lightning!"

"Is this the strength of this pet?"

Many people onlookers don’t care about the life and death of the Three Treasures of their own family. They are not relatives or reasons. How can they help? It’s a fun to watch. NS. What they care about is only Ning Tianlin and his centipede.

So fast!

The speed of this centipede is simply outrageous!

Fast as lightning!

Don't talk about the Three Treasures of Life Source, it is impossible to dodge anyone in their place!

"And there are very poisonous!"

Everyone is more concerned about these. The toxin of this pet is absolutely very strong. If not, it will be impossible to remove the Life Source Sambo in the blink of an eye. Down! Although Life Source Sanbao ranks three-four hundred in battle strength, it is also the name of three-four hundred for several millions!

Battle strength should never be underestimated!

But even so, the front opponent still has no power to fight back, let alone if Ning Tianlin releases a pet sneak attack.

This matchup needs to be replaced by them, I'm afraid the same is true.

"I just don't know what Ning Tianlin will do with the Life Source Three Treasures?" Someone questioned.

"What to do?" Someone was coldly snorted, "Of course it was killed."

This person thinks he already knows Ning Tianlin's style well, and explained, "You guys I don’t know, this person is definitely the master of vicious and merciless. If he is unhappy, he will kill him!"

"Although he only showed up a few times at the Academy, he died in his hands. There are definitely a lot of people!"

"Now it is called Ning heavenly demon!"

After speaking, looked towards the three treasures of the family on the ring, knowing that she is hard to avoid calamity this time. .


"Ning heavenly demon?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, how he didn't expect, after only a few days, he actually won this title among the students?

Why are you not called Ning Great Demon or Ning Butcher?

Return heavenly demon!

However, he didn't think too much about it. It was just a nickname. What is it? When he was a student, who didn't have a few nicknames?

"big brother, second brother..."

The three treasures of this family are already a Profound Void at this moment, and they are struggling to open their eyes, looking at the two treasures of this family, it is difficult shook the head, Qiruoyousi said, "Do not come, do not come up."

weeping eyes are like know they will soon die soon, do not want to hurt his two brothers.

Knowing that they are here at this time, there will be absolutely no good fruit to eat.

"Let me go!"

"Let me go!"

"Let me go up!"

"Sambo, I I will definitely bring you down!"

Life Source Erbao struggled in the crowd, and wanted to rush up to bring the younger sister down for treatment. But Life Source Dabao changed his face, gritted his teeth and knelt on the ground abruptly, loudly said, "Master Ning, let us Third Sister."

"She has already lost. !"

"You let her go!"

"Leave her alive!"

After speaking, he kowtowed his head heavily, his forehead and the ground It rang loudly.

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