
"That's the effect?"

Qian couldn't believe his ears, you were crazy. Dare to say that, this is the Supreme Treasure of your pet lineage! After eating it, you don't have to worry about being sneak attacked when driving your pet!

Your life can be greatly guaranteed!

"Ning Da...people, did you not hear clearly what I just said?"

Qian stammered a bit Say another sentence, and asked Ning Tianlin. Even Ruo Meng'er at the side stared at Ning Tianlin weirdly, trying to persuade him. Although she didn't know how precious this medicine was, the effect just now sounded really important to pet lineage.


"Do you think I have a problem with my ears?"

Ning Tianlin is frowned instead, looking at Qi En coldly.



Qian waved his hand quickly, motioned not to dare, kidding, if it really makes Ning Tianlin think of him Think of it this way, how can he still have life. But still brace oneself said, "My lord, this life sharing agent, would you like to try it?"

"It's magical, you will know it after you try it."

Odd En has no need to explain what life sharing is. He doesn't believe in Ning Tianlin's Chamber of Commerce and he doesn't know what it is. He guessed that Ning Tianlin doesn't believe in himself.

How can such a magical thing appear in my own hands?

"Try it?"

Ning Tianlin sneered, instead staring at Qi En's eyes, looking at it for a long time, it seems to be alive to see what the other party is thinking.

Of course he knows that life sharing agent is a good thing. It may be nothing for others, but for pet lineage, sacred relic is certainly not an exaggeration. It can be used at critical moments. !

But to him, this is really just tasteless, not even tasteless. Because he and Wanzu centipede's lives have long been shared, and it is the highest level of sharing.

Even battle strength can be interchanged.

It is far from comparable to this life-sharing agent.

The most important reason for his sneer is because this life-sharing agent, one is not a real life-sharing agent, and the other is that something is added to it! For others, deadly things!

This Qien in front of him has no good intentions for himself!

"Did he find it?"


"This thing is colorless and tasteless, nothing unusual, don’t try it again, simply It's impossible to know."

Qien suppressed the doubts and fears in his heart, but it was really straight hair that Ning Tianlin saw. This kind of look is completely understood! If he is really discovered, he must die without a whole corpse!

"gu lu!"

It's just that, what excites him is that after Ning Tianlin stared at him for a long time, the other party turned his head up and drank most of the golden potion in his hand. , And then fed most of the rest to the mouth of the centipede who had been lying on the side.

He knows that this centipede is Ning Tianlin's most powerful pet.


"Very good!"

"You idiot! Have you finally given it to drink!"



Qien laughed wildly in his heart, while in the heart sighed in relief, his eyes were filled with excitement, "Dad, mom, clansman, I I am going to avenge you!"

"I am going to avenge you!"

My heart is raging and angry!

He Qien is not someone else, but Ning Tianlin is the only survivor left after slaughtering the consul family on a planet. And his real name is not Chien, but Bath.

The reason for using this name is because he is worried about what Ning Tianlin will think of after hearing his real name.


"I'm going to avenge you soon!"

Qien was excited, but he still didn't violent, but Kneeling beside Ning Tianlin, waiting for his and centipede's reaction. Even in the heart began to count, "Ten, nine, eight, seven... Three, two, one!"


Sure enough, when he had just counted one, he saw Ning Tianlin in front of him, dangling, his eyes dull, as if he was about to fall to the ground at any time. Even the centipede on the side, the scarlet eyes slowly closed, his breath waned, as if it were about to be destroyed at any time.


Barn's heart had already mentioned in his throat, and seeing that the potion he had brought had an effect, one person and one thing fell on the ground. He no longer kneeled, but the dust on his knees was patted, and slowly stood up from the ground.

Even the expression on his face gradually changed from the horror that was just now to gloomy.

When Ning Tianlin looked up at him with weak eyes, he was even more impudent laughing wildly, like crazy.

From beginning to end, he didn't take Ruo Meng'er who was still standing beside him seriously.

Because he inquired early on how much battle strength this woman has and what her identity is. It was just a singer dancing in Fuchun Tower. The battle strength is only over 100,000, so where can she go!

Simply is not his opponent!

"Big Brother Ning, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with you?"

The moment Ning Tianlin fell, she had already jumped up , Investigating Ning Tianlin’s injuries, while looking up, he asked Barn loudly, "What did you do to Big Brother Ning?"

"The potion is poisonous!"

" It's not a life-sharing potion!"

She is not a fool. At this moment, the only object of suspicion is the bottle of golden potion she just drank.

"No! No! You are wrong."

Barn has lost the slightest timidity, as if the two lambs to be slaughtered are just in front of him. I can't afford to make a big wave, while talking, laughing heartily.

Just smiled, but his face became more and more gloomy. It even seems to make Ning Tianlin dead perfectly clear, staring at Ning Tianlin's eyes, taunted, "But you are wrong, it is indeed a life-sharing agent!"

"And it is not poisonous!"


Bane said with a sneer, "What you don’t know is that life sharing agent has another drawback, that is, within the first 3 minutes after swallowing, due to the mutual transfer of life energy, taking Its person’s body energy will instantly drop to the lowest level, and the battle strength will be reduced to a dozen or so."

"Not even a dozen points!"

"Also That is to say, in these 3 minutes, I can do whatever I want! He simply can't resist!"

Ban is talking about the facts, he is actually betting that Ning Tianlin doesn’t know the drawbacks. , I am also betting on whether the baby passed down from his family is really effective. Even when he came, he didn't think about going back alive, either Ning Tianlin died, or he died!

The bet is right, he wins! He takes revenge!

He lost the bet, he was dead! He never had a chance again.

The enemy of killing his father, absolutely irreconcilable, let alone this Ning Tianlin, slaughtered his entire clan!

Fortunately, now it seems that he has won!

Everything is under his control!

He wants to take revenge!

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