"My lord!"

"Let her go, she is still young. As long as you can let us off Third Sister, no matter what you ask us to do, we will Promise."

Life Source Dabao knocked the peng peng on his head, his forehead was soaked in blood, and said to Ning Tianlin.

The voice is hoarse, as if there is a crying sound.

The Three Treasures are their treasures, they really don't want the Three Treasures to die like this.


Ning Tianlin looked around the two, one struggling desperately to rush up, the other kowtow on the ground, the blood flowed out, doing this is nothing but for This is lying on the ring, there are already some women who don't know the life or death.

"You really can do everything for her?"

Ning Tianlin stared at the two and asked with a smile.

It's just his smile. In everyone's eyes, there are not many Ghost Messengers. Because we all know that this is the master of killing without blinking an eye.



"For my younger sister, we are willing to do anything!"

Life Source Dabao and Erbao, after hearing this, stopped struggling at the same time, both stared at Ning Tianlin in a daze, and promised.


"This is what you said."

Ning Tianlin nodded, "Then her life, I won't take it!"

Ning Tianlin did not intend to kill the three Life Source treasures. One is lacking hatred and enmity, and the other is a person of this level. The increase in his battle strength is completely insignificant.

It doesn't make much difference whether it takes its life or not.

Also, the practice of the Life Source Big Treasure and the Life Source Two Treasures just touched him faintly. He has a rock-like heart, but he can also be moved by some things. From this siblings The three of them also saw a strong feeling of siblings.

Under such circumstances, they are willing to intercede for the Three Jewels, even regardless of their lives. It is a true and sincere feeling.

He Ning Tianlin appreciates this kind of feeling.



"Thanks to Master Ning, and Master Ning!"

Life Source Big Treasure and Life Source Three Treasures rushed to the ring, they had to pull the Life Source Three Treasures away and then find someone for treatment, for fear that Ning Tianlin would regret it. Even Life Source Dabao opened a bottle cap while walking, poured out a medicine pill, and stuffed it into Life Source Sanbao's mouth.

Detoxification Pill, many Martial Artists carry things with them, but they are also common things. They are also useless for most viruses and some viruses.


Just when the two of them had just helped the Life Source Three Treasures to the bottom, Ning Tianlin opened his mouth and called the two of them.

The two startedled, and their bodies became involuntarily tense.

Do you really regret it?

It’s just that Ning Tianlin’s next words let them dispel this doubt, and they only listened to Ning Tianlin’s words, “If you don’t want her to die, just put her here. My pet’s poison is also So easy to explain?"

Ning Tianlin didn't tell lies, the poisonous and tyrannical centipede of Wanzu, let alone the two of them, there are not many people in the entire Jiumu County who can resist.

Death or injury is everywhere!

And this second Life Source treasure is far from being able to be solved by injury alone.


Life Source Dabao and Erbao couldn't help but be overjoyed. They are not fools. How can they not hear Ning Tianlin's intention to shoot in person, he It is necessary to get rid of the poison from the Three Treasures personally.

Also, whoever hung the bell on the tiger's neck must untie it. In the entire Jiumu County, it is estimated that only Ning Tianlin is the only one who is most familiar with this toxin.


Without waiting for the two to agree, the centipede on Ning Tianlin's body quickly flew out again, landed on the body of the Life Source Three Treasures, and opened his mouth to bite. , But this time it is not to inject toxins, but to absorb.

I saw a puff of black air moving on the Life Source Three Treasures, and then all flowed from the bite to the abdomen of the Wanzu centipede.

And the face of the Life Source Sanbao has also become paler and paler, unlike just now when it was all black.

After a while, there was even a hint of rosy.


After doing all this, the Wanzu centipede flew up and landed on Ning Tianlin.

"Okay, it's okay."

Ning Tianlin waved his hand, indicating that the two of them can take the three Life Source treasures along to withdraw. Although he still looks unconscious, but as long as he goes down, he can take care of him.

"Thank you Lord Ning!"

"Thank you Lord Ning!"

Life Source Dabao and Erbao once again deeply thanked Ning Tianlin , After that, the Life Source Second Treasure will step forward to carry the Life Source Three Treasures and take them away. It’s just that Life Source Dabao didn’t move. Instead, he thought about it, stared into Ning Tianlin’s eyes, and solemnly asked, "I don’t know what Master Ning wants us to do with the three siblings?"

"I just promised Yes, as long as you give instructions, we will definitely do it!"

Life Source Dabao doesn't think that Ning Tianlin will let them go so easily. If they didn’t say such a promise, how could they do it so easily? Just take her younger sister and leave.

"Let’s go down first."

"Three days later, go to the valley to find me."

Ning Tianlin waved his hand and motioned for them to leave. State the purpose here.


The two were nodded, and did not say much, and left after carrying the Life Source Three Treasures. Since they were given some buffer time, they just did it. Maybe, these three days will be the last three days of happiness in their lives.

"Ning Tianlin, win!"

After that, a somewhat daunting referee announced the result.

If someone else was so procrastinated and said irrelevant nonsense on the playing field, he would have been furious and let him leave. But who is this person, Ning Tianlin! The nine-eyed adults must be respected as the characters of the adults, how can they have the courage.

Ning Tianlin has been standing here all the time, and they dare not say anything.

. . . . . .

Then, for the next five or six hours, Ning Tianlin participated in more than a dozen games. Some people surrendered automatically, and some wanted to try to reach out to see if Ning Tianlin’s pet said So magical.

But there is only one result, and that is Ning Tianlin wins!

Almost seven hours, Ning Tianlin broke out from more than a thousand players and entered the top twenty.

Then, a one-on-one decisive battle began.

It is still the elimination system, and the ten people who stand in the end are the winners.

"Ning Tianlin VS Albis!"

"Ning Tianlin wins!"

In just a few seconds, the referee announced the start and also announced As a result, the speed of the game made everyone look at Ning Tianlin's centipede in disbelief. Is this creature really powerful and invincible?

Who can win?

It's all a kill!

I have never seen it take a second bite!

But since it is so powerful, how can his Ning Tianlin control it at will?

Especially the students of pet lineage, they are envious of Ning Tianlin this pet to death. If they had this thing instead, wouldn't they dominate the Jiumu Academy at will?

His Ning Tianlin is not great, but ate dogshit luck, with such a powerful pet!

If the ring blocks them, so can they!

After another half an hour, there were only ten players standing on the ring.

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