
Ning Tianlin smiled and looked at if Menger, nodded.

But he felt the other party will not help themselves in the battle the next house looking south genius, this level of fighting, and only he is the greatest help. Even a top ten students who are not, how will help themselves.

He nodded, but also entirely sake if Menger's.

"Come in." After

agreed, Ning Tianlin as without delay directly to the void, said a cry, the whole valley, even with the mountains outside, came the majesty of his sound.


"really agree!"

claiming Qi En young man, about to knock a few heads at first did not know, Ning Tianlin hear the sound of that moment, followed is a joy, and sure enough, his own guess is correct, this Ning Tianlin, is to see someone kowtow!


wait, you can order your soft-hearted regret!

Qi En Lengmang will firmly press in the heart, can not show the slightest! Against the Ning Tianlin this level of horror figure, he must be cautious!

quickly stood up, against flying down the valley.


Ning Tianlin hear the sound, to see this Qi En flying down, many onlookers are robust, they agreed, it seems this Ning Tianlin really is not Great Demon ah, ah a lot of difference, actually always soft-hearted!

Last Hope a bamboo house, this is the man.

Is it really will be able to kneel things done?

. . . . . .





Qi Enmai footsteps, step by step moved front towards Ning Tianlin silhouette around, silent, solemn, are like the whole valley, only the sound of his footsteps.

"Meet Ning adults!"

After a few seconds, to stand before the Ning Tianlin body, directly knelt down and did not look if the edge has accompanied the Menger. He made it clear, this time dared to look at the woman, is disrespectful.


Ning Tianlin faint nodded, but soon grace light, but did not let Qi En stand up, but asked, "Well, what do and I talk over? you have one minute of time, make it clear. "

Ning Tianlin do not want to waste time on such a person, ready to kneel man can have several promising. In particular, just on the outside, in front of so many people bow down themselves.

I do not know what man knees with gold!


Qi En nodded, not nonsense, direct that had come, said, "I know that adults are feeding pets Master, I think from the hands of adults, buy one pair of little use for your pet. "

" it's remuneration! "

said, reaching a bottle of golden light-emitting agent, appeared in his hands.

meaning obvious, this golden drug is remuneration!

"You want me to pet?"

Ning Tianlin surprised a moment, how also did not expect the other side to help not only themselves, but they have to find something! To what with his pet! I have a pet to his ass!

At the same time free to take a look at a pharmacy a golden glowing hearts smile, although this drug contains the energy is good, but now own it, and of little use.

most important, he felt a little funny, why is he from Qi En's body, felt confident one kind of mystery, looks like he is very determined that they need a bottle of golden agents.


Qi En nodded, "I need to kill a person, as a family revenge. And I can not afford to, so I would like to borrow an adult pet, it help me do one thing. "

do not know Qi En say is not a lie, but to talk about revenge killings, without the slightest pause. But unexpected, and he was a bit nervous, because he had just been watching Ning Tianlin demeanor, only to see he just glanced at the golden agent in their hands, and have not the hereafter.

That with his imagination a little different ah!


Not ah!

Looks like you should have been a long time watching ah! This is a good thing ah! Something for you, pirated software!

"Why should I help you?"

Ning Tianlin Qi En staring eyes and asked, "Relying on your hands this stuff?"

We do not know what it is, but the energy was arrayed, it will not have much effect, moreover, he wanted nothing Ning Tianlin, who all the world, he can get there from the battle strength exchange system.

consumed, it simply essence points.

"With my hands something?"

Qi En seemed to hear the world's most incredible thing in general, you Ning Tianlin Tamar is a fool it! We recognize what this stuff is inside? Just say so!

But he did not speak these words out, and if not, I am afraid the next second he would belch fart! This ability is not in front of other people, but it is in no way kill blink.

"Ning adults, do you not recognize what this thing is not it?"



This is only possible, in order to explain why the Qing Ning Tianlin not valued.

He will certainly not recognize what the heck it is!

if not, for a pet division, Who can say that this is the case!


Ning Tianlin was brought back just a faint interest, looks like this golden drug, or something not of? You look so serious, you do not really have the goods?

Sure enough, I heard Ning Tianlin ask such questions, Qi En hearts full of endless sneer, Tamar a country bumpkin, this is something sacred relic of your pet division lineage, you did not know !

What an idiot!

just his look, but did not dare show it, but respectful of some flattering road, "rather adults, this is the life shared agent."

"As long as these agents , to take you, and take your pet, since then, you can share your lives! "

Qi En naked eyes full bloom.

With these things, he was not afraid Ning Tianlin do not agree! The original is not known, now know its usefulness, I do not believe you do not vapid promise me?

Life shared agent ah!

pet lineage of sacred relic!

What are the biggest obstacles you pet lineage cultivation that? That is not their own battle strength! Thanks to pet! Never know when the deaths sneak attack, the body, you have a pet then powerful wool!

But agents do not share the same life, with these things, you will be able to share life and your pet! This is your body is sneak attack, the dead can not die, but also pet and share life!

Even if the body has become slag slag can also take advantage of energy recovery pets!

It can be said that with this thing, you pet will not come fear of people sneak attack, ready to mobilize others hunting pet!

The more he thought, the more excited, because as long as Ning Tianlin know the efficacy, would certainly agree to his terms, when the time comes, as long as he dared to take this golden drug, not himself stand up big when call the shots!

just that he could not believe his ears that Ning Tianlin after listening to his explanation, asked one indifferent, "Just this effect?"

seemingly still look disdain?

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